"Seeing Red" (Or, at least, I was)
This will not be a popular opinion. If you are sensitive to
negatism, DO NOT READ.)
/ Revision 01-May-2002
a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder
episode is the reason people like to be spoiled. Right here
is the answer, all you fellow spoiler-free fanatics. Had I
not known that Spike/Anya sex would ensue, I would have likely turned
off the TV and sworn off of BtVS indefinitely. I so
needed to be prepared for the fiasco that was to result from "Entropy".
things first. What did they do to my Spike? Was this
was Spike's episode off and they had to bring in Bizzarro!Spike
to stand in? He was a disgusting, loathsome creature.
And Buffy, as far as her interactions with Spike were concerned,
was even worse.
that made me hate Spike in this ep:
that, my friends, takes a lot of doing, as you well know)
He actually asked Buffy to have sex with him again.
Schmoozed Anya into boffing him. Sure, he was lonely, and
it felt good to be with someone who wasn't just using him, but that
was a gross display of wanton sexual persuance. Really vulgar.
And I don't know if anyone could convince me otherwise, especially
since we know the writers think he's evil and not redeemable.
After sex with the convenient host body, Pimp!Spike just pulls up
his pants, gives her a little nod, and leaves.
Spike specifically said to Buffy he would never hurt her.
Then why did he pick that moment of all moments to tell Xander that
he had been boffing Buffy? Just try to tell me that wasn't
about hurting Buffy (well, and Xander as well).
the way. Was that the shirt he was wearing in the boffing
Bronze scene? What is that? His pimp daddy shirt?!
that made me hate Buffy in this ep:
doesn't take a lot lately)
Insisted that Spike never really loved her. (Cold hearted bitca.)
Actually thought that she deserved to feel betrayed that Spike was
having sex with someone other than herself. Her exact words,
"Move on." She had NO right to be angry with him.
She had NO right to belittle him for moving on "too quickly".
that made me hate Xander in this ep:
Now, some of you might remember that I was one of the only people
who supported Xander in his decision to not marry Anya(nka).
So, this is not declared lightly. Okay, here goes. <Tara
takes a deep breath.> Xander is an ass. Yes, I said
it. He is a self-righteous ass. He left Anya(nka) at
the alter supposedly so that he wouldn't make the same mistakes
that his father made. What is the first thing we see him doing
in this ep? That's right kiddies. Drinking his sorrows
away. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Making Spike the scapegoat for all his pain. Xander is responsible
for Xander's pain. Not Spike. Not even Pimp!Spike.
that made me hate Tara in this ep:
come she gets to be happy and forgiving and no one else does?
It's just not fair! <Tara stomps her feet.> (And,
yes, I do know why. You guys spoiled me. -sniff-)
in the interest of my sanity, I should go over those things that
I liked, shouldn't I? Yes, I should.
that I liked about "Entropy"
entire Buffy/Dawn interaction. Buffy came across as caring
instead of authoritative and bossy. She really cared about
Dawn's mental and physical well being. And Dawn? She
was friendly, receptive of Buffy's love and authority, but also
accepting responsibility for the things she had done wrong.
And, hey! We didn't have to hear her yell "get out!"
Spike did it instead.
quieting Spike as he begins to make a wish. She finally realized
that this isn't a game. It's life. You can't go around
cursing people who hurt you. (As much as we'd like to ::coughAngelcough::)
speech in the end about the relationship needing to take time and
energy...but then screw that. I just want to be kissing.
Very sweet. Very feel-good.
we not care that Halfrek is Cecily?
did fighting creepy, evil guys become secondary to Scooby sexcapades?
the wig lady demon really was supposed to resemble
a penis. I thought you were all nuts.
Line: "I have
no dance."
Caps courtesy of Spirit