Klytaimnestra's Review of "Two to Go" and "Grave"
by Klytaimnestra
Klytaimnestra's Review of "Two to Go" and "Graves"
Excellent wrapup. Parts for all the troop, well integrated, balanced,
excellent action, funny dialogue; good Buffy stuff.
"Make me what I was" ... "So the Slayer can get what's coming
to her" ... "So Buffy can get what she deserves".
It appears that what she deserves is an ensouled, but not a human,
Spike. Okay, so I was wrong. "Been there", I thought. "Done that".
Now all I can say is "all right, let's see how you play it this
time." Thank heavens he's still a vampire at least; wimp!Spike was
too awful to contemplate. Wonder what the soul will make of the
No damn brooding, though, I won't stand for it. Here's hoping his
soul doesn't demand that he give up the peroxide. The hair gel's
past praying for.
A great moment
Spike with his shirt off again. Before he had all the bruises,
I mean, which made appreciating him feel kind of icky. Exactly how
often is that poor man going to get all beat up before the Joss
is satisfied? All in a good cause, though, it now appears.
Many other great moments
Giles' entry. YES!
Fight between Willow and Buffy. Wow! That was pretty spectacular.
Or am I easily impressed? I liked it.
Willow's lines when she was still evil. Who was it said that the
evil people always get to tell the truth in BtVS? Jerry, I think.
I kept remembering that tonight. Dawn the whiny. Buffy the power-mad,
who really doesn't want to be here. Giles, the father who let Willow
- and Buffy, and everyone - down. Willow the loser, who's been picked
on since junior high, who never had anything except in Tara's eyes.
That line was so painful I nearly wept. "Six years as a side-kick".
I could see how that might get wearing. And of course, "Buffy, every
square inch of your ass really needs to get kicked."
Willow's whole performance; much better than last week, as more
emotion entered in. The spectacular way AH delivered all Willow's
normal vocabulary, all her usual lines, with a completely different
rhythm and intonation; chilling. This IS Willow; it's just EVIL
Anya's scene in the jail.
The nerd duo's comic relief scenes. Andrew searching for a transmitter
implant? Andrew's "Darth Rosenberg and the metachlorions" speech
and Xander's response? (And Anya's, "The annoying virgin has a point.")
This is right up there with the Best of Buffy.
Andrew finally realizing his real strength; the beta flailing and
desperately trying to find another alpha. "I'll follow orders, I
promise. I like to take orders. Tell me what to do!"
That weird 30's snake-and-female sculpture on the phallic Satanist
plot device that rose up from the cliff in the eleventh hour of
script writing. Okay, my mind's divided on the plot device, but
the sculpture was just so obscenely weird I wish it had got more
air time. It probably actually IS Satanist, and would have fried
our eyeballs for sure.
The writing, the pacing (for the most part), the tying-up of most
continuity problems. Someone's been paying attention all year, I'm
glad to finally see.
Dawn's fight scenes. Dawn insisting that she's old enough to be
a player. Good for her. Criminally insane, of course, but good for
Buffy and Dawn both finding their inner Spikes. Buffy to Willow:
"I don't want to hurt you. Doesn't mean I won't." Dawn to Buffy:
"Got your back."
And, okay, Buffy gets to be a hero but ALSO finds out that she
can't do everything. Everyone has a role, and it's the non-super-powered
carpenter who saves the world. I liked both. That Buffy's a hero,
and that love saves the day.
The fact that the last word is Spike's. Even if it's "GRRR AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!"
Some less than great moments
Buffy's pseudo-epiphany yet again even another time, oh, yawn,
in fact, oh, projectile vomit. "Gosh, I really want to live and
be a good big sister to you, Dawn!" And scrape that yucky vampire
off my shoes and forget him along with the rest of the year, one
gathers. Now let's just climb out of this grave together and go
look at the lovely rhododendrons, sign of rebirth and how beautiful
the world really is if you only look at it right. Heavy-handed much?
Was anyone else begging The Powers That Be to just bring back the
Bot next season and spare us any more pointless Slayer navel-gazing?
(Meanwhile, and all right, I liked this juxtaposition, Spike is
still under the ground, forgotten. But not forgetting...)
The rather clumsy exposition stuff they forced Giles and Anya to
spout. At least there wasn't much of it.
Giles' reaction to Buffy's confession of screwing EVERYTHING up,
including, uh, Spike. Maintaining an expression of sympathetic concern
for as long as he could, then exploding into helpless laughter.
My mind is divided here too. Great scene, ASH was wonderful, the
idea was that Giles could draw Buffy out of herself and make even
her see the ridiculous side of the year, and heaven knows the Slayer
is not generally known for her sense of humour. But I didn't quite
believe it.
Buffy asking Dawn for help. A bit heavy-handed.
All of those graves in the last scene, ditto.
Giles saying to Buffy "sometimes the most adult thing to do is
ask for help." But Buffy DID ask for help. She begged him not to
go and said she couldn't do it alone, and she was right, and he
ignored her.
Buffy not saying a word in Spike's defense to Dawn. I suppose I
might be inclined to give Buffy points for not accusing him in the
first place, except that Buffy was just, as usual, shutting everyone
Can't help but notice that my less-than-great moments mostly involve
Buffy. So I suppose that, overall, I don't feel that she's entirely
redeemed. I wonder if they can? We'll see next year.
An appalling realisation
Andrew's actually not bad looking.
Final couples
Xander/Willow? Looks like Colleen may have called that one. High
time if so! There was more passion there than in his entire relationship
with Anya. And it seems that he can love even veiny!Willow, where
veiny!Anya gave him the heebyjeebys. And did anyone notice that
it didn't cross his mind to wonder if Anya was okay in the jail
with Willow? Or that his speech to Willow was very like Anya's most
successful version of her wedding vows? "If I'm going to die I want
it to be with my best friend"? Hmm.
Giles/Anya? Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the fan fiction
writers who sent that energy into the fictosphere, if they actually
run with this one! I certainly saw Anya; not so sure I saw Giles.
And let's be fair, ASH is a generation older than EC, and he and
Giles are presumably both going back to Bath. Still, I can spend
the summer in hope and pleasant fantasy.
Spike/Uberdemon? Entertaining thought. His claw caressed Spike's
naked chest ... Spike cried out - was it agony? or ... something
else??? Okay, I don't think so either.
Jonathan, Andrew and/or the truck driver? Well, how would YOU read
Jonathan reading his choices and sliding closer to Andrew? Glad
he's not dead though. Jonathan I mean. I never really warmed up
to the other one.
Buffy/Dawn? Ewwww.
Line I'm most hoping to hear from Spike next year:
"I know what kind of girl you REALLY are, Slayer. Don't I." Followed
by "Vampire here, yeah? What's your excuse?"
Since, after all, it turns out that sleeping with soulless vampires
is evil. But Buffy was willing to do it anyway. What does that make
Tainted? Not good enough for a vampire with a soul?
Tune in next year -
Predictions for next season:
Really none, except that it will be weird and twisted - this is
ME after all!
Willow will not be entirely herself, because Giles said so. But
her hair is red again, so she won't be the Big Bad.
I don't THINK Spike will be the Big Bad either - he will have a
soul now - but wouldn't that be an evil ME twist, to make the ensouled
Spike evil and unloving, when the soulless one wasn't? We've certainly
seen souled people make evil choices all year long.
And would THAT be what Buffy deserves - to have driven the vampire
who loved her back into the darkness? Or is it too late at night
and I'm getting paranoid? Not sure. This is ME after all ...
Xander and Anya will not get back together.
There will be major action, not all of it positive, maybe not any
of it positive, on the Spike/Buffy axis - all the clues are there
that they will be a major focus.
Dawn will be the next Slayer, and Buffy can retire at the end of
the year.
Okay, so I won't put money on that last bit.
And a final thought to entertain those less than totally devoted
to Buffy
Those of us who end the season less than impressed with Buffy after
yet another pseudo-epiphany which devoted not a moment of epiphanous
attention to Spike can entertain ourselves this summer by thinking
"What does Buffy REALLY deserve?"
Because apparently, that's what she's going to get from Spike.
Heh heh.
I don't want him to become the Big Bad, no.
But some heretical bit of me is hoping he'll fall in love with