Just Rewards
Just a quick note this week, gang... which is a real shame,
considering this was such a great episode!
We're in the middle of moving, but we gave ourselves a break to
watch our tape of the ep, and it absolutely surpassed all my hopes
and expectations. There are tons of possible plot threads dangling
after this one, lots of character interaction just waiting to be
seen (personally, I can't wait for a tete-a-tete between Spike and
Lorne...) - and we learned a lot about everyone in this ep. Angel
apparently didn't feel confident enough in his "specialness" to let
anyone in his group in on the truth about Spike... Spike is jealous
of Angel... and Harmony is jealous of Buffy.
Situation Normal.
I can't wait to see how this all progresses (I almost
wrote "resolved," but we know that's not gonna happen).
Hopefully I'll have more time to do a standard review this week...
after I finish digging out of boxes, and manage to get all the dust
off the Comfy Chair.
Hugs to all,