Ann N's Hurrahs and Hisses
1. Closed my eyes during the 1st raid on the winery & kept them closed
until Xander's scream stopped. Foiled you again, ME!
2. Even though it didn't happen, I was able to toy with the thought that
Kennedy was going to die.
3. Buffy pulling up the scythe-that-looks-like-an-ax right in front of
Caleb. (Am tempted to make cracks about old Battle-axes.....)
4. Faith isn't dead yet.
5. Xander and Dawn chat as they search the car (unless Dawn hinted that
Miss Kitty Fantastico got killed by a cross-bolt).
6. Giles may not know how to surf the internet, but he still knows stuff.
7. Anya & Andrew at the hospital (good thought, Andrew!)
8. Hey, the Shadow guys did become the Watchers!
9. We found out why Caleb is so strong.
1. The not-very-sincere-sounding speech Buffy gave to Xander
2. Giles actually said No more fun and games for you [off camera] to Xander?
3. Kennedy survived.
4. The First told Caleb to let Buffy go. LAME!
5. The dialog between Buffy and Spike was tainted by the earlier Buffy &
Xander scene. Give the guys what they want to get their cooperation, eh,
6. Buffy didn't look sufficiently wary when she opened that tomb door and
found burning torches & candles.
7. Caleb killed the old lady.
8. Angel gave no hint of his recent losses.
9. Didn't feel a thing during the B/A smooch. I shut down when Angel
showed up.