The Tarabula Rasa Review

Double Meat Palace

AKA "Soylent Green"

For such a predictable plot, I was strangely left with a lot of unanswered questions.



Why does the manager at DMP look like a pig when they supposedly serve cowchickens?  





Why is Dawn so forgiving of Willow but not of Buffy?  

Why was Dawn’s cast on for only one episode?  

What was that silly wrap on her arm for, anyhow?  




Why does Buffy think she has to keep this dead-end (no pun intended) job?

 Where the hell is the Council’s money going if not to its only Slayer with a 6 year pin?  

Where is Buffy’s 6 year pin?  

Is it made of wood? 




 How did Spike know exactly when Buffy would be going on break?

Why does Spike continue to settle for Buffy’s body without her soul?  

Where did Spike's stones go?  

Could they have made that sex scene in the alley more lewd?  




 Why does Spike look so hot in that Mister Rogers sweater?  




Why haven’t they turned Amy back into the rat that she is?  




Why does not doing magic cause tremors and sweating? 



Similarly, why does a "dose of magic" make everything you touch go limp?

Can we please keep Willow away from Spike?




 So, why were all the DMP employees spacey?  

For that matter, why are all DMV employees spacey? 




 Why can’t the vengeance demon change to her human face when Anyanka could in “The Wish”? 




What will the burgers be made of on Wednesday?




Why is Willow suddenly a Chemist who can differentiate "human proteins" from other proteins?


(Is anyone else having "Lover's Walk" flashbacks?)



How did Wig!Lady know that Buffy would be there after hours?

How can Buffy stand up on paralyzed legs?




 Where did the last hour of my life just go? 

 Do I really have to watch this again to write this review?



Don’t get me wrong.  Lots of funny moments.  Funny, funny!  Loved the look on Xander’s face in beginning when Willow mentions living with Anya forever.  The same look as “The burgers are made of people.”  He has a real talent for making funny with the full mouth.



It's no wonder why Xander is constipated





The whole Buffy freaks out and tells the DMP patrons that the burgers are people...and the line from Wig!Lady: "Are the pies people too?"  (paraphrase because I refuse to rewatch it)




But, funny doesn't cut it, ME.



Favorite line: "Grr.  Argh."


Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow


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