The symbolism of Spike's trial
by Vickie
After reading the wildfeed for Grave I'm struck by the symbolism
of one of Spike's trials, namely the scarab beetles. So I decided
to do a little research into the meaning of the scarab beetle.
The Scarab (or Dung-Beetle) was a sacred symbol for the ancient
Egyptians, who associated it with the sun which brought renewal,
rebirth, and more importantly resurrection. In early Egyptian history
the Scarab beetle also represented the soul being resurrected.
During mummification a stone scarab was placed over the heart of
the mummy to ensure the eternal endurance of the human soul as the
person made the journey into the Afterworld. It was also seen as
symbolising the sun god Khephri and was thought to be able to cause
the deceased's heart to come back to life.
So, after learning more about dung than I've ever thought possible,
what do I think the future has in store for our lad? Well my spidey-
senses are buzzing and I'm leaning towards ensouling being only
a small part of what happened to Spike in the final scene of Grave.
I find it intriguing that in the final scene Lurky the Demon places
his hand over Spikes heart as he grants Spike's request, much like
the Scarab was placed upon the deceased's heart. I think that Lurky
is a giant, talking Scarab beetle and therefore Spike has also been
resurrected, humanised in whole or in part (trying not to think
of one part in particular ;-) )
Of course all this means bugger all if the shooting script for
Grave shows that in fact they weren't Scarab beetles but common
or garden beetles of the 'incrediblus dullus' species. If that happens
I'll just have to start researching the symbolism of demons with
flaming hands. :-)
-- Just Me *heretoforth known as Vickie Queen of the Nile*