*banner by bloodshedbaby*
Email: opalenergy@hotmail.net
Disclaimer: Joss & Mutant Enemy own the characters. I just use them
for my amusement and make no money off of them! Any songs belong to
their creators, and I just use them because they are awesome (but
always give them credit!)
Thanks to: The gang at Bloodshedverse who encouraged me to say sod
it and publish it! Extra special thanks to Bloodshedbaby! Cheers!
Also extra extra thanks to BSB for doing the Beta!
This is in response to a challenge (#64) at Bloodshedverse.
Challenge requirements will be posted at the the end of the story
when it is finished.
Feedback welcome! Thanks for reading! ~~~~~~~~
Chapter 1 – Calm Before the
‘And just when I thought this day
couldn’t get any worse,’ Buffy grumbled to herself as she
entered the library, cringing at the sight of Xander standing in the
middle of the room serenading Cordelia with that stupid Grease
song "Let’s Do It For Our Country." ‘Can’t wait to see how
Cordelia’s going to smack Xander down now’.
Xander swung around in mid-chorus. "Hey Buffster, you can’t hide
from the singing, swinging Xan-man!"
"Oh God, what did I do to deserve to be surrounded by this... this
uncoolness!" Cordelia huffed as she saw Buffy walk in with Willow
and Oz.
"Well Cordy, it could be worse. At least you know your boyfriend
will be the same after you do..." Buffy's sentence trailed off when
Giles delivered a deliberate cough, his hand reaching for his
glasses in order to wipe the already spotless lenses.
"Perhaps we could get started?" Giles took a moment to look around
the room. "Miss Calender and I have done some research on restoring
Angel’s soul, and it looks like things will be more complicated than
we thought. However, there is something more disturbing that I
wished to discuss with you. It appears that Angelus is destined to
bring forth the next apocalypse; we just don’t know when or how
‘Day just got even worse,’ Buffy thought. "So Giles, just
tell me what needs to be killed and I'll be on my way," she declared
with false bravado.
Giles looked her right in the eyes and told her, "You must kill
Buffy seemed to crumple in front of their very eyes, the confident
demeanor of the Slayer giving way to the heartbroken teenager she
tried to hide. "I'm sorry, Giles. I'm just not ready to kill him
yet," she announced in a haunted voice. She sent a bittersweet smile
in Willow's direction. "Even if he is evil and killed all of
Willow’s fishes."
"Hey, I loved my fishes!" Willow cried.
"Sorry Wills," said Buffy. Gathering herself together, she looked at
her Watcher. " Giles, I know if we can’t restore his soul... then we
have to talk about the alternative. I KNOW this, but until then, I’d
rather not think about it. Please."
Seeing the look of displeasure on his face,
Buffy sighed. ‘When did things get so complicated?’ she
thought., ‘Almost makes me jealous of Spike and Drusilla, they
don’t have this 'moral' issue…ew stop that thought!’
"I agree with Giles. If we need to stake Dead Boy, I say we just do
it now," Xander shouted out, hoping to gain some respect from the
"Buffy’s right, Xander," Jenny interjected quietly. " We need to
look at all the alternatives. If we look hard enough, there may be
away of restoring Angel’s soul before too much damage is done. I’ll
do some research tonight on the gypsy curse and see what I can come
up with and we will discuss it tomorrow."
Buffy was growing restless, feeling the urge to go kill something.
She was reassured the dis-invite spell that Giles taught Willow
would keep her mom and friends safe while they were at home.
Research and Buffy were unmixy things, so she needed to just go out
and kick some butt right now.
"Buff, how about we all get out of here and go have some fun at the
Bronze?" Buffy didn’t take long to ponder Xander’s offer, and
figured well what the heck, fun first and slayage after.
‘Now what are those two bloody fools doing up there’ Spike
thought as he wheeled his way into the grand foyer of the mansion.
Disgusted, he snorted to announce his presence to his poof of a sire
and his dark princess.
"Roller boy, so glad you could come watch the show," Angelus taunted
Spike not only with words, but also with actions as he grabbed
Drusilla and slammed her up against the giant statue. "Dru loves it
when her daddy treats her right, don’t you Dru?"
Dru purred and laughed in glee as her sire
roughly grabbed her flesh with his hands while nicking her neck with
his teeth.
"Sod off with the bloody show, you ponce and tell me what purpose
other than a sex toy you intend to use that horrid statue for!"
"Shh…. my sweet William. , Daddy’s got us a new present! Miss
Edith said if you behave you can come to our tea party!" Dru laughed
and began to twirl around the statue. "Daddy, tell us about Acathla!"
‘Stupid bint, Acathla is nothing but trouble,’ Spike thought while
ignoring his grandsire's sermon and Drusilla's swirling. ‘Oh bugger.
Angelus is going to bring about the end of this world. Bloody hell,
I like this world.’
"Oh Angelus, shall we get a fresh little boy to join our tea party?"
"Dru, you are so wicked. But really, you will need your strength
before I chain you to our bed." Angelus began to gloat.
"Spike, are you coming?" He gave Spike a patronizing frown. "Oh
wait. No, you can’t go far in your chair, can you.? Looks like
leftovers for you and Dru... all for me!" With a cruel laugh,
Angelus held his hand out to Drusilla who eagerly grabbed her sire
to go out for the night’s hunt.
After they left, Spike stood up from his chair, helpless fury
fueling his need for revenge. In a low voice, he vowed, " My ripe
wicked plum, Miss Edith best not tell you how things are about to
get interesting."
Buffy arrived at the Bronze with Oz, Willow, Cordelia, and Xander
just as the crowd began to build up. It was 80s New Wave Night, the
only thing that had gone right that day. Buffy was grateful for the
lack of vampire tinglies, hoping she could catch a break from her
Chosen duty for just a little while.
"Oh my god, Buffy I love this song! Come on!" Willow didn’t give
Buffy the chance to resist as she pulled her out on the dance floor.
It doesn't hurt me.
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making?
You, it's you and me.
The lyrics seemed like they were speaking to Buffy as she swayed on
the dance floor, almost as if it was the first time she had heard
them. The words slowly seduced her, and she assumed they fit her and
Angel; but her heart wanted to tell otherwise. No, these words were
definitely not for Angel.
But then who are they for?
And if I only could,
I'd make a deal with God,
And I'd get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building.
If I only could, oh...
You don't want to hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder.
Ooh, there is thunder in our hearts.
Is there so much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?
You, it's you and me.
It's you and me won't be unhappy.
From the upper levels of the Bronze, Spike shut his eyes and felt
the words speaking to him, burning deep into his undead heart. They
fit so perfectly, almost as if they had been written for him. Once
upon a time, he thought these words were written for his dark
princess, but now all he could hear was the words of Miss Edith so
many years ago echoing through his head.
" Kate sings about you and your love, but
she does not sing for your dark princess."
It's you and me,
It's you and me won't be unhappy.
"C'mon, baby, c'mon darling,
Let me steal this moment from you now.
C'mon, angel, c'mon, c'mon, darling,
Let's exchange the experience, oh..."
He noticed the slayer dancing with her friends. She should have
noticed he was there, however he was glad of her in-attentiveness
because there was no time to fight tonight. He did not want to do
anything to alert the bloody poof of the newly regained use of his
legs, knowing instinctively that the knowledge was a secret best
kept to himself.
Spike settled back in his dark corner and opted to watch the Slayer dance through one more song, his eyes ever leaving her even as he sunk his teeth into the poor girl he had tied up there with him.
Chapter 2 – One By One We All Fall Down
Bored out of her mind, Buffy tapped her pencil against her desk waiting for history class to be over with. The last five minutes were dragging and she couldn't keep her eyes off the clock. Buffy was startled out of her thoughts as Giles rushed through the door.
"Excuse me Mr. Fletcher, I need Miss Summers to come with me immediately."
Buffy noted the serious tone of her watcher’s voice, and nervously exited the classroom with him. He appeared distraught, but she had no idea what had happened to cause it. They walked in silence down the hall and into the library. Cordelia, Oz, Willow, and Xander were already there waiting, looking equally as confused as she did.
She sat down next to Willow and whispered, "What gives?"
Willow leaned to whisper in her best friend’s ear, "I don’t know. Something isn’t right though. Miss Calendar didn’t show up for class this morning." They returned to their uneasy silence as Giles picked up an envelope off the table and pulled out its contents. Buffy’s uneasiness increased when she saw the drawing in his hands.
Angelus. The envelope and heavy art paper were familiar and a feeling of dread engulfed her.
Giles held the drawing clutched to his chest not wanting to reveal the picture yet, as he began to speak.
"I apologize for pulling you all out of class, but there was no alternative. No one is safe anymore. This morning I went to speak with Miss Calendar about her research on the curse. Instead of finding Miss Calendar, I found this on her chair." Giles held up the drawing of Miss Calendar asleep in a bed, surrounded by candles. Buffy looked closely at the picture and gasped as she saw the bite marks on the side of her neck.
Giles clear his throat to get the Slayer’s attention, his mouth set in a grim line. "Buffy, it’s time to get serious about Angelus. I regret…" Giles began to tear up, "…that we have lost Miss Calendar."
Buffy looked at her watcher with tears in her eyes, guilt for her vehement refusal to kill Angelus striking hard. "Giles, this is my fault. I’m so sorry. I was denial girl...but now I know."
Willow stood up and silently slipped out of the room, which did not go unnoticed by Buffy. Sensing that her Watcher wasn't in the mindset to take charge, Buffy slipped into the role.
"Giles, check on Willow, then check Miss Calendar’s things to see if she left us some notes on the prophecy. The rest of us will head over to the Bronze and work on a plan before patrol." When he acknowledged her words, Buffy reluctantly pulled away from Giles grief stricken face and made her way over to the remaining Scoobies.
Jenny Calendar awoke with a strange feeling. Frightened, she kept her eyes glued shut and willed her body to remain still in the soft bed as she tried to get her bearings. She inhaled the scent of candles, and then felt the throbbing in her neck. Then she remembered Angelus and Drusilla attacking her at the school. It didn't take her long to realize that while she had been left alive at this point, it was for a reason. Angelus had most likely brought her home as his new torture toy.
"Spike, don’t you like Daddy’s new trinket? Miss Edith thinks she is so cute, how she pretends to sleep." Drusilla sauntered over to the bed, eyeing Jenny with a penetrating gaze as she spoke to her William.
"Dru, luv, Angelus won’t appreciate you playing with his bloody toy!" Spike began to roll out of the room; not really wanting to watch what Dru was about to do. If his dark princess was still his, he wouldn’t have minded knowing he would have been rewarded with pleasure.
"Daddy won’t mind. Miss Edith says he wants join in the fun!" Drusilla leaned down and began to lick Jenny’s throat as she straddled her. Jenny flinched at Drusilla’s touch, but this only prompted the vampiress to use her nails to cut the sides of Jenny’s face.
"Tsk, tsk little gypsy girl…Daddy will be mad if you don’t make him happy. I may have to punish you like the naughty daughter you are." Drusilla stroked Jenny’s hair, leaned down and licked the wounds closed prior to moving on to biting the gypsy girl’s neck with her blunt teeth.
Spike watched his dark princess with pride and lust. The way her dark hair fell down her snow-white gown, her movements so soft and graceful, and so truly evil. He was prepared to join her in the bed when he heard Angelus outside the door; His arousal quickly faded to anger because he knew Dru’s show was not for him but for her precious 'daddy'.
Drusilla quickly switched into game face ready to inflict some punishment when Angelus picked the vampiress up and threw her off the bed. Spike took this as his cue to retreat to the shadows.
"Daddy will be mad at you for not leaving the bitch alone!" Angelus growled at his childe for touching the gypsy girl first, but became quickly aroused at the thought of punishing her later. Drusilla took her punishment violently, and could handle the rough penetration Angelus would inflict on her later.
Drusilla sensed her sire’s arousal; sat up at the edge of the bed, purring. Letting out a devious laugh, Angelus turned his attention to the gypsy girl, grabbing the chains that bound her wrists to the bed and pulled them up violently.
"Daddy, she can’t have tea with us. She was bad…tried to send you back to sunshine! The stars, the stars…" sang Drusilla as she began to crawl up the bed "… the stars say you won’t…" suddenly Drusilla began to convulse and shriek "… oh but my William, my sweet William. I see sunshine."
Spike cringed, as he smelled the desire in the air while trying to put Dru's lingering words out of his mind. He kept to the shadows to avoid detection as he quietly wheeled himself from the room.
Jenny opened her eyes, prepared to meet her fate while Angelus was pushing Drusilla back down. Aware that these were her final moments, she prayed to the powers that be that Willow would find her translation of the prophecy on the desktop. She felt Angelus grab her throat and she gasped for breath as he spoke, "Useless human filth don’t fret now, Dru says your death is in the stars."
Angelus punched her face before he continued, "Your curse is no more, and my reward is the pleasure of draining your blood. You're not worth taking the time to torture." Angelus morphed into game face and sunk his teeth into Miss Calendar’s neck. Jenny could feel her life draining away and the world turned black as she fell into a permanent, peaceful slumber.
"Bloody stupid git." Spike mumbled from outside the room. Spike though Angelus was a fool to piss off the Slayer’s watcher. His thoughts were interrupted by the moans of pleasure coming from Drusilla. He rolled off to the other end of the mansion to rid himself of having to hear his grandsire give his dark princess pleasure. "Bloody ponce will see sunshine if I have my way."
Willow ran out of the library only to end up in Miss Calendar’s classroom. She dried her tears, walked over to the teachers’ desk. She noticed the computer was still on and began to read.
Her eyes widened as she read. As shocked as she was, she knew Buffy wasn’t going to take this well, figuring it would be better to tell Giles first. She stood to track him down only to find him coming towards her.
"Giles, I’m so sorry, I know there was more between you and Miss Calendar. She was so smart, so bright…always treated me like a grownup." Willow paused for a moment to pay respect to her fallen friend. Then she continued on. "I started looking at this file on her desktop, which was probably is the reason Angelus would have taken her… looks like she discovered how to stop Angelus from destroying the world."
Coming to full alert from his grief-induced session of cleaning his glasses, he softly spoke to Willow. "How?"
"Her translation isn’t complete, but it involves Buffy." Willow nervously looked up from the computer screen. "B-B-Buff-Buffy’s child is the key."
Shocked, Giles jumped over and began to read the translation. Recognizing the accuracy of Miss Calendar’s translation, he expressed his concern to Willow. "This isn’t good, Willow. Buffy will not respond well to this. No speaking of this to the others just yet. If we work together, we can finish tonight."
In order to work as quickly as they could, they copied all the pertinent files onto a floppy disc and deleted it from the desktop. "Best we bring this to my home so we can work on this uninterrupted and in safety of my flat."
Silence surrounded Xander, Buffy, Oz, and Cordelia as they sat in the Bronze. It was early, so there wasn’t much of a crowd. Typical for open mic night anyway. Suddenly, Buffy snapped her head up and looked around the room. " Get your weapons ready, there’s a vamp here."
Oz and Xander grabbed their stakes, while Cordelia grabbed Xander. ‘"Why does something bad always happen when Buffy’s around?" Cordelia was certainly getting irritated with her fun being spoiled by Buffy’s bad luck.
Buffy was surprised when her vamp alert suddenly dropped.
The announcer came on to introduce the first act of the night. As the curtains parted, the crowd gasped as the announcer spoke, "First up we have a lovely young lady performing her rendition of Silent All These Years…" he stopped when he heard screams of horror from the audience as the small crowd vanished.
Angelus stood outside briefly to enjoy the screams. "Hope slayer enjoys gypsy girl’s act."
Inside, Miss Calendar’s dead and bloody body was hanging from a noose with a rose in her hand in the middle of the stage. Pinned to her dress was another envelope like the one Giles had held earlier in the day.
Buffy knew Angelus like his torture, but this was the last straw. She may love Angel, but her hatred for Angelus was now absolute.
Cordelia buried her head into Xander’s frozen body. Buffy stood up and quickly removed Jenny’s body from the noose. She opened up the envelope and removed the drawing, staring at the well-drawn face of her watcher.
"Giles' place, now!" Buffy screamed. They piled into Oz’s van and rushed to Giles' house.
Willow and Giles were exhausted from slow progress of translating the prophecy.
pregnant slayer.
The master vampire who reeks with humanity shall father the
And the world will be saved
Giles cleaned his glasses furiously as his anxiety level rose. He was concerned for Buffy, moreover concerned how this child would come to be.
Giles and Willow were interrupted by Angelus’ evil laugh. Giles pushed Willow out of the apartment. Willow ran as fast as she could towards the Bronze in hopes that Buffy would still be there.
Angelus grabbed the watcher by the throat until Giles passed out. He grabbed the watcher’s body and walked out past the landlady that invited him into the watcher's apartment complex. As he approached Drusilla, he proclaimed "Slayer will never stop us now Dru."
Drusilla moved her body close to her sire. Angelus grabbed the vampiress by the hair and violently kissed her. With Giles slung over his back, the vampires made their way back to the Crawford Street mansion.
Only the powers knew how wrong he was. If he had heard Giles speak about the master vampire and slayer's child, Angelus smug look would not have been on his face.
"Oz, Stop.Van.Now!" Buffy yelled as she grabbed Willow into the van. Willow was exhausted and in tears, but she managed to muster "Giles, Angelus" before she collapsed.
"If Willow doesn’t wake up, I’ll stake Dead boy myself!" Xander yelled. Cordelia couldn’t help but notice the emotion in his voice and wondered if there was more to Xander and Willow’s friendship. Queen C certainly was not letting some nerd girl is going to come between me and my boyfriend, even if he is a loser.
Before Buffy realized it, Oz had pulled up to 1630 Revello Drive. She knew someday she’d have to tell her mother about her slayer duties, but she was scared. The first time she told her parents back in LA, they thought she was crazy. She spent a month in a mental hospital until her watcher Merrick was able to use the Council’s connections to get her out.
Buffy’s mom opened the door in shock to see her daughter, her friends, but most of all Willow passed out in Oz’s arms. "What happened here? What’s wrong with Willow?"
"Not now mom, Willow’s fine but exhausted." Buffy shut her mother down quickly, knowing that Joyce’s motherly instincts would kick in and make Willow the priority. "She can stay in your room."
Oz bought Willow upstairs into Buffy’s room. He smoothed out her red hair and laid a kiss on her forehead. He came back downstairs to hear Joyce lecturing her daughter.
"You were supposed to be home from school hours ago. Friends here or not, we are going to talk." Joyce threw her hands up in the air, then proceeded upstairs to check on Willow.
Meanwhile, the remaining Scoobies made themselves comfortable in the living room so they could plot their next step. "We need to just go right to the mansion during the day, with all of our weapons, and get Giles." Xander said.
"Good idea Xander, except for the WE part. This is a ME job. First thing in the morning." Xander was about to protest Buffy, but Oz spoke up first.
"Buffy’s right. It’s too risky, and someone needs to keep an eye on Willow. I think that Cordelia and Xander should do that, in case she wakes up. Hopefully, she can tell us a little more. I can go to Giles, in the morning, and see what I can find."
"Since Angelus can’t hurt us here," Buffy began " everyone should crash here. Cordelia and I will stay in the room with Willow, with the guys sleep down here."
"Buffy, I agree." Joyce said to the group as she walked down the stairs. Shit. Buffy was concerned about how much of the conversation her mother had overheard. Although a sleepover may just preoccupy Joyce enough to let Buffy concentrate of getting Giles back.
Taking advantage of the opportunity to duck her mother, Buffy yawned and mumbled "Sounds good, sleepy time for me. Night everyone." Cordelia, not wanting to deal with Joyce either, joined Buffy as they ran up the stairs to the safe haven of sleep.
Before Joyce walked into the kitchen, she addressed the two young men in her living room "There are some quilts and pillows in the hall closet. Make yourself cozy and I’ll bring in some hot chocolate before I go to bed."
Xander plastered a smile on his face and turned to Oz. "Now that’s a woman who knows the way to a man’s heart."
Be Continued
The mansion was cold and quiet. The vampires had gone out to hunt for the remainder of the evening, except Spike. This was his reprieve from having to hear his sire and grandsire in the throws of passion. Useless invalid. He’d show them.
Giles woke up chained to the very same bed he saw in Angelus’ drawing of Jenny. That sick bastard Angelus. Figures he’d be chained to the same bed that Jenny died in. His only solace was he was alone in the room, and then realized he was mistaken. The sound of squeaky wheels came from the shadows.
Giles cautiously acknowledged William the Bloody. He was aware of Spike’s reputation as the Slayer of Slayers. Spike listened to the quickening of Giles’ heartbeat, and decided it would be best to try and smooth the Watcher’s apprehension.
“No worries mate, not here to torture you like bloody Angelus. Here for some answers actually. Silly bint Dru was rambling on that you knew how to stop Acathla.” Spike looked warily at the watcher. “It seems mate; you and I have a common goal.”
It was against his nature to side with the white hats. At this point, it looked like it would be the only way Spike was going to stop Angelus. Now it wasn’t even about bringing Dru back, but preserving the world he survived in.
Giles would have rubbed his glasses if his arms were not chained to the headboard. “Not sure the prophecy is our only solution, but then again they always bloody come true. Then again, how can I trust you to not tell Angelus?”
“No watcher, not working for the ponce.” Spike stood up from his wheelchair. Giles gasped in shock. “No worries, you know something Angelus does not…about my legs. Now I trust thee with my secret, so let’s get on with it. My dark princess and the bloody wanker are due to return from their hunt, so we don’t have much time.”Giles knew it would be complicated to explain this to Buffy. Spike was going to be a whole different challenge, since the vamp could be so unpredictable. He gave it his best shot. Spike stared back at him, with a face that didn’t clearly indicate the vampire’s reaction.
“So Slayer’s got a bun in the oven.”
“No. Unless we are able to re-ensoul Angelus, our options for the father are limited”It was quiet for the few moments that Spike took to digest the Watcher’s words. Unlikely it would be to get Angelus to bed her now. His amusement at that thought changed quickly when he realized the alternative.
“I will not soddin’ sleep with the Slayer! ‘Sides, vampires bloody shoot blanks.” Spike didn’t like where this was going, he wanted his dark princess. However his focus was to get rid of Angelus, which meant he would have to assist the white hats. If that meant playing a part in fulfilling the prophecy, he was fine with that. It was more fun to pretend to be uncooperative for a while before he agreed. Besides, Spike has not experience the thrill of giving pleasure to a human female, and his inner William so desperately wanted that experience.
Spike grinned evilly as he thought of how Buffy would react when Giles explained the prophecy to her. Definitely wanted a front row seat for that show.
Spike heard the minions acting up, a sign that Angelus was on his way back. Spike knew there was no going back once he freed Giles from the chains. “C’mon mate, Slayer is probably worried about you. Bloody need to leave before Angelus discovers us.”
Giles opted to be compliant to the master vampire, knowing his odds were much better in Spike’s hands. He followed the vamp into the sewers below the mansion. “Spike, where are we heading?”
“Mate, need the Slayer to stop Angelus. Slayer’s probably home, right?” Giles nodded. “Right, then the Slayer’s house it is.” It was silent in the sewers, but the stench was almost overwhelming to Giles. It was important that they move as quickly as possible, as Angelus would not be pleased to find both Brits missing.
The Englishmen made it to the Summer’s home just before sunrise. As they were about to knock on the door, it opened to reveal a very pissed off Slayer expecting a master vampire. Buffy was thrown off her game to see an unharmed Giles and … “Spike?”
“Slayer, bloody invite me in before I burn to a crisp!” Spike shouted, subsequently waking up the whole house including Joyce.
Buffy was unsure weather to trust the blond vamp or not. He had been holding Giles back just to increase his chance of getting an invite in. Instinctively, she knew she had to trust him. After all he brought Giles back from Angelus. She was about to speak, until her mother interrupted.“Buffy, what is going on?” Joyce grabbed her bathrobe and ran down the stairs. “Not the PCP gang again, honey I thought we talked about this…Mr. Giles? Oh no, he’s not your Librarian honey, he’s your drug dealer along with that derelict…” Joyce began to hyperventilate, when Giles coughed indicating that the voice of reason was about to speak.
“Joyce, that isn’t so at all. In fact, I think it’s time to be straight up with you about your daughter. Buffy is a Vampire Slayer. Spike here is a Vampire.”
Joyce remembered her daughter’s episode at Hemery High. She couldn’t handle going through this with Buffy again. She had tried so hard to be a supportive mother, and steer Buffy clear of trouble. The news indicated that perhaps her daughter didn’t have a psychosis after all, and perhaps that made her a bad mother.
Overwhelmed by the situation, Joyce passed out into her daughter’s arms.
Back at the mansion, Angelus and Dru prepared to begin their torture of the Watcher. Angelus pulled out his favorite carving knife, the one he used to heat up and then stick into his victims. As he collected his tools, he thought of the red haired witch that got away. The novice was not a worry though, without the Gypsy and Watcher she was rendered useless. Angelus began to walk out of his bedroom when Drusilla stopped and pulled him aside.
“Daddy, Miss Edith is calling.”
“Dru we have the Watcher to torture. Miss Edith can wait.”
“No Daddy, Miss Edith says we are too late for our tea party.”
“Dru don’t fuck with me. Miss Edith better not be fucking with me either or I’ll burn her to shreds!”
Drusilla shrieked at Angelus threat. How dare he threaten her Miss Edith! Dru pushed past Angelus to grab her precious doll. She shook as Miss Edith began to tell the dead seer more disturbing news.
“Daddy, William has been a bad, bad boy. We need to punish him. He’s with the sunshine. Brought her home one of her presents.”
Angelus ran out of the bedroom only to confirm that Drusilla was right about the Watcher. The mansion shook with the sound of Angelus’ angry roar. The sun was rising, postponing any course of action until the next evening.
Drusilla remained in the bedroom. She cradled Miss Edith in her arms and sang.“Hush little baby don’t you cry…”
“Fuck Slayer, if you don’t invite me in now I’m gonna be dust on your porch!”
Buffy shot him a grin, and showed Spike the broom. She felt a twinge of guilt when she saw the fear on his face, so she quickly invited him in. She then moved her mother’s limp body onto the couch.
“Keep Dead Boy Junior away from me!” Xander exclaimed, with a stake in his hand.
Spike did his best to scare the whelp by quickly flashing his game face at him. He realized that his time with the white hats would be more fun than he originally thought. Then his mind began to think of the evil pleasure he could have with the Slayer, upstairs in her room. His lust betrayed his allegiance to Dru. Spike snapped back to reality quickly. His mission was to get Dru away from Angelus, then leave Sunnyhell.
Giles knew this was going to be difficult, but he knew he had to speak to Buffy alone. Spike followed, and then helped himself the box of cookies. Quickly, Buffy snatched them away.
“Blood breath, those are mine!”
“Cranky bitch you are in the morning, luv.”
Spike quickly snatched the cookies back. His arm brushed his Slayer’s soft skin and their eyes locked together. His Slayer, Spike thought. He realized his lust was again betraying Dru! The moment ended as they pulled away from each other, both denying the shockwave of pleasure they felt.
“Pet, fancy something you see?”
“Yeah, my cookies!”
Buffy was quick to snatch her favorite cookies back. Giles offered Spike some Wheatabix, in order to lull the quarrel.
“So Giles, how does the bleach wonder play into destroying Acathla?”
An evil grin crossed Spike’s face; he knew he had to imprint her reaction in his memory. It would be a good time to start egging her on.
“Don’t worry Slayer; it won’t happen in a cold day in hell. You don’t strike me as the matronly type.”
“Spike. Shut. Up.”
Buffy’s aggravation was starting to flare up again, thankfully Giles interrupted. “Spike that will be enough.”
Ten minutes later, the mortal enemies were still sitting stunned into silence. Giles thought this should happen more often, since it was the first time it had been quiet in the house all morning. He figured he might as well make it last longer.
“Buffy, I’ll leave you to digest this information. If you both want to beat Angelus, you’re going to need each other.”
Giles quickly left the room to make some explanations to a bewildered Joyce, who had just returned to the conscious world.
Buffy and Spike just stared at each other, each thinking of the feelings they had earlier when they touched.
“So, luv, you think you can handle the Big Bad?” Spike move over and gently pushed a strand of hair behind Buffy’s ear. She shivered at his touch. As good as they both felt in the moment, they both crashed back to reality.
“Over. My. Dead. Body.” Buffy cringed at the thought this maybe her only alternative.
“Easy ‘nuff for me to do pet. Drain you until you’re just unconscious then have my way with you.”
“As if. You Pig!”
The mortal enemies glared at each other for a minute before Buffy broke the silence.“Regardless, I don’t want a baby. This requires more research.” Buffy moved away from Spike quickly.
“Right.” Although Spike was thinking more of wanting to take Angelus’ golden princess. How sweet it would be if the wanker became all soulful again, but lost his girl to the Big Bad. A twinge of pain went through him though when he thought about Dru being alone.
“Well then pet, research it is.”
With a new goal in common, the mortal enemies joined forces and walked out to the living room to join everyone else.
“Spike, you’re a vampire? You want to kill my daughter?” Joyce exclaimed. She had just remembered he was the kid on PCP that she had hit with the ax on Parent Teacher night.Spike shifted into game face real quick. Joyce stepped back in shock. Spike realized he had frightened her, but knew it was the only way that Joyce would lay off Buffy. If they were to stop Angelus, Buffy did not need to be dealing with her mother questioning her daughter’s sanity. He let his features soften up and return to human form as he leaned in to her ear.
“Yep, killed two other slayers in my time” he boasted, but quickly whispered in Joyce’s ear “but I really don’t want to kill your daughter. Our little secret.” Spike settled on the couch next to Buffy, secretly hoping to get another touch of her skin, but kept his false front of hating Buffy on the surface. Buffy inched away from him, which only invited a snarky comment.
“Awe, love come on you heard your Watcher. Gotta to get to know you better, right pet?”
“Screw you Spike.”
“Ok pet, your room now.”
“Eww, a world of no!”
Spike continued to tease Buffy making kissy faces at her and moving closer to her. Buffy punched his face, then jumped on him ready to pummel him some more, she was interrupted by her mother.
“Buffy Anne Summers! We do not treat our house guests badly!”“Vampire Mom. Evil vampire.”
“My house, my rules. Spike would you like some hot cocoa?” Spike smirked at Buffy, and then smiled at Joyce.“Do you have the kind with little marshmallows?”
“Yes”“Joyce, I appreciate your kindness. A cup of hot cocoa would be great.” Spike liked Joyce, she reminded him of his own mum. Torturing slayers is fun, killing them is exhilarating, but seducing the Slayer was a worthy challenge to take on. He decided to start by getting on her mom’s good side.
Buffy looked at her friends with disgust. This was going to be a long day of research.“Buffy, come in here and help me with Spike’s cocoa.”
Make that a very long day.Chapter 4 - Solace
The daylight brought Buffy solace in two ways. First, freedom from two vampires, one being a certain bleached menace chained in her basement and second, the serenity of feeling the sun’s rays as she sunbathed in her backyard. The only good thing about Spike being stuck at her house meant that Buffy had to stay and protect her mother, which gave her a much enjoyed get out of research free card!
Spike was not thrilled with being chained up in the basement, but he couldn’t blame the slayer either. After all, it was better than being dusted by her. He couldn’t help but enjoy their close contact with each other.
“Slayer, ‘m not gonna hurt your mom. No need for the soddin’ chains.”
Buffy rolled her eyes at Spike. Somehow she knew he wouldn’t, but she didn’t want to give him any indication she might be cooperative with him.
“As if. Evil Vampire. Big Bad.”
Spike smiled with pride as Buffy described him.
“You can wipe that smirk off your face Spike. With or without chains, I can still kick your ass!”
“So why haven’t you Slayer?” Spike knew this would be an opportunity to draw out of her a crumb; just a small crumb that she may be willing to see him as a partner in the fight against Angelus. “Is it because Vampires make you hot?”
“A vampire made me hot.”
Buffy finished securing the locks and left the basement in a huff. ‘Infuriating vampire’ she thought. Of course, it was more infuriating that he called her on the truth. ‘Ugh, I just thought to myself Spike makes me hot!’ With that denial girl grabbed her suntan lotion and towel, and went outside.
She thanked the powers even more when her mother had to rush off to the gallery – after Giles and Scoobies had departed. Buffy had very quickly tired of playing hostess to Spike, and was close to blowing her lid. Big Bads were easy to fight off and defend herself against, but her mother always proved to be more of a challenge.
Not one to turn down free time to herself, Buffy took a sip of her lemonade, stretched out in her lawn chair, slipped on her headphones and let slumber take her over.
Spike noticed the blond opted to use the longest set of chains in the basement, and went out of her way to make sure he had enough room to move around comfortably. ‘She is a rather odd bint’, he thought, ‘her mouth goes completely against what her body and actions say”. He could smell his effect on her when they were in close proximity. It was the crumb he needed, albeit he was going to have to do a lot of legwork if he was going to gain her trust.
“Don’t want to just drain her, want to make her mine.” He was shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. How could he think something that would permanently keep him away from his ripe wicked plum? ‘Because Dru will always be her Daddy’s first, always. Buffy, mate, she’s your equal, your chance.’
The school yard was fairly quiet for a Saturday morning, except for a few members of the track team; the Scoobies had the school to themselves. The daylight and school would provide all the necessary protection needed from Angelus. Cordelia lay back in a chair, half asleep. Xander had a comic book hiding on top of his research book. Oz, Willow, and Giles were the only Scoobies giving due diligence towards research.
“Why am I with you losers again, and on a Saturday? Ugh, I could be sleeping or shopping!”
“Or you could be chained up as Angelus’ with Drusilla?” Giles looked up impatiently at the cheerleader.
“I’d like to...Ow!” Xander shouted as Cordelia smacked him across the head.
“Children enough!” Giles often wondered why he put up with these two. It seemed like Willow and Oz were the only two who were helpful. “Angelus is ruthless. We know that he will hurt everyone around Buffy before he finally faces her. I fear if you don’t start taking this seriously, one of you will be his next victim!”
“Ok and Buffy is better off right now with Captain Peroxide.” Xander quipped.
“Xander, come on! Giles is serious.” Willow asserted. “If there is no other alternative to this prophecy, she’s gonna have to be, well, uh…” the red head stuttered nervously, “you know she’s going have to get very comfortable with him.”
“I don’t want to think about it! Buffy giving both the evil undead happ…”
“Enough!” Giles yelled. “Xander, go through these books and see what you can find about Acathla.” Now, Giles just had to occupy the cheerleader. So far there was nothing produced from their research to suggest there was an alternative to fulfilling the prophecy. He didn’t doubt Spike as a willing participant, but the slayer was a different story. Put her in the room with William the Bloody, and it was worse than listening to Xander and Cordelia. Surely, it will be close to impossible to convince her to do this for the good of humanity.
“Cordelia. You would consider yourself an expert in fashion, beauty, and boys, right?”
Cordelia perked right up with the praise from Giles. “Yep.”
“Well, if Buffy has to fulfill this prophecy, don’t you think she should look her best?” Giles had a hard time keeping a straight face, but he knew not only would Buffy need some girly encouragement and it would get Cordelia out of here.
“But...” Xander tried to put his two cents in until Willow quickly put her hand over his mouth.
“Cordelia that would be so much fun, you can give Buffy a makeover!” Willow exclaimed.
“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Queen C grabbed her things and ran out of the library faster than Giles could blink.
“Oh thank heavens, now shall the rest of us get some work done.” Giles sat back in relief and sank himself into the research.
The sun was shining. Buffy could feel the warmth over her skin but she didn’t want to wake up. It was so rare that she got a chance of peace and quiet; she didn’t want to ruin it. She stretched out, and cuddled up to the cool skin next to her. “Mmm, cool skin, uh oh wait a minute!’
“Luv, wake up and have some lunch.”
Buffy opened her eyes and she was looking deep into cerulean blue eyes. It was odd, she wasn’t scared, didn’t feel like being bitchy. She just wanted to snuggle up into his arms.
“Spike, ‘splainy?”
“What, pet?”
“Where are we, why are you here, and why don’t I want to throttle you?”
“Not sure, luv. Your dream, you tell me.”
“Are you dreaming too?”
“Maybe luv, I’m just enjoying the sun while I can.”
Buffy stayed quiet for a few moments. She admired the way the sunlight bounced off his chiseled cheekbones. She inhaled the soft sent of his skin, and leaned into him.
“It must be a dream. We are here; actually enjoying being with each other, might as well take advantage of the peace and quite. So what have we got in that picnic basket?”
“Italian Cold Cut sandwiches, brownies, some water…here, pet let me set this up for us under the tree.” Spike couldn’t restrain the inner Victorian gentleman coming out in him. Moreover, he couldn’t believe the slayer was responding to him positively. He got everything set up under the big old maple tree. They sat side by side, enjoying the food and fresh air.
“Buffy, it’s been so long since I’ve just been able to sit back and enjoy just being. ‘m not sure if this is part of the prophecy or not, but whatever it is, thank you for letting me enjoy this moment with you.”
Buffy just looked at Spike in awe. She couldn’t believe he could be so nice…and she was letting him. It was never like this with Pike, Angel or her friends. She was always on the edge no matter what. Buffy began to realize that she and Spike had more in common than just death.
“Spike, dream world or not, thanks for trying to not kill me here. I can’t tell you the last time I felt so much peace. Who knows what will happen when we wake up, but I kinda don’t want to now.”
They looked at each other for a few moments, and then leaning back against the old tree, he drew her into his arms.
“Luv then lets just rest here while we can. The road ahead is going to be rough.”
With that Buffy closed her eyes.
Buffy felt herself being shaken, ripped away from her peace by Cordelia’s voice.
“Buffy, c’mon, let’s get you up and out of here for some shopping. Giles said I have to work with you in the ways of beauty and boys.”
Clearly agitated, and concerned that her watcher may have finally lost his marbles, Buffy just looked up at the brunette standing above her. “Why?”
“Do you think this prophecy is going to just fulfill itself? God, how stupid can you be Buffy? You have to make your self presentable and…”
Clearly, Giles had an ulterior motive to sending Cordelia over. Then again, ‘what if Cordy was right? What if Spike wouldn’t find her pretty enough or attractive to join in fulfilling the prophecy? No, no, no…they would find away so the prophecy wouldn’t have to be fulfilled.’
Buffy let her insecurities get the better of her. She popped up, grabbed her things. “Ok Cordy, give me five minutes.”
Thanks so much for the wonderful,
wonderful reviews I am getting! You are all so kind!
Thank You Meli for continuing her awesome job with betaing!
Chapter 5 – With Me
Spike abruptly awoke as he heard the sound of footsteps running
above him. Startled and shaken by the dream he just had because it
was so vivid and real. Never had he felt so complete in his unlife.
As he stretched out his limbs, he recognized the empty feeling
inside him was so much more pronounced that it was before he fell
Loneliness. The aching feeling inside him was almost too much to
Dru had left him. Actually she had never really been his. Before
that, Cecily had rejected him.
Buffy could be the missing piece, the one to fill the empty void. If
the dream was a vision of things to come, then perchance the powers
that screw with peoples’ lives finally saw fit to reward him.
‘Bloody hell unlikely, ‘m evil, powers don’t reward evil.’
Spike sighed, reached into his coat pocket and grabbed his smokes.
He sat back down on the cot and leaned against the wall. No sooner
did he light up did the basement door fly open.
“Spike, you better not be smoking down there.”
“Slayer, you got me chained up. Where do you expect me to have a
Buffy huffed as she came down the stairs. She marched right up to
the vampire and reached to grab his smoke out of his mouth.
“Unless you plan on unchaining me, and you don’t, let me have my
smoke you daft bint. Bloody only chance I get to sit back and enjoy
just being.”
“Oh please…” Buffy started to protest, and then she realized he had
used the same exact words in her dream. ‘Shit, that was no ordinary
dream that was a Slayer dream!’
Spike didn’t notice her stuck in thought. He just shot his mouth off
at her.
“What are you going to do throttle me or something? Bloody hell,
you’re just like me alone. No Angel. Even with all your soddin’
friends, you don’t get a moment of peace!”
Buffy looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He couldn’t read her
expression, but he new he had hurt her, made her cry. He hated it
when Dru cried, only because she was so bloody annoying and would
wail for hours. Buffy was different, if he was every to feel the
peace he felt in the dream with her, he wasn’t going to get it by
hurting her.
“Sorry luv,” he whispered, “just thought I heard you say that once.
I’m so sorry. I’m a bad rude man.”
~~~ ~~~
Angelus paced around the factory, furious at his grand childe.
William was a weakling when he was made and a weakling now. Spike
will pay for his betrayal. Angelus planned on torturing the boy to
set it straight once and for all who the alpha vamp is in their
family. He’d give Drusilla one good screw in front of Spike, then
stake the bastard!
Dru spun around, with Miss Edith in hand, and ran up into Angelus’
waiting arms. “Daddy. Are we going to go out and play with Sunshine
and William tonight?”
“Yes Dru. We will find him and the Slayer, knock them out and bring
them back here. Chain them up and redefine the word torture. We are
going to find them and bath in their blood!”
Drusilla pushed Angelus away, and stared at him with contempt and
disgust. She would not let him hurt her precious William.
“Daddy, perhaps we should find Williams’ Sunshine and make a toy out
of her. Mommy always wanted a little dolly of her own. The pixies
say so. William needs a playmate.”
Drusilla had hoped to sway him, but her actions had angered the
master vamp. Angelus grabbed the precious Miss Edith and through her
across the room. Drusilla screamed in horror.
“Enough you lunatic! Spike has betrayed us, and he shall pay with
his unlife. Don’t you dare try and stop me or you will share in his
fate!” Angelus grabbed Drusilla, and locked her in the bedroom.
“You, come here.” Angelus beckoned over a minion. "You keep watch
over her. If she tries to get out, stake her. If she gets by you,
consider yourself to share the same fate as William the Bloody!"
The minion humbly looked at his master and accepted his fate. There
was no way he could stop the vampiress from leaving even if he
wanted to.
Angelus stormed away and began preparations to create an army of
minions to use in his war. Drusilla sat on the bed with contempt.
How dare her Daddy threaten to take her unlife! She knew she was
crazy, but she truly knew he was no better than she. Her intellect
being far superior to that of the drunken Irishman, she immediately
had recognized Angelus’ was off his game and the plan with Acathla
was losing steam. He had lost his focus on the big picture. He was
“Miss Edith! I know you can hear me, even if you can’t see me. The
pixies say sunshine and William will save the day, and we are to
Drusilla smiled, ready to fulfill a new destiny.
“Anyanka, Patron Saint of Scorned Women, I request thee to come to
my aid!”
~~~ ~~~
Buffy just stood there amazed. He’d been right there with her in the
dream. The powers that like to screw with Buffy were really throwing
her for a loop. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love with an evil,
soulless vampire. It just wasn’t right, against her whole nature.
She’d been hurt at first, but he was only telling the truth.
“Buffy, luv, please say something. I’m sorry, ‘m evil and hurt you…”
“Spike, in the dream, were you...”
“Buffy Summers Get Your Slayer Butt Up Here! I don’t have all day to
perform a miracle on you!” Cordy yelled down the stairs.
Buffy just looked down, afraid to look at Spike. Spike wouldn’t let
her, he reached up and lifted her chin and looked in her eyes. He
had to know.
“Luv, were you with me in that dream? Were you really with me?”
“Buffy!!! Let’s go now!”
Buffy knew there would be no going back if she admitted it. She
couldn’t get herself to trust him yet, but he was right there with
her. She was so confused, didn’t know whether to run away or jump in
his arms.
“Luv, please tell me you were with me?”
She looked at him, really looked into his deep blue eyes, and
whispered “I was with you…I…”
“All I needed to know luv. Go see your friend, before she loses all
patience. ‘Sides, we both need some time to sort out what this
Buffy wiped her tears, put on a smile – a real smile - and ran up
the stairs to Cordy.
Spike felt his undead heart warm up for the first time ever. He
would give anything to have her smile like that at him again.
Ch 6 - Changes
The library had considerably quieted down since Cordelia departed. Xander was munching away on donuts, pretending to comb through research. He had one of his old Superman comics within the book he held. Meanwhile, Oz, Willow and Giles were diligently researching; with no progress to show for their efforts.
Willow perked up; an indication that finally some knew knowledge would be at hand. Giles was aware he was asking a lot of the teens to stay cooped up in the library; he was grateful but he knew he would have to set them free soon.
“Something of interest Willow?”
“Giles, this here says something about a scorned master vampiress. She and another will start the magicks which bring together the champions, and bind them together forever.”
“Drusilla?” Giles thought aloud. He wasn’t aware of any other vampiress’ of high rank. “I wouldn’t put it beyond her…but she wants Buffy dead as much as Angelus.”
“Well Giles, there’s more.”
“Go on Willow.”
“This manuscript is old and hard to read, but it looks here it says she does it to save her childe and punish her sire. A vengeance demon, by the name of A-…and then the rest of the page is ripped and several missing after that!”
“Bloody hell, figures we’d be so close to getting a little closer and something like this happens.”
“G-man, you’re gonna need some new glasses the way you keep wiping them!”
“Xander, how many times do I have to ask you not to call me that name!”
“G-man, you should thank me. It will help you remember to get new glasses…”
Willow sensed that Xander was going to keep burying himself if she didn’t step in soon, and she didn’t need to deal with a mad Giles!
“Umm…so ….wonder how Cordelia’s doing with Buffy?”
Giles wiped his glasses again, groaning inwardly that Xander was right. If the stress of today didn’t break his spectacles, surely the upcoming events would.
“No! I’m not going for the vamp ho look!” Buffy took the dress and threw it back at Cordelia. No way, she was not going to look like an S&M queen.
“Honey, do you want to save the world?” Cordelia chastised Buffy for being difficult. Cordelia continued to go through the racks of clothing until she found a longer dress.
“Well duh, of course and I will, with my fists.”
“Spike does seem like the rough & tumble type. Look Buffy, if this prophecy is the only way to save the mall, then for the sake of women everywhere, please try this on!”
Buffy grabbed the outfit from the brunette. Shopping was supposed to be fun, not stressful. She couldn’t believe the things she had to go through to save the world. She held up the dress. The material was lush black velvet, which would fall around her ankles. The bodice was similar to a corset, with metal links and ribbon to tie it in the front. Buffy had to admit, the dress was gorgeous…in a gothic kind of way. The neckline was a simple scoop neck, and the arms were sleeveless.
“Time to play dress up for Spike, might as well make this a fun and positive experience,” she muttered to herself. After struggling for a bit, she finally got the dress on. When she turned and looked into the mirror she was astonished at the reflection.
“Looks like I can give Drusilla a good run for her money; prophecy or not I am going to make Spike drool!” Buffy was proud of herself for realizing that she could use her feminine power over Spike.
“That’s the spirit! Go Buffy! Now get out here so I can see you.” Cordelia practically grabbed the Slayer out of the fitting room. She had a pile of jewelry and hair adornments ready to try out. Cordelia decided upon two ornate hair sticks, made of wood but coated over in silver, with beautiful Celtic engravings. The brunette cheerleader was proud of herself for picking something that could also be used as a weapon.
“Oh. My. God! Buffy this necklace is just perfect, goes right along with the vampire & slayer theme!” Cordelia placed the ornament around the slayer’s neck. It was simple, yet fitting. A short, slim silver chain with a silver bleeding heart charm – looked like a choker. Buffy looked at it with approval.
“Wow, your really getting into the Goth girl thing! It’s almost like a sweet, innocent, Victorian Goth goddess look. Damn I’m good! Ok, now to get your nails and hair done!”
“Cordelia, I’m not dying my hair black! I don’t want to look like a freak.”
“Buffy, don’t worry; the results so far have been good, ‘c’mon I’m going to treat you to some time with my hair guy. Oh this is so much fun, pretending to be best friends and a makeover guru, but I still look better than you!”
Buffy got all of her packages, and Cordelia whisked her out to the garage onto their next stop.
Spike was not sure how long he had been sleeping, but he knew it was around mid afternoon. The absence of heartbeats assured him that he was still alone. Hopefully the Scoobies, Buffy or maybe even Joyce would remember to pick up some blood for him. Joyce. She was a classy woman, treated him with respect instead of disgust. He could see where Buffy got her strength and determination from.
Her father must be a real prick. Spike had observed there were no pictures of him, and no one made any references to him either. Spike might be the Big Bad, but family continued to be important to him even after he was turned. What kind of man would just leave these two beautiful, strong women? Agh! Spike mentally slapped himself for referring to the slayer as beautiful. Still, it didn’t bloody matter. What kind of father abandons his daughter?
Her father, her first boyfriend – both had used her up and when they were through with her dumped her. It saddened Spike deeply. It was also a revelation. Drusilla had used him as a replacement for her daddy the whole time, and when Angelus came back, Spike was sent to the dumpster too. Vampire and Slayer, both castaways brought to this point of time for a reason. He wasn’t looking for redemption, but certainly for revenge. Revenge against his grandsire for such blatant abuse of others emotions; emotions Angelus had but chose to ignore. Revenge against the Slayer’s father for starting the distrust the girl was sure to have against men. If this girl were ever to survive and have a normal life, how would she ever find love? Would she always be alone?
It bothered him to think this deeply about the Slayer, but the prophecy, the dream…maybe some magicks were to blame, perchance not. The results could be unexpectedly wonderful, yet one goal remained. Angelus would pay.
Anyanka sauntered into the room. She was accustomed to being summoned and finding her requester in bad shape, yet she had never been prepared to see a master vampiress so brutally tortured. The girl looked no older than 20, but she was bloodied, bruised, burned and chained up. He who did this would certainly pay, and would feel the pain thousands of times worse than this girl had.
Drusilla looked up, with relief in her eyes. Angelus had finally broken her - broken her so hard back to sanity. She couldn’t regret all of the pain she had inflicted over the years, but she knew her William was special. The pixies knew and she knew. She made him and had subjected him to pain and loneliness. Her wish would be her chance to repay him for the kindness he showed her over a century. Perhaps he would finally get all the love he deserved.
TBC…Chapter 7: Transformations
Chapter 7 - Transformations
Drusilla had never been more pleased to see Anyanka show her face. She had been kicking herself since calling on the vengeance demon, because in her distraught state she forgot about vampire hearing. Angelus had not yet left, and overheard Dru’s plea.
“How dare you, bitch!”
Angelus grabbed the set of chains nearby and started to lash the vampiress in the back. The entire mansion could hear her wailing in pain, but no one would come to her aid for he or she feared a similar fate.
“You are nothing, were nothing when I made you, and are nothing now! Not even a pretty face, won’t even be pretty enough for your William when I am done with you!”
Angelus grabbed the candles that had been lit around the room and ordered the minions to help pore wax all over the helpless girl. Smoke would wisp off her, as the hot wax burned her skin.
“Daddy, please!” Dru cried.
Angelus grabbed a carving knife from one of the minions, and sauntered up to Dru.
“I’m not your daddy, your daddy is dead. I killed him. You are nothing. I should have rid myself of you years ago. Are you prepared to die now?”
Dru could not believe Angelus would finally kill her; but she welcomed it. She would be free from this insanity.
She did not look at him, she just replied softly, “Yes.”
Angelus’ wicked laugh filled the halls of the mansion.
“You stupid, silly, ignorant girl …this is my game…and my game is torture. It has been so long my love, so long since I have played with you. You should know better.” With that, Angelus took the carving knife, cut the sides of her face, and placed shallow cuts all over her body.
Angelus turned around, and looked at his masterpiece. She was recognizable, but disfigured with her clothes left in tatters just hanging from her chains on the wall.
**Flashback ends**
Dru was relieved and emotional as Anyanka came over to break the chains. She fell into the demon’s arms and promptly passed out from pain. Anyanka knew that she would have to nurse the vampiress back to health, and in order to do that she had to get her somewhere safe.
There was a flash, and the two were gone.
Back at the library, the remaining Scoobies were wrapping up for the afternoon. After their one breakthrough, no further progress had resulted from their efforts. Xander had dozed off, but Giles was content to leave him alone. It afforded the Brit just a few more hours of peace and quiet before the ruckus would start come nightfall. Even with all of the new variables, it was evident that Giles would have to find a way for the slayer and vampire to procreate for the sake of humanity.
The silence of the library was broken when Oz brought to light what no one else had thought of.
“We need to go back to the house and work with Spike.”
Giles looked up, “What do you mean?”
“Well Buffy is going through this little makeover with Cordelia so she is more appealing to Spike, shouldn’t we do the same with him?”
The sound of glass breaking broke Xander out of his nap.
“G-man, I knew you’d end up breaking those things!”
Giles just looked up towards the Powers that Be, silently asking them to make sure all of his agony would be worthwhile.
“Oz has a good point. I do not know how receptive Spike will be, but we do need to work with him. He is not likely to be cooperative about going out, so we need to bring the clothing to him. Oz, if you could please drive us to my flat, we can go through my clothes….”
“Buffy doesn’t like the tweed! Sorry, dude, but your clothes won’t…”
Giles coughed loudly to shut the whelp up.
“As I was saying, I have clothes from my youth that will suit him just fine and would be considered fashionable.”
The gang made their way out of the library over to Oz’s van. Giles was pleased with himself that he was able to keep Xander from asking any more questions about his glasses. Not only would they be picking up several outfits for Spike, but he could also grab his spare set of glasses.
The Scooby Gang, sans Buffy and Cordelia arrived back at Joyce’s house. Giles asked the gang to stay upstairs, because he felt he would be the best person to speak to Spike. Besides, he did not need any of Xander’s side comments. Provoking the vampire’s temper certainly would not help the cause. Giles slowly made his way downstairs, to see the blond menace lying on the cot asleep. Not wanting to disturb Spike, he turned to walk up the stairs but Spike’s voice stopped him.
“Sorry Spike didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll come back and talk to you later.”
“No bother, with the stinkin’ Scoobies chattering upstairs and my vampire hearing I’m not likely to get back to sleep.”
Spike was silent for a moment, and his nostrils flared to confirm who was in the house. Actually, it was to confirm that his blond goddess was not among the living. He was disappointed, but figured it was nearing dark in a few hours. She would want to be home in time to make sure her mom was ok.
Giles wondered what the blond vampire was thinking, hoping that he would be cooperative.
“So, Watcher, when will the Slayer be back?”
“Well, Spike, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You see she is, well how should I say...”
“She’s off with that cheerleader bint getting dolled up for me; yeah I know what of it?”
“Bloody hell Spike. If she is doing it for you, would you do a little something for her? Just a change of clothes? I brought a few things from my home.”
“ ‘m not wearing tweed!”
“Damn it, why do all of you think all I wear is tweed! Look, Spike do you want to stop Angelus?”
“Then it looks like the only option is for you and Buffy to get together. That means you have to do something to appeal to her to.”
“ ‘m fine as I am, nothing wrong with what I am wearing.”
“I agree, but to her there is. You must understand that! If not, just humor me please?”
Spike thought about it for a few moments, to make the watcher squirm. He knew Giles was right. He had to appeal to the Slayer. He had never even been on a real date before, as a human or vamp; unless you included the dream picnic, he had with the slayer. That gave Spike an idea. He would treat the slayer to the date of her lifetime. Treat her like she deserves to be treated, and perhaps he will earn her way into her heart.
“Fine watcher, for the sake of puppies and Christmas I’ll do it. If I am going to do it, it will be good and proper. I will need a few things though.”
“Whatever you need Spike.”
“I’m going to need out of these chains first of all; a car; and some cash.”
“What do you need that for?”
“Are you insane watcher? I need to romance the chit! I am taking her out on a date. I cannot soddin’ do that if my car and cash are back at the mansion, can I? Watcher, think about it, you are asking me to sleep with the girl. I am not going to lie to you. I like her, more than I care to admit even to you. You have my word I’ll treat her like a lady.”
Giles considered himself a good judge of character. Looking into Spike’s eyes, he could see that the vamp was being honest. If he was going to do his job as a white hat, he would have to put his trust and faith in Spike.
“I agree to your terms Spike. If you harm a hair on her head, I will stake you myself.”
“Agreed. So Watcher, toss that bag of clothes and we’ll see what you’ve got.”
Buffy took her time stepping out of Queen C’s little red car into the warm California sun. She had not had the privilege of going to a finer salon since she left Los Angeles. Naturally, Cordelia only had the best, and it would be the best salon in all of Sunnydale. The girls stepped into the salon. The décor was contemporary and posh, with alternative music pumping throughout the common areas. Cordelia confidently approached the two women at the reception desk. The women were no older than 23 and could not be more opposite in looks. One was a blonde-haired woman that looked like she stepped out of Vogue, dressed from head to toe in Marc Jacobs' latest design. The other, looked like she belonged in a punk rock band. She had tattoos from head to toe, piercing everywhere possible, and her hair was black with streaks of violet.
“Oh my god, How are you Serena & Cat!” Cordelia was elated to see her two favorite stylists were working today. “My friend Buffy and I have an appointment to get our hair and nails done; I hope we have our hair booked with both of you.”
Buffy started to get nervous. It was possible Miss Piercing Queen was going to touch her golden locks. Buffy was all for doing it to save the world, but she wanted to do it looking like a sane girl!
Miss Piercing Queen quickly spoke up, “Cordelia you’ll be with me, and Buffy was booked with Serena.”
Buffy let out a breath in relief. Thank goodness she was going with Serena.
Serena turned to Buffy ”so what can I do for you?”
Before Buffy could speak, Cordy opened her mouth.
“Well Serena, remember the time you did Cat’s hair honey blond with a few strands of brown and black? Could you do Buffy’s hair like that?”
“Absolutely; come Buffy, let’s go to my chair and take a look at your hair darling.”
Buffy was speechless. She thought she was getting the better of the two, and never would have thought that the glamour girl whose chair she now sat in was responsible for Miss Piercing Queen’s look. There was no way a short cut was for her. She just sat in the chair frightened, which was not saying too much for the strength of the Slayer’s backbone.
“Don’t worry darling, the change Miss Chase asked for isn’t nearly as dramatic as what you see on Cat now. Your lovely long locks are perfect, and these beautiful hair sticks will keep it up nicely.
Buffy felt a little relieved until she realized there was no mirror.
“Um, isn’t there someplace where we can sit where there is a mirror?” Buffy asked.
“Darling, that’s the pleasure of being my client. You will just have to trust me, ok darling. You’ll look lovely!”
As Serena got to work, another couple of girls came over.
“Miss Summers, we will take care of your manicure and pedicure while Serena works her magic.”
Buffy was amazed at the way the girls were able to all work together at the same time. While being pampered for once, she shut her eyes and relaxed.
Several hours later, Buffy stood in shock in front of the mirror at the salon. Serena had left her speechless, in a good way. Buffy actually liked how she looked. The added colors gave her an edgier look, and her hairstyle more depth. Most of her hair was down, except for a small amount that swept up off her face and held back with the hair sticks.
Buffy then looked down at her nails. The steel metallic grey color was perfect. It was not Goth it was edgy. Hearing Cordelia run into the room, Buffy turned around with a big smile on her face.
“Look out Spike, here I come!”
Joyce walked into her home, to find everyone there except for her daughter and that stuck up Chase girl. She noticed someone new in the living room, but she thought he looked familiar. He had curly platinum blond hair, with just a little bit of gel in it to hold the curls. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, long sleeved black shirt. The shirt tucked into his jeans, and a leather belt nicely kept everything in place. The pair of black boots underneath the jeans did not strike her as strange. She was really hoping he was a potential date for her daughter, so she figured she would introduce her self and make a good impression.
“Hi I’m Joyce Summers, Buffy’s mom.”
The room was full of giggles. Taken back, until she saw the young man smile and recognized him as the vampire that had come into her home that morning.
“Sorry Spike, how silly of me. You clean up nicely. I certainly hope my daughter has been treating you well.”
“She’s been wonderful, has been out for a few hours though. I suspect she’ll be home soon.”
“Wonderful, would you like a cup of cocoa?”
“Thanks Joyce. I was wondering if I could have your permission to take your daughter out tonight.”
The faces in the room all looked at Spike in shock. Never in a million years had they expected Spike to be proper.
“Absolutely Spike, I trust you with my baby. Come into the kitchen; let me get you some of that hot cocoa I promised you.”
“Do you have a car to take her out in?”
“Oz is letting me use his van, since Giles’ car is back at the library.”
“Nonsense Spike, take my Jeep. I want nothing but the best for my baby.”
After Spike and Joyce made their way into the kitchen, Xander started his protests immediately.
“Giles, you can’t let Buffy go out with that evil blood sucking fiend by herself!”
“Xander, I have Spike’s word he will not hurt her. Now you need to grow up, because if Buffy walks in this house with any indication her leaving with Spike is a bad thing, you can forget about saving the world or eating one of your soddin’ donuts ever again!”
Xander just slumped back into the couch in defeat; Giles threat of no donuts apparently doing the trick to shut the boy up. A minute later, the doorbell rang. Giles opened up the door to see Cordelia standing there, but no Buffy.
“Cordelia, my god, where is Buffy?”
“You can’t see her yet Mr. Giles; I want Spike to see her first. Go get him.”
In the kitchen, Spike had heard the doorbell. He could sense the nervous slayer outside. Just the fact she was nervous gave him encouragement that perhaps his golden goddess would be his. He stepped through the kitchen door into the living room, only to see the cheerleader. He sauntered up to the doorway before Cordy pushed him back.
“Wow, Spike you look ….normal, in a good way. Buffy’s so going to love you.” Cordelia looked to the side and motioned for the slayer to step into the doorway.
Spike could feel the slayer’s nerves increasing to a near panic, he thanked the powers that she could not sense he was equally as nervous. He saw one black boot step into view. As she fully came into view, his eyes traveled up the long slim black velvet skirt that accented figure perfectly to the black velvet corset top beneath a long, lightly knit silver sweater. He adored the necklace; the bleeding heart charm hanging off the chain was exquisite.
As his eyes lifted up to meet hers, he raised his hand and caressed her face. His golden goddess’ hair was exquisite. She transformed into his princess; no make that his queen. Spike heard her heart begin to race. He hoped he had the same effect on her as she had on him.
“‘Cor slayer, you’re beautiful.”
Buffy was in a trance, he looked so handsome. His clothes were normal, hair tousled… Spike looked like the man of her dreams, hotter than the guys in school, certainly all of Sunnydale. He took her breath away as she looked up at his chiseled cheekbones, and into his cerulean blue eyes. Her body just reacted to his, as if it already belonged to him.
From behind his back, he pulled out one solitary rose and presented it to her. He softly began to speak to her.
“Would you allow me the privilege of escorting you on a proper date for the evening?”
She looked up at him amazed, amazed at the man he truly was.
“William, I’d be honored.”
He took her hand in his and guided her out into evening.
Chapter 8 – Clarity
Buffy was amazed at the gentleman Spike was. He held her hand, opened doors for her, and helped her into the Jeep. Her date with her mortal enemy was turning out to be the perfect date. It appeared Spike had also resigned to the fact that they would have to fulfill the prophecy. What amazed her is that he was not being his usual snarky self. She expected him to kick, fight, and insult her …even suggest in vitro fertilization. His kindness and apparent adoration through her for a loop, but when she looked in his eyes all she could see was honesty.
One thing was clear. Everything she had learned about soulless vamps was wrong.
From now on Buffy would form her own opinions based on her own experience. Vampires did have choices in their unlives, and if they chose the wrong path in their unlife…well they would meet the slayer.
If they could change, she would give them a chance to take the path of redemption.
If that vamp was a certain peroxide blond menace, she may even give him her heart.
As she looked out the window lost in thought, Spike took the opportunity too look over and adore his Slayer. ‘His Slayer,’ that sounded nice to Spike. She was his equal in strength and desire; he had known she would be a challenge as an enemy since he had first laid eyes on her at the Bronze.
The prophecy had stripped each of them of their natural hate for each other, forcing them to work with each other.
It also forced them to realize they were a perfect mate for the other.
Spike could not be more grateful that he realized this before any magic became involved. It was obvious something had to happen, after all vampires cannot procreate. He did not want magic playing with their emotions, to rip the few moments of love away once the spell had ended.
He had already lost Dru; what he felt for Buffy was beyond anything he ever felt for Dru. If his sunshine were to leave him, he would have to walk out to meet the dawn. He could not handle the pain of losing another love.
Spike would be damned if Angelus would step in and get all soulful to take her back. He made sure that Angelus would not even ruin tonight. Tonight would be perfect. The Scoobies would all be safe in Joyce’s house, where there was no invite. Buffy would be safe with him, away from the Hellmouth for the night, in a private place where Angelus had no invite.
Breaking the silence, Buffy finally spoke.
“Spike, where are we going?”
“Buffy, I wanted to take you somewhere safe; away from everything for the evening. I have a friend with a private estate a few miles south from here. It is very lovely, right on the ocean. I hope you are hungry; his staff will prepare us an elegant meal we can enjoy under the stars. As long as you think that is proper, luv.”
“It sounds lovely Spike.”
“The estate has a grand ballroom, with a private band. I hope you’ll be up for some dancing.”
Buffy looked up at Spike, with awe and adoration shining through her eyes. The evening was getting better and better, and they had not even arrived yet. Next to her was the real William. Not Spike, the big bad persona he put on for the world, but the essence of who he really was. The essence of someone she was fast falling for.
Reaching across to grasp his hand, she affirmed his plans for the night.
“I would love to dance with you, William.”
Drusilla awoke in on a big beautiful bed. The bed was a four-poster, with beautiful white lace linens, and an oversized white down comforter. Her head rested on the many overstuffed pillows at the top of the bed. She ached quite a bit still, but her vampire healing had kicked in already. Mostly, she felt safe and peaceful, for the first time in centuries.
She was still too weak to move from the bed, which was fine by her. The dark haired vampiress did not want to move from her comfortable spot. Her newfound sanity told her not to ruin a good thing, besides she would need the time to finish formulating her wish. She was evil and sane, not such a good thing for Angelus!
Angelus had awoken in a bedroom on the other side of the mansion. He turned over to see the small blond vampire next to him. She had been quite the screamer, which drove him nuts. Well, that turned out to be something else to put on the list of things duct tape fixed! He just needed to carry this little role of tape around; it was like having a set of chains at his disposal.
He had his fill of the minion last night; she really was not impressive but did the job. He got up and quickly grabbed the vamp up by her hair. The minion looked relieved; she thought she was going to be released from this lunatic.
Angelus, not one to pass up the opportunity for sadistic pleasure, teased the minion.
“So are your ready to go hunt for the night my precious?”
The vampiress nodded her head up and down, as she could not speak with the duct tape still stuck on her mouth.
“I asked you to speak! Do not disrespect me. Now tell me again, are you ready to go hunt?”
She made a few high-pitched noises, in an attempt to pacify the monster in front of her. It was no use; she winced in anticipation of Angelus’ fist coming to her face. Instead, all she felt was the soft caress of his hand.
Angelus saw the confused look in her eye. He was having so much fun toying with the worthless excuse for a bedmate.
“Forgive me, I’m so rude. I left this tape over your mouth. Of course you can’t respond!”
He reached over as if he was going to gently remove the tape. Instead, he grabbed her head and swiftly twisted it off her body. As the dust sprayed everywhere, he departed the room.
“Stupid bitch, speaking of, I think its time to see if Dru is going to be cooperative today.”
Angelus confidently strode over to the other side of the mansion.
“Dru you can’t trick me. Closing off the childe/sire bond is just going to make your punishment worse! Come on Dru, be a good girl for your daddy.”
He walked into the room he had left the master vampiress in only to find it empty. He was furious! The Powers That Be were humiliating him, head of the Aurelian clan. He let out a roar that echoed beyond the mansion.
In the corner, he noticed Miss Edith. Well that bitch wanted to play. That fucking Anyanka must have taken Dru. Well then, Dru was going to pay. He took precious Miss Edith tore her to shreds.
“Fucking doll, never liked it anyway. No more tea for Miss Edith!”
Angelus threw the tattered remains of the doll in the air then quickly turned and made his way back through the mansion to formulate a plan.
It was time to get back to his original plan. Acathla
Kudos to Meli for still
being a great beta!!!! **snoopy dance for Meli!** I'm so
grateful to all of you who are leaving reviews; it's very
Chapter 9 – Attractions
This was what every girl wanted, treated like a queen.
Fucked up thing about it, Spike was her knight in shining armor, her king. How they got from hating and loathing each other to being smitten with each other was beyond her comprehension. Buffy was fine with that. At this point, she only wanted one thing.
Supper! She was starving, and certainly could not be attentive to her vampire date if she was too weak.
She was awestruck when they arrived to the estate. The place was almost a palace, with gates to keep beasties out. Spike spoke into the speaker to announce their arrival and received the required invitation. Once inside, they drove up the long winding road to the estate. Instead of an expanse of a lush deep lawn, beautiful floral gardens occupied the space on either side of the driveway. She could hear classical music floating through the air.
Spike pulled the Jeep up and allowed the estate’s staff to assist them out of the vehicle. He slowly took Buffy’s hand and led her through the gardens into a beautiful patio area overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
She gasped at the lovely sight before her. Candles were everywhere it looked like a sanctuary. A table was set in the middle, with luxurious, richly colored linens. Several candles were on the table, lighting it up magically as the light reflected off the fine crystal on the table.
Buffy looked up at Spike into his eyes.
“You did this all to be with me?”
“Luv, you deserve it. You have worked hard, put others before you. In return, taken away from you are the ones you love, either on their terms or on the powers terms. Never yours now that you are willing to do what needs done to protect the ones left that you hold dear. Your strength, ‘Cor Buffy, it’s what I admire and respect about you.” He turned around and whispered, “I respect you too much, and I can’t kill you anymore. It’s what brings me closer to you, makes me want to be a better man.”
Buffy stepped up behind him, wrapped her arms around him, and softly spoke.
“You’re different from the others, different from Angel.”
Spike tensed up when he heard his grandsire’s name. Buffy just held him tighter.
“Spike, you have power that radiates off of you. Your demon is powerful; the slayer in me knows it. William is powerful too. I cannot help but respect and watch in awe how you have been able to take two powerful beings within you and blend them into who you are now. Neither William nor the Demon controls you. That makes you different from the others, free to choose your path.”
Spike felt ashamed. Here his golden goddess was offering him praise, respect but he still did not feel worthy of it.
“I’m still evil though.”
“I used to think vampires = evil = kill. You proved me wrong, Spike. So many humans out there have just one entity inside them to master, and they still do evil deeds. I’m the slayer, but I’m not all goody two shoes as you may think.”
Spike turned around and looked into Buffy’s eyes.
“So you’re willing to compromise your self with the Big Bad to save the world?”
“No Spike, I’m willing to compromise myself to be with the Big Bad for as long as I’m in this world.”
“Are you feeling alright luv? You don’t belong in the dark with me, you belong in the light.” Spike looked up and snickered, “Dru used to tease me and say that sunshine was dancing all around me, but I didn’t know what she meant. I always assumed she could see my death. Never did I think she meant that I would fall for a …”
Of course, just on time the estate director walked onto the patio. Spike was not sure if he felt relieved or disappointed that he did not spill all of his feelings to Buffy.
“Master Spike, I see you have arrived with your beautiful girl. Come; take your seats so we can serve you dinner!”
“Luv, looks like we’ll have to wait to finish our little talk, no sense in ruining a very well prepared meal by letting it get cold.
He gently removed her hands from around his waist and escorted her over to the table. The director went to pull out Buffy’s chair, but Spike stopped him. The vampire wanted to show the slayer romance, so he wanted to be the one to pull out her chair. After she sat down, he kneeled down next to her and placed a gentle kiss on her hand. He looked up to her eyes, and spoke.
“Buffy, we’ve just thrown each other crumbs of hope in the last few minutes. I couldn’t stand it if we moved forward and you swept them away.”
Buffy went to speak, but Spike stopped her.
“Shh, luv. Just wanted you to understand where I stand with this. Now you think about it over dinner and dancing.”
Spike moved away, and took his place at the table just as the estate staff brought out the food for the evening. The blonde couple remained quiet through their dinner, occasionally locking eyes. There was not one thought of their prior loves, but they could feel the nervous energy in the air between them. ‘Would tonight be the night,’ Buffy thought.
“Finally you’re awake! I could have been having mad sex next to you, and you wouldn’t have known it!”
Drusilla just looked at the vengeance demon, wondering ‘Am I sane again, because compared to this woman, I am.’
“I’m surprised at the shock on your face. You cannot fool me missy, I heard all about your exploits with men and women! We can chat all about that later. If you didn’t realize it, I am Anyanka, who you should be so grateful to for saving your ass from Angelus!”
“That I am.” Dru wearily replied.
“You can also call me Anya. Now how would you like him punished? Oh, we could turn him into a weak hobbit, with warts on his penis!”
Anya tried to prod Drusilla on, hoping that the vampiress would come up with a fate cruel enough for Angelus. The vampiress still seemed to be a little weak physically, but the power that emanated from her was strong.
Drusilla rose up and sat along the side of the bed. In all those years as an insane lunatic, she still dressed in the frilly gowns from the old days. Perchance, this was her opportunity to change her destiny and others.
“Anya, the kind of wish I’d like to make on Angelus cannot be so simple. Punished right where he will hurt the most, his soul. First, though, I would like to do something about the garments I have worn for so long. It is hard to be stealthy and evil when I am dressed like a historical figure.”
Anya knew that would be the moment to change them both forever. Luckily, for her, she already knew her part in the plan, thanks to D’Hoffryn. She rubbed the crystal in her pocket and chanted a few words under her breath.
A light flashed to reveal a new Drusilla. Her garments now were a pair of black leather pants, leather stiletto boots, and a nice red satin top. She did not look Goth; rather she looked like she stepped out of Vogue. It gave her a new air of confidence about her.
She then noticed a mirror across the room and for the first time in centuries saw her reflection. Dru walked up to it and examined the mirror in awe. Gently she touched the beautiful amulet around her neck. To her surprise when she tried to vamp, she still could.
Anyanka knew explanations were in order before Dru questioned her sanity.
“Dru, it seems like D’Hoffryn has been impressed with you for a long time now. Bringing you here, he saw your power and has seen the thoughts in your mind. Your family is not what it was, and now we would like you as part of ours. Of course, it was not right to take away your vampire strengths but we vengeance girls have to look our best when we wear our human faces. That is why you have your reflection. You’ll also find that you can walk in sunlight for short periods of time.”
“I’m still evil, I feel it.”
“Duh, Dru that’s why D’Hoffryn loves you so much! He has never made a hybrid vengeance demon before. I feel your power.”
“As I feel yours, it is pulling towards mine.”
“Dru, you have the brains though. You have the ability to methodically plan elaborate vengeance schemes. Most of us girls, we hear the wish and we act. Granted, I’m known for being very good about the wished I grant.”
Anyanka walked close to Drusilla and wrapped her arms around her. She raised her lips to Dru’s ear, and whispered, “Together, the vengeance delivered by us will be renown throughout the demon world.”
Dru’s body immediately responded to Anyanka’s ministrations. She purred, and pulled Anyanka closer to her. This felt so right, as partners with each other, 100% they could execute so much evil. Besides, it would be nice to be in a partnership where she could take another to bed without upsetting her partner. Dru grinned wickedly as she moved her arms over Anyanka’s body, tracing her tongue over Anya’s lips.
Anyanka looked at Dru, and the deal was sealed. She had swayed the vampiress over to her side now, and there would be no going back to the Aurelius family.
Dru pulled away and looked up at Anyanka.
“Let me tell you how I want Angelus to pay.”
He he he...evil cliffhanger, I promise
next time we get Dru's wish!
for the great reviews. Xtra thanks for Meli, who
continues to do a great beta job!
Real life the past week didn't leave much time for a big chappie, but as promised here is Dru's wish!
Chapter 10 – Departures
Angelus felt the sudden loss of family sweep over him. It was odd because he didn’t feel that Drusilla had died; only that he no longer had a link to her. It was different than when she had closed off the familiar link earlier, now there was just no link to try. That suited him just fine, the bitch had already betrayed him and she deserved to no longer be an Aurelian.
Sick and tired of the petty torture sessions he had occupied himself with, Angelus was more determined than ever to wreak havoc on the world with Acathla. He was mildly concerned that his errant grand childe and the slayer might be plotting away to stop him.
Angelus just shrugged off the thought and went to gather his minions.
“Don’t keep me waiting. Last one in here will be dusted.” Angelus’ voice echoed through the mansion.
Angelus paced around the room, occasionally glancing at the gigantic statue in the center of the gathering.
As the last vamp entered the room, Angelus beckoned the minion to his side. The minion had no choice but to obey and meet his dusty destiny. Not in the mood to waste time, he ripped the minion’s head off with one clean twist. Immediately, all the vamps in the room understood the seriousness of the gathering. Rarely, if ever, did Angelus miss an opportunity to prolong and make a show out of torture.
“Now that were all here, listen up. Tomorrow night will be the night.”
Angelus grabbed the closest minion.
“You look like you have brains, here take this information and find out what I need to do to get this thing open. You have until morning, or your dust.”
Angelus then grabbed another minion.
“If he can’t get it done, you will meet the same fate as him. As for the rest of you, you’re on guard duty. No one that is not from our family and certainly not my errant childer is to penetrate the walls of this mansion. Am I clear?”
Angelus noticed a fledgling off to the side that had not acknowledged him. Another opportunity to make reinforce what happens to disobedient vamps.
“Boy, did you not hear my question?”
“I did master.”
“Yet you disobeyed me. Are you prepared to accept the consequences?”
“Yes master.”
Angelus grabbed the minion and chained him up against the wall. He took his dagger and slit the throat of the vamp. As the blood flowed, the minions’ bloodlust took control as he began to converge on the doomed vamp.
Angelus walked away, enjoying the screams of pain. No doubt, he would be dust by morning. Confident his leadership had been firmly reinforced, he made his way out to hunt for the night.
The silence at the dinner table was broken when Spike fell to the ground in tears. Buffy panicked. Quickly, she rushed to his side and held him in her arms.
“Spike, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
Spike was so distraught; he could barely choke out his reply.
“Dru. She’s gone, I can’t feel her anymore.”
“How? How do you know?” Buffy whispered.
“Vamps can feel their family, luv. Especially sires and childer; they can sense each others proximity, and can sense when they are gone.”
Buffy was unsure if she should be jealous of his emotional state over his ex vamp ho or if she should feel relieved. She just knew Spike was sad, and she wanted to help him.
Spike looked up at Buffy. He realized that loving Buffy would mean feeling this pain again someday. Was he willing to risk the pain? Could his heart take it? He felt Dru was no longer apart of him, but it didn’t seem like she was ashes. Regardless, his demon hurt. After over 100 years of having the comfort of the childe/sire connection it was gone.
Buffy gently wiped his tears off of his cheeks, and held his head to her chest. She rubbed his back as he cried. Her own tears were slowly falling down her own cheeks. She couldn’t take away his pain, but she could offer her love and comfort.
Each of them was experiencing the tender, raw emotional sides of each other. It wasn’t magic, it wasn’t an act.
It was real. In that moment both decided that risking their hearts to each other was worth it.
“Suppose you wouldn’t mind if we skipped the dancing luv, ‘m a bit drained.”
“Of course, do you want to go inside and just sit in front of the fire?”
“That would be perfect luv, help me relax and gather my bearings.”
The blond pair rose up from the ground; with their hands linked they walked into the estate home.
From the shadows, two figures had silently observed the happenings.
“They make a great couple Anya; the pixies told me so when I met William. Destined for each other, true love shouldn’t have been held apart because they were born a few decades apart.”
“They’ll have great orgasms together. Vampire stamina, let me just say yummy.”
“They would have such beautiful children together; it’s a shame that nature won’t allow it.”
“Dru, don’t be silly. You’ll learn soon enough, us vengeance demons make things happen to defy nature. Speaking of vengeance, you mentioned before we teleported here that you were ready to share your wish for Angelus. Now would be a good time.”
“Indeed, you’re right Anya.”
“They won’t notice us or sense us, so let’s take a seat over by the ocean cliff. I just love cloaking spells!”
The pair wandered over to the grassy spot overlooking the ocean. They sat down with their legs crossed, with their eyes focused on the ocean in front of them.
“My wish for Angelus isn’t simple, but it is effective. I’ll explain why after I make my wish, fair enough?”
“Enough with explanations just make the wish Dru!”
Anya rolled her eyes. She knew Dru was brilliant but, she was anxious to get the vengeance underway.
“I wish for Angelus to have his soul permanently restored when he awakes tomorrow evening, he must live with the consequences of his actions with Acathla and that Buffy will be carrying the child of William.”
Anya rubbed her necklace, and stroked Dru’s hand.
“Wish granted.”
Dru looked over at Anya, and softly spoke.
“It touched my heart when I found poor William broken in the alley that night. His heart stomped upon by an evil human. It was cruel to let him go on thinking so lowly of himself, that he was beneath society’s rules. Besides, what the pixies told me, I wanted to give him a chance to show his strength. I only knew then that he was fated for the sunshine, but I could help him become strong. So I gifted him with eternal life.”
Dru paused for a moment. She laughed to herself how ironic it was that the forces of good and evil worked with each other sometimes rather than against each other.
“Anyhow, as for the reason for the wish, Angelus enjoys pain but Angel suffers in his torment of his soul. The suffering at the hands of his own soul is the only way that he could ever feel the torture as he inflicted on so many others. Let the bastard bath in it.”
Anya was amazed that the formerly crazed vampiress could so clearly come up with such strong reasoning for serving up the vengeance as she wished.
“Brilliant Dru, go on.”
“Angel, he loves sunshine. He does not know his soul is permanent, so he must suffer knowing the woman he loves the most; he can never have again. To add a little salt to his wound, he now has to suffer knowing his love belongs to William forever more. Buffy and William will always be linked together because of their child. Angel will feel inclined to protect the child, and his conscious will prevent him from challenging William for the Slayer’s love.”
Anya just stared with her mouth open, dumbfounded at the complexity behind the wish.
“See Anya, this is why we make a good team. I can hear out our damsels in distress and give them guidance in how they phrase their wishes. Can we teleport out of here now? I’m sure they will find comfort with each other tonight, yet I don’t feel inclined to eavesdrop on their rest of their evening.”
With a flash, the two vengeance demons were gone.
Meli for betaing & thanks everyone for your thoughtful
Chapter 11- Falling Into Place...Almost
“So G-Ma...” Xander began, but quickly stopped as he saw the look on Giles face. “Sorry, Giles. So you think that Buffy’s dusted Spike yet?”
“I certainly hope not, or we’ll all be dust if they don’t stop Angelus.” Giles replied.
“I wonder if they’re making with the smoochies yet.” Willow put her hand over her mouth as everyone around the room looked at her. “Oops, silly me. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
“Duh, Willow they are going to have to do more than smoochies. I bet they’ve already nak…” Xander quickly covered Cordelia’s mouth.
“Can I just say too much info! I am not happy about Buffster having to get it on with Evil Undead Jr., but we do not have to talk about it. Where’s that pizza guy, we ordered hours ago?”
“As usual Xander your mind is on one thing, food.” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Fine, I won’t talk about Buffy getting it on with Spike, but let me just say they’ll have some fine looking kids. I wonder where he’s taking her, if it is nice and romantic.”
“Oh I bet it is!” Willow chimed in.
Giles walked out of the room into the kitchen to enjoy the freshly made cup of tea Joyce made. He realized that she probably would not want to hear the words Buffy and intimacy in the same sentence. Once teenage girls got started on romance, it was hard to stop them. Well he had let Xander deal with it. After all, he almost was called that dreaded nickname again. Hopefully Oz would just tune out the conversation; after all, he seemed to be deep in his own thoughts.
“And did you see the way he looked at her? I bet he is just going to eat her up!”
“Literally.” Oz said under his breath. Xander just turned around and shot an annoyed look at him. “Well it’s true, when you think about it. He can eat her both ways, and ….wow now that I think about it, go Buffy!”
The rest of the Scoobies joined Xander with their mouths wide open. Oz was not trying to be fresh; he just had a very good point. Luckily, they were all spared from having to further dwell on the thought when the doorbell rang.
“Finally.” Xander said with relief. He got up and made his way to the door. When he opened it, he saw the pizza boxes on the porch. Before the gang could pull him back, his stomach guided him out onto the porch so he could capture his prize. Unfortunately, two of Angelus’ minions grabbed him before he realized that he had been set up. They knocked him out and dragged him away from the house.
“Xander!” Willow cried. She tried to run after him, but Oz held her back. Giles and Joyce ran into the living room.
Oz reached onto the porch and pulled the boxes of pizza into the house. On top of the boxes was a note.
“What does it say?” Giles asked.
“Slayer for the Boy. Midnight tomorrow. Angelus.”
“Dear lord. Well we cannot just run and get Buffy. We need her and Spike to have this time together to come up with a plan to stop Angelus. For now, let’s come up with a plan.”
Oz opened up the boxes of pizza to find that their dinner was untouched. He grabbed a slice and ate it, despite the looks he received from everyone in the room.
“What are you all waiting for? It hasn’t been tampered with and if you expect to help Buffy and Xander, then you will need your strength.”
Giles nodded in agreement. The boy made sense, incidentally the werewolf would have been able to sense if something had been done to the food.
“If I could take away your pain I would Spike.”
The sincerity in the Slayer’s eyes eased his heartache. His sire was gone, but she had been lost to him for some time now. Here was his future, his golden goddess.
“You give me hope luv, that’s enough.”
They were sitting on the floor, arms still wrapped around each other; eyes locked together. Slowly they leaned into each other as their lips met. Gently, they gave each other soft chaste kisses until Spike pulled away and looked at her.
“Sorry, Luv.”
“’Cause, I don’t want you to think that I kissed you out of comfort, I did it because…”
“Shh, Spike I was just as much there with you.” Buffy shied her head away, “I’ve wanted it since I first saw you at the Bronze and I saw it in your eyes.”
“Then you realized what I was.”
“Yeah, but
it doesn’t matter to me now. Does it to you?”
“No, not anymore. I have never been a conventional vamp. I cannot deny it any more, something about you. It’s been there all along, pulling me to you.”
“Yes Goldilocks?”
“Kiss me?”
Spike pulled her close to him, and softly kissed her lips. He was shocked that she took the initiative to deepen the kiss, but he would not deny her. No, never deny his golden goddess anything. He let his hands move along her body, gently stroking her. He was not going to let his demon get the best of him tonight. No, tonight was about gentle love and the demon would need to wait.
However, Buffy would not. She was becoming more wanton with each touch and caress. Spike had been too busy with his mental war he had not realized she had begun to free him from his restraints. The demon’s pride warmed his cool body, and laughed at Spike’s attempted restraint. No, it was not the demon warming him up, it was her hand on his manly goods. He let out a soft moan to let the Slayer know that what ever she was doing, it was the right thing and she should not stop.
This girl would be his forever. He would claim her tonight.
“Buffy, Luv, ugh feels so good.”
The slayer continued to use her hands to lavish his goods. As she pumped him, she licked his neck and nibbled on his ear.
“God Spike, want you so much.”
Spike realized that the servants could wander through here at any moment, even though they were demons and should have smelled the arousal in the air. Some though may be tempted to peak in and certainly the Slayer would not approve. His own demon did not approve. This was his woman, his soon to be mate and he would not let any one view her lovely body or touch it ever again.
“’Cor Buffy, so good, my little minx! Love you. Love you so much, but we have to move out of here. Don’t want anyone to see you.”
He scooped her up in his arms, lips not leaving hers for a moment as he moved her into the bed.
“Someone’s got too much clothing on her.”
“So take it off.”
“Mmm…gonna eat you up.”
‘Shit’, Spike thought to himself. ‘Slayer’s gonna get me for that comment.’
Instead, the slayer just looked back at him seductively.
“I bet you are.”
Well things were going to get interesting.
“I don’t understand Dru; he should have gotten his soul back! I don’t know why he had that Xander guy kidnapped.”
Anya had never granted a wish before that went wrong. She fisted her hands at her side, so frustrated that she had not realized Drusilla had come over and wrapped her arms around her.
Dru figured she had better do some more explaining to calm Anya down, but first she needed her attention. Dru spun her around and planted a soft kiss on Anya’s lips. It worked, but not as well as Dru hoped.
“Uh, Dru, you don’t understand. D’Hoffryn is going to be so mad at me for screwing this up! I need to fix this fast so he doesn’t punish me. Definitely not the time for sex now, despite how much I want it from you.”
Dru raised her finger to Anya’s lips.
“Shh, he will not be mad. You granted the wish fine, it just was not time for Angelus to receive his soul. The pixies and powers have told me, and this D’Hoffryn knows.”
Anya just walked away and sat down, thumbing through her books to find away to fix things. She could not just trust Dru based on her word. After all, she had seen what D’Hoffryn did to other vengeance demons that were not up to par.
“Whatever you say Dru, whatever you say."
12- Union
Spike was in so much shock that the Slayer had not kicked
his arse for his comments; he had not realized he had
stopped his ministrations until Buffy spoke up.
“Spike, you know you want to make me your girl.”
“Pet, you know what you’re asking?”
“Don’t you want me Spike?”
The seductress was gone and in its place was the insecure
girl that love had trampled on time after time. ‘No
More,’ Spike thought.
“Luv, I want you. Want to claim you as mine.”
“Then make me yours.”
Spike drew her closer to him, and looked into her eyes. This
slip of a girl had made her way into his unlife and heart.
She was his soul, his muse, his reason for continuing his
“Buffy, a claim is forever. It only breaks when one of us
is killed. We’ll be able to feel each other’s emotions,
won’t be able to hide our thoughts from each other. What
will your mom think, your friends?”
The tables turned, as now Spike’s insecurities came into
the fore. ‘What kind of life could the big bad offer her?
Why would she want it?’ Spike was broken out of his
thoughts when Buffy’s hand caressed his cheek. She had
sensed his fear of rejection.
“Spike, forever? You’ll never leave me?”
He looked into her wide eyes and answered her. He prayed to
himself that she would feel the same. To have his golden
goddess by his side, as his lover and warrior, he could not
ask for anything more. It was the closest to heaven he would
Fuck, it was heaven, and if things kept going as they were
tonight, he would be in heaven shortly.
“Never ever leave you luv.”
She had not thought it possible. A man in her life that
wanted to love her completely, honestly, and unconditionally
– to be her mate; he was every bit a warrior she was. He
would watch her back and she would watch his. ‘And he
won’t leave me.’
“Make me yours William. Claim me as your girl, your mate,
your love…forever.”
Dumfounded, they were lost in each other’s eyes. Last week
they were two mortal enemies. However, tonight they would
bind together as lovers forever and willingly.
The powers that fuck with people’s lives actually got
something right for once.
The time for words had ceased, as the slowly removed the
remaining clothing from each other. Buffy adored his pale,
marble skin glowing in the candle light. Gently her hands
caressed his smooth, muscular chest.
Spike scooped his girl up and gently placed her on the bed.
The heat from her body warmed his skin, but her love warmed
his core.
Slowly, he kissed her neck as he lay on top of her. With his
free hand, he gently stroked her hair, and moved his hand
down her body. Feeling her shiver in delight, his demon
rejoiced at her reaction to his touches.
Buffy enjoyed feeling his cool body on top of hers. His hard
length so close to her aching center, she did not know how
long she could hold out.
The feelings she felt right now made what she had with Angel
insignificant. These feelings with Spike were everything.
Made her whole, completed her.
The Slayer eyed Spike’s cock and moaned. She just had to
touch it. As she adored his hard member, Spike had moved his
lips up to hers, and traced the opening of her mouth seeking
entrance. Immediately, Buffy allowed him to taste her. What
had started out as a slow exploration, turned into deep,
passionate kisses, they only broke for a moment as he gasped
in pleasure as her hand touched his cock.
Spike reveled in the pleasure he was feeling. Angelus was a
fool for letting her go, probably only treated her to
straight and proper lovemaking. ‘The things I will teach
this minx; nothing wrong with starting now.’
He felt her body arch beneath him as he caressed her toned
stomach with his fingers. Lightly, he moved his touch over
her to her hips, down to her thigh before he moved to her
gently pet her sex.
“Please,” she breathily moaned while grasping his
“Please what, pet? Tell the Big Bad what you want,” he
breathed the words into her ear.
“Touch me.”
“Where luv?”
“Down there.”
‘So the chit’s going to play shy. See how long that
lasts.’ Spike though as he started to stroke her clit. She
was squirming beneath him, begging for his touch.
“Feel good luv?”
‘Feels so fucking good,’ she mused to herself. She had
always suspected if his sexual prowess was half as good as
his skills as a fighter, he be one hell of partner in the
For her, there would never be another.
“Ugh, yes baby feel so good!” She cried as she stroked
his cock harder. With each movement of her hand, he moaned
in her ear while he licked and sucked on her neck.
“Buffy, luv. Need you now. Please let me inside you.”
If she did not welcome him in, he did not think he would
last much longer feeling her warm flesh around his manhood.
He needed to be inside her as he claimed her.
‘He didn’t just take me, he asked.’ Buffy was in awe
with the respect and honor that Spike was showing her.
Spike could sense the gears turning in her pretty head. He
moved his mouth to her ear and whispered, “No pressure
luv, if you want to wait we can.”
Buffy came to her senses and realized she had been deep in
thought, when clearly she would rather have him deep inside
her. She turned her head, and connected her green eyes with
his blue.
“Take me Spike, make me yours.”
Buffy barely got the words out. In his haste, Spike had
buried himself into her as far as he could stretch her. She
let out a small cry, but quickly met him thrust for thrust
as he moved inside her.
“So hot, wet and tight for me; ‘cor Slayer, I love
“God, Spike…yes baby…harder… ugh! Love you, love you
She moved her small, soft hands down his back. There was
nothing gentle about her nails scratching his marble skin.
The scent of blood filled the air. Spike could their blood.
Without her noticing, he glanced over her to ensure that he
had not hurt her anywhere.
‘I’ll be damned; Peaches didn’t even manage to pop her
The scent of Slayer’s blood and the knowledge of taking
the final barrier of her virginity was a powerful
aphrodisiac to the master vampire. He tried to reign in his
demon; the demon was ready to take her and mark her now.
“Please Spike. Make me.”
“Make you what?”
“Make me yours. Please make me come.”
He relinquished any control over the demon as his game face
came to the fore. Furiously he pumped into her, holding her
as tight as he could to his cool body. As he felt the walls
of her hot quim start to spasm, his fangs found her neck.
The slayer screamed his name in pleasure as he pulled her
blood from her neck and came insider her.
“Yours, always!”
Then he felt her bite his neck, breaking through his skin.
Feeling the slayer pull his blood into her mouth, he
completed shooting his load into her and let out a roar that
shook the estate.
The slayer looked into his eyes with love and devotion.
”Yours, Buffy. Forever.”
As the lovers lay in each other’s arms, a gentle light
glowed around them lulling them into a satisfied sleep. The
Powers would need the warriors to rest while they worked
their magic on on the life now growing inside the Slayer.
Thanks to all of you for nummy reviews! Extra thanks to Meli for doing a good job as a beta! **hugs**
Chapter 13- Devine Moment
Xander was lost in a dream. A good dream for him, he had it several times a week, all chained up and being attended to by his favorite girls. Cordy would just climb up on him, ready to ride him; Buffy would ask him what he wanted. She was always dressed in pink lingerie that he loved. Usually, he thought of something naughty she could do for him.
That is when the dream when astray. Pizza. He asked her for pizza!
“Pizza, Pizza…so hungry” Xander mumbled as he came too. He could not believe his friends let him sleep through dinner, especially since he had been the one to order it. Hopefully, he did not mumble anything stupid in his sleep to let them know about his little fantasy.
“Cold, damp...Chains? What the...!”
The events of the previous night came crashing back to him, any grogginess from sleep quickly left. He remembered the vamp attack. That explained why he was chained to the wall in Angelus’ mansion. He stood up; leaning against the cold stonewalls.
Xander could have sworn his heart just stopped. He knew
he would be lucky if he made it through the night alive.
After what that bastard did to Willow’s goldfish, he was
afraid for himself.
Xander knew he was screwed.
As if on queue, Angelus walked into the room. Xander looked up to meet the evil undead in the eye.
Angelus knew the boy had awoken, just from the strong scent of arousal in the air. Angelus made no effort to conceal the reaction it brought forth from him. After all, it had been awhile since he had been able to show off his skills at male domination.
“Fuck off.”
Angelus walked over and punched Xander in the face. The blood poured out of the boy’s nose as he screamed in pain. No way was he going to allow Xander to show disrespect.
“Boy, you best remember to respect me around here. The only plans I have for you are bait and to dominate then destroy you. When that bitch of a slayer arrives here she won’t recognize you.”
Xander prayed that he is rescued soon. No way was he going to be Angelus’ bitch. He was desperate for some, but with the evil undead… no freakin’ way. He did not have a thing for corpses. He would drain himself first.
“Buffy and Spike will kick your ass.”
“Boy, you best mind yourself. Unless you’re looking for a little lesson. Bet you are; bet you’d get off on it.”
Xander began to worry, the look on Angelus’ face conveyed that a lesson might come sooner than Xander needed. Xander saw the bulge in the master vamp’s pants and knew he had better try to divert Angelus’ attention very fast, or else his name was going to be Xandra.
“Speaking of getting off, wonder what will happen with Spike after tonight? Seems like something happens to the evil undead when they get in Buffy’s pants.”
Xander knew he was risking another broken bone with his comment, but he figured what the fuck. He was going to die, and could not hurt with Angelus with his fists. He might as well use words to protect himself.
“Boy, you best not be lying. That errant grand childe of mine better not touch what is MINE.”
“Well fang face, seeing how I saw them ogling each other before he took her out for the evening I’d say you’re too late.”
Xander figured he better shut the hell up before he let too much slip. Even if he was killed, Buffy and Spike still needed to fulfill the prophecy to stop Angelus. After he saw them last night, he had to admit … even if it was just to himself…that whatever was happening between the blonde duo wasn’t going to be just a courtesy screw done out of extraordinary consideration.
He also finally realized that no one would benefit from his petty jealously either. Buffy just was not interested in him. The thought finally brought Xander some peace, besides he still had his dreams.
Xander’s peaceful moment was shattered when Angelus got right into his face and grabbed him by the balls.
“Where did he take her? Tell me boy.”
“Dinner, I don’t know where. Just someplace protected and not in Sunnydale. He wouldn’t tell us,” Xander choked out. “Wouldn’t even tell her mom.”
“That would explain why I can’t sense him through the bond. I should have felt his grief when Drusilla passed.”
Angelus paced back and forth in front of Xander. Slowly, he pulled a dagger out and approached his prisoner.
“Boy, you best pray he hasn’t marked what his mine, or I will mark you.”
Xander was afraid of the implications the statement held. He really did not want to find out.
“What the fuck, I’m gonna make you my bitch so I’ll mark you anyways.”
As Angelus pierced the skin on Xander’s arm with his dagger, Xander passed out. Angelus left a half finished picture of a vampire face on the boy’s arm.
“What the fuck, it’s no fun if he’s not awake to scream.”
Angelus left Xander hanging to prepare for tonight’s festivities.
Acathla would rise.
Angelus did not notice another presence had been watching from the shadows. Slowly, Drusilla approached Xander against the wall.
“I can’t rescue you to bring to my Anya yet, but soon. I will.”
Drusilla raised her hand to Xander’s chest and began to chant. She stepped away and disappeared back into the air.
Xander remained unconscious, but Dru’s gift was inside him. He would be protected from the trials he was sure to endure at Angelus’ hands.
Buffy woke up with two strong arms wrapped around her. Being with Spike last night and this morning, she felt so safe. Loved. Whole. Fulfilled.
Well she had been filled last night. She let out a moan at that thought and snuggled into Spike.
Something did not feel right, and it was not the appendage that was poking into her back.
Thankfully, Spike had woken up as she had moved her body closer to his. He had also recognized something was not right.
He lightly rubbed her hands over her stomach and realized it was not flat anymore.
And two heartbeats.
Chapter 14- Awakenings
“Spike, if you weren’t here I would have thought I was crazy.”
Buffy looked down at her swollen stomach; she looked 6 months pregnant.
“Soddin’ prophecy.”
Spike knew the second the words flew out of his mouth that they came out the wrong way. The slayer could barely hold the tears from falling out of her eyes. Quickly, he turned her to him and held her face.
“Luv, I’m just concerned for your health. It can’t be good for your body – slayer powers or not! Just don’t want any harm to come to you and the nibblet.”
“Sorry Spike. I don’t mean to get all emotional, you know it’s just I’m super preggo now and I have all these crazy hormones all of a sudden.”
“Suppose we should back to your mum and friends.”
Buffy panicked. Everyone knew about the prophecy, but they sure did not expect her to come back looking pregnant. She tensed up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself.
Spike felt her tense up. He knew it was one thing for everyone to condone their actions for the sake of Christmas and puppies. It was another for folks to see reality.
Moreover, would they try to take him from his Slayer?
“Spike, no matter what I’m going to stay with you. I want our baby to have a family, as unconventional as it will be. I know my friends are going to give us a hard time, but I want to be with you.”
Spike pulled the tiny slip of a girl into his arms and close to his chest and gently kissed her lips.
“Pet, if this is what the Powers want; I don’t think the Scoobies will be able to stop it. You’re my mate, my love, my girl and I protect what is mine. C’mon luv, let’s get up and get dressed so we can go face the music.”
“But I don’t have any clothes?”
“Look in the closet pet. I brought us some things just in case.”
If they had not grown so close over the past two days, she would have normally snapped back at him for expecting they would have gone to bed together. Besides, she was still glowing from his possessive words a moment ago. ‘His mate’ she thought, ‘love the way that sounds.’
Now, with the little one inside her belly, she would have to put her insecurities and bitchy remarks aside. She did not want any negative feelings going to her child, especially if they related to Spike.
She went through the overnight bag, and luckily found a pair of oversized sweatpants that would do the trick. Her shirt though, was not quite big enough to fit over her new belly.
“Spike, I need one of your t-shirts; my stomach is too big!”
“Sure, luv. Now hurry we need to get out of here before sunrise!”
Buffy grabbed her clothes and toiletries, and rushed off to the bathroom to tidy up. Spike just sat back and admired his mate.
‘She’s so beautiful in the morning!’
Before she closed the door, she noticed the big, wide grin on her love’s face.
“What’s got you all happy?”
“You love. Just looking at how beautiful you are. Now move it before I bring you back in here and have my wicked way with you!”
Buffy quickly slammed the door, and turned the shower on. Her mate slowly moved one of his hands down under the sheets to take care of his painfully hard erection.
Back at Casa de Summers, things were quiet. Joyce was asleep in her room, Giles in the guest room, and the Scoobies, minus Xander, were all downstairs. Cordy snuggled in the chair and on the couch, Oz held Willow tightly in his arms.
Oz had not slept too much. He knew this was a rare moment where he would be able to hold the girl he loved as she slept. Gently, he stroked her red hair away from her face. Willow’s eyes fluttered open as she woke up to her lover’s gentle touch.
“Mmm. Hi.”
“Hey yourself.”
“Buffy come back with Spike yet?”
“Not yet Will. Don’t worry; I’m sure everything worked out well between them.”
Willow thought for a moment. If Buffy could be happy with Spike, well then she would be happy for her. After all, the prophecy did say she had to have his child.
Oz looked at Willow, as she was lost in thought. He wondered what could have her so perplexed since she only just awoke.
“Oh, no Xander!”
“Shh. Will, there is nothing we can do right now.”
“Are you sure? We have to try. We can go rescue him when the sun comes up?”
Oz wrapped his arms tighter around his girl. He knew it must be hard for her to just sit tight while her best friend was in the clutches of a madman.
“Willow, look at me. There isn’t one of us in this house right now that doesn’t want to go and save Xander. We all know our limits though, and even together there is nothing we can do to get by Angelus.”
“I know, but I can hope, right?”
“Of course.”
Willows eyes closed as sleep overtook her.
Oz was happy just to have a few more hours of peace with her in his arms. He thought about Buffy and Spike. He knew they would have some challenges ahead of them. Xander would be least accepting of their newfound happiness, and Giles would probably lecture her about her sacred duty.
He did not need to wait until they got back to find out if she was pregnant or if they would be happy together. Oz just knew. He wondered if they would bond together strong enough that they would take each other as mates right way.
Now that he thought would be interesting.
All of his pondering led to once conclusion. No matter how they came back, mates or not, he would support them all the way.
Thanks to Meli for continuing to do a good job with Betaing the fic!
**Hugs** to everyone for reviewing! I sooo appreciate the time you take to let me know what you think!
Chapter 15 - Protection
Buffy came out of the shower with her hair returned to its usual blonde state. Spike loved the black streaks in her hair from the night before, but he preferred his Goldilocks the way she usually presented herself. She looked beautiful with her belly swollen and his t-shirt covering her top.
Simply put, she was effulgent.
The mother of his child, his mate, his great love; Spike would protect them both forever.
Buffy noticed the way he was looking at her. She never felt so much adoration for another being. He was the father of the babe inside of her. She gently rubbed her stomach and smiled.
“Luv, ready to head off to your mates now? We haven’t got much time, and I don’t fancy leaving the little bit with a container of dust for a daddy.”
Buffy did not like the thought of being mated to a jar of dust. It certainly would not give her many happies. She threw her hair back into a high ponytail on her head, and placed a kiss on her mate’s cheek.
“I think I’m as ready as I’m going to be. Let’s go.”
Spike inhaled the scent of vanilla that fragranced her hair and skin. He hugged her close to his body, then placing a kiss on the top of her head as he released her. Spike grabbed their overnight bag and his mate’s hand as they left the room. Luckily, the estate was empty so they were able to avoid any questions about Buffy’s pregnancy.
Buffy was sad to leave their haven. For once, there had been no slaying, no worries about Angelus. In fact, it had been the best night of her life, and it would be quite some time before things could be that good again.
The Slayer drew in a deep breath. She was grateful to the powers that fuck with people’s lives that this time they fucked with hers the right way. She also realized she better let the master vamp waiting for her to get a move on, that she was thankful to him to.
Spike put the overnight bag on the ground as he rushed to open the door of the Jeep for Buffy. She turned around and cupped his cheek in her hand, then looked up into his blue eyes.
“Spike, I just want you to know that last night was the best night of my life. I appreciated the entire evening and all the effort you went through. Thank you.”
Before he could speak, she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. She turned out of his arms and began to step up into the Jeep. She let out a scream as she lost her footing and began to fall backwards.
Safely landing into the strong arms of her vampire love. For the first time since his turning, Spike had truly been scared. He had not panicked a tenth as much when a mob in Prague attacked Dru.
“Silly me, I’m not used to having to balance with a belly here!”
Buffy laughed it off, but she knew he could sense her heart beating a mile a minute.
“‘M glad I was here to catch you. If you’re having a little trouble getting into the car, you should probably think about not slaying.”
Spike shut the door before she could start to protest. He knew that she would not dare step out of the SUV for fear of losing her balance. He walked around, sat in the driver’s seat, turned the vehicle on and began to make his way out of the estate. Spike braced himself for the protest that he was sure to hear any second from the Slayer. She surprised him with what actually came out of her mouth.
“Your right. I shouldn’t be slaying, but how am I going to protect our child from Angelus?”
“Bloody hell, I was so concerned for you and the sprout that I forgot about the sodden poofter.”
They exited the gates of the estate and began to make their way back into Sunnydale. Spike became so lost in thought about dealing with the Angelus issue; he clearly had forgotten whose car he was driving when tried to knock down the “Welcome to Sunnydale” sign.
“Spike, no!”
Buffy unsuccessfully reached over to try to grab the wheel from him.
“What are you doing you crazy bint?”
“If you dent my mom’s car she’ll blame me!”
“Oh Fuck!”
Spike came back to reality and quickly veered the Jeep back onto the road before he could inflict any damage to it. He noticed the Slayer’s quickened heartbeat and scolded himself for doing something so stupid that could possible hurt his love and child even if it was only the wrath of Joyce. Buffy definitely did not need any more stress in her life, and he certainly knew he should not add to it. Spike was again broken from his reverie with the sound of Buffy’s voice.
“We need to attack now, before I get too weak and uncoordinated. I know you don’t want me to get hurt Spike, but who else can fight off Angelus except for us? We still have to figure out how to deal with Acathla.”
“Buffy, I don’t want you getting hurt! Damn it, you’re already pretty uncoordinated with nibblet in ya.”
“So we train first. You and me.”
“You crazy bint, if you think I’m gonna spar with you, your off your soddin’ rocker. You can’t put me in a position to hurt our bit, ‘s not right.”
Spike regretted his words to her when he saw the tears in her eyes. He should have remembered with pregnancy comes crazy hormones. It was not her fault he was a nervous daddy; insecure about his ability to provide her with the training she needed without hurting her.
“Sorry luv, your right. Your gonna end up having to fight with the sprog in you, so its best you get used to coordinating yourself. I’d rather you get warmed up with me than with Angelus.”
Buffy looked at Spike with relief. She let the tears roll down her checks that she had been fighting. Gently, Spike reached over and wiped them away. Buffy knew he could be stubborn, but she just did not want to drag out the discussion and waste needless energy arguing. The more worked up she became over the fight; the more she anticipated that he would have more than the words he had used.
Buffy knew she better gently remind him about her hormones, hoping that he would not take her overreacting the wrong way. If there was one thing, they would need for sure in the fight against Angelus it would be their confidence in each other.
“Thanks Spike, I appreciate your understanding. I’m sorry about the tears a moment ago. Just thank the preggo hormones for them.”
Spike reached over and squeezed her hand. He pulled the Jeep onto Revello Drive, and slowly drove towards 1630. He sensed her heart beat quickening again. This was going to be one of the toughest moments in her life. He could not imagine being a teenage girl showing up pregnant at her mother’s door.
Especially when the father was a very old master vampire, known as the Big Bad; one that was surely wrapped around the finger of a very powerful slayer.
“Luv, you sure you’re ready?”
Buffy turned to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. She gave her mate a gentle smile, filled with love.
“With you by my side, yes I’m sure.”
Angelus walked back into the room where he kept Xander. He let a low growl out as an announcement of his presence. Angelus stayed towards the outskirts of the room, but his eyes stayed focused on his prisoner’s body.
Xander came too and realized he was feeling strangely…fine? He knew he should have been sore from the treatment he received from Angel, but he wasn’t. No pain at all. He felt a strange confidence about him he had not had before.
Then he remembered the brief moment he had with Dru the night before.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Xander thought, ‘she vamped me.’
It took a moment to realize his heart was still beating therefore he had not been vamped.
‘She healed me. Strange, thought she would have drained me as her nummy treat. Won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.’
Xander received a stern response from Angelus when he let out a chuckle.
“Boy, what did I tell you about disrespecting me?”
Xander looked up quickly when he realized he was not alone in the room. The shocked look on Angelus’ face was priceless.
Angelus could not believe his eyes. There was no fucking way that boy should have recovered so quickly. Angelus inhaled deeply, and smelled the leftover magicks that permeated through the room.
“Boy, I don’t know what kind of witch you are, but that won’t stop me from beating on you today. Pretty soon you’ll be calling me ‘Daddy.’”
Xander became very worried as Angelus began to move closer. He shut his eyes in preparation for the torture to come.
All that came out was the anguished cry of a master vampire who clearly was not going to get to be called “Daddy”, at least from Xander.
“Boy, you better hope you have strong magicks protecting you, because when I get this barrier spell down I’m going to rip you to shreds.”
Angelus pounded the invisible barrier a few more times before storming out of the room.
Xander thanked the Powers That Be. Whatever Drusilla had done to protect him, he would freely accept. Hopefully, Buffy would come and save him soon.
Chapter 16- Quiet Time
Angel had stormed out of the room holding Xander. He was frustrated by the fact that every time he had a plan, something got in the way.
He had hoped that last night would have been the night Acathla would have awoken, but his lackeys brought home a prize instead of the answer to Acathla. This added further complications to his plan for death and destruction.
So he dusted the two minions that had failed in their charge and gave the task to two more. This time, he picked a couple of bookworms whom were clearly more suited to the task.
As long as his errant childer and that damn slayer did not get in the way, the ritual would be done at dusk when he rose from his sleep. A day’s delay was no big deal considering the world was going to be completely eviscerated.
Angel felt the dawn approaching. He made his way through the mansion to his bed where he would sleep for the night.
Spike helped Buffy get out of the Jeep. He was still amazed that a mystical pregnancy could accelerate the womb time so quickly, but who was he to argue with the Powers That Be. He took his leather coat off and wrapped it around the Slayer.
Buffy eagerly accepted the coat. She realized that her obvious pregnancy was going to be a shock, but it would be nice to get into the house first. She took Spike’s cool hand and they walked up to the door together.
They stood for a few moments, until Spike broke the silence.
“Luv, I feel the dawn on my back. I’m gonna be ashes if we don’t head in now.”
Buffy took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Luckily, everyone seemed to be sleeping. She did a quick scan of the room and accounted for all of the Scoobies except Xander. ‘Perhaps he was up sleeping in her room or the guest room,’ she thought. ‘Mom definitely had Giles up in one of those rooms, so it only makes sense Xander would be up there.”
Spike inhaled deeply. He inwardly cursed himself; he should have recognized the mix of the scent of his bloodline and fear. The scent of the bloodline told him they were just lackeys. The fear seemed to come from everyone in the room.
Now his he had to figure out which one of the Scooby scents were the faintest, and he would know whom the minions took.
Oz had been asleep when he couple had entered. It did not take long for him to become aware of their presence in the home.
To say he was shocked would have been an overstatement for the usually stoic man, but for once, he really was.
‘They mated. Incredible. Would not have expected it so soon.’
Oz smiled to himself and settled back into sleep. A few more hours of sleep was all he needed, just to appreciate the peace and quiet before all hell broke loose.
Buffy wandered upstairs to her bedroom with her mate. Spike pulled back the covers to the bed and gently helped the Slayer climb in. He pulled the shades down and drew the drapes closed. He climbed into bed with Buffy, spooning her closely to him.
“Love you Goldilocks,” he whispered in her ear.
“Love you too Spike, always,” she murmured back to him.
Sleep overtook the Slayer first, which granted Spike extra time to watch and hold his mate. Even more so, he listened to the extra heartbeat coming from her. He knew once the situation with Angelus was over, they would have trials ahead but in comparison, they would be trivial.
He knew they could weather any situation as long as they had each other. He swore as her mate to protect her and their nibblet.
Their nibblet who would need a name, although he was sure that whatever proper moniker the baby was given it would not be used as often as the nicknames he would give it. Spike smiled at thought of picking out names for his love child with the Slayer.
Buffy understood the claim, but the Victorian man inside him did not want his child to be born out of wedlock. He made a note to see to it that he had the proper paperwork arranged, and then he would ask her to make their relationship legal in the eyes of the State of California.
No sprog of his was going to be made fun of because their mum was single.
Spike fell asleep thinking of all the ways he would propose to her, and their wedding under the stars.
Giles came downstairs first. He noted the children, well young adults, were still sleeping. Hoping to catch some moments of peace and quiet, he went into the kitchen. He started a kettle for tea, and some coffee for everyone else.
He was deep in thought when he looked up to see Oz sitting across from him at the breakfast bar. It was also then that he could see Joyce’s Jeep out the window.
“Good Morning Oz. I may be as bold to ask when did they come home and why was I not awoken?”
“Nice way to kill the peace and quiet I was hoping for Giles. They came home 30 minutes ago. Mornin’ to you too by the way.”
“Sorry Oz,” Giles replied apologetically “I’m just nervous for Buffy.”
“Well, I’m nervous for them both and how everyone here will treat them.”
“Well she is having a baby, albeit spawn of William the Bloody, we have to treat her with dignity.”
“And what of the baby’s father?”
“He’s served his purpose, of course after he helps with Angelus.”
“After that?”
“He leaves or he’s dust.”
“Then you’re going to have a problem with your Slayer.”
“What makes you say that Oz?”
Giles was becoming impatient with the game of twenty questions. Clearly, the boy knew something monumental and was trying find out what his own position would be on such situation.
“If you kill him or separate him from her, she’ll die of heartache.”
“Dear Lord, whatever do you mean? The girl understands that this is part of her sacred duty.”
Oz felt his temper flaring. He was loosing patience with Giles lack of understanding. Oz felt it was in the best interest of Buffy and Spike to reveal the mating now. This would give Giles time to digest it, save Buffy from heartache and Spike from an unwarranted dusting.
“Giles, they’ve mated.”
“Well silly they had to according to the prophecy, in order to have the child.”
“Giles, get out of denial land. I’m telling you that they have mated, as in forever, as in demon marriage.”
Giles fell off the stool he was on, and passed out, but not without a “dear lord” slipping from his lips.
Joyce had smelled the coffee aroma that had permeated through the air. She was just contemplating getting out of bed when she heard a thud from downstairs. She quickly was up to run downstairs to find out about the commotion, when she noticed her daughter’s bedroom door was almost closed.
Knowing she had not left it that way before she went to bed, she slowly approached the door to peek through the crack.
She smiled as she saw her daughter in her bed, with Spike’s arms wrapped around her.
Joyce blinked her eyes rapidly and did a double take. Spike arms were wrapped around her daughter’s swollen and clearly impregnated stomach.
“Oh my!” Joyce murmured before she too passed out.
Buffy slept through her mother’s reaction, but Spike had woken up in time to hear Joyce. Then he noticed that the covers had slid down, revealing Buffy’s state.
Unknowingly, Oz and Spike simultaneously sighed. They were both thinking that the time for peace had come and gone so quickly
Chapter 17 – Eye-Openers
After hearing the succession of thuds in her house, Buffy immediately sat straight up in her bed.
“What was that?”
“Well luv, it seems your mom peeked in and noticed her daughter in bed with a vampire.”
“Oh. That’s it?”
“Buffy, we kicked the covers off. It made the fact that you’re with child obvious.”
Buffy paused for a moment and realized that Spike was saying her mom realized she was pregnant.
“Oh my god. Oh, Shit. I wasn’t ready to deal with this yet!”
“Don’t worry love, I’ve got you.”
Buffy melted into Spike’s embrace. Then she remembered the other thud she heard.
“Spike, I heard another thud downstairs. If Mom hadn’t made it down there to share the news, how could someone else have passed out? Were you awake before me?”
“I was just as knackered as you were luv, didn’t hear a thing.”
“Can you carry Mom downstairs? We can see what happened down there and get this over with now so maybe we can go back to sleep.”
“Only if I can curl up with my Goldilocks.”
“You’ll be the only one curling up with me Spike.”
Spike brushed a kiss against her cheek, and then rose from their bed. ‘Their bed sounds nice. Once this is all over with we’ll have to get a place of our own so we can truly call it our bed.’
Spike was grateful he had left his jeans on instead of going commando. He knew his manly bits were a fine specimen of the male anatomy, but he did not fancy his mate’s mom getting a peak at them. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and let it fall to cover his sculptured body.
He reached a hand out to Buffy to assist her out of the bed. It seemed she was learning fast that it was in her best interest to accept help instead of being a martyr for women’s rights. She placed her tiny hand in his as he gently pulled her up into his arms.
“Thanks Spike. Not sure if I would have kept my balance without you.”
“Anything for my girl. So what do you say I carry your mum down, and you follow?”
“Sounds good to me. Let me just put my robe on first. It will buy us five minutes before the shit hits the fan.”
Spike placed a kiss on her head and pulled back. He looked into her eyes as he stroked her hair.
“Smart idea, pet. Hope the nibblet gets your brains!”
Buffy smiled back at Spike. She still could not believe how quickly they had gone from mortal enemies to mates, but it did not matter. It only mattered that she loved him.
“I love you Spike.”
“I love you Buffy.”
She slowly stepped out of their embrace to retrieve her robe. Spike helped her put it on, even tying the front for her.
“Time to wage our first battle of the day pet.”
Spike scooped Joyce up into his arms and made his way downstairs. Buffy made sure she followed behind him as closely as possible. She could smell the aroma of the coffee. At least she could enjoy a good cup while dealing with being ambushed.
Oz’s eyes briefly looked up towards the ceiling. He figured whatever was going on up there; Buffy and Spike would deal with it.
Right now, he had a watcher to take care of. He knew when Rupert Giles woke up, there would be hell unleashed on the newly mated couple.
At least a verbal hell; Oz shrugged at the predicament. He figured it would make good entertainment for the morning.
Oz also realized that he would be the only one on Buffy and Spike’s side. Although he was usually silent during Buffy’s debates, he realized that this time he would need to speak up. Certainly, no one else would, and it was actually a good thing Xander was not here. It was going to make things easier.
Oz dragged Giles out of the kitchen and into the Summers’ pit of fire, AKA the living room.
Willow and Cordelia had woken up amidst all the commotion going on in the Summers household. Willow noticed immediately that Oz was no longer by her side. ‘Probably a good thing, don’t want Buffy’s mom to get upset.’
Cordelia was not as happy to be awake.
“Why, is it so hard to get an ounce of peacefulness around you people? Why do I continue to hang around…?”
Cordelia stopped as she saw Giles being drug into the living room by Oz.
“What’s the deal with
Oz knew entering into a discussion with the brunette was second on the list of worst evils to deal with. So he kept it simple.
“Dunno. We’ll wake him up and ask him.”
Willow was not looking at Oz placing Giles. Instead, her attention turned to Spike whom was carrying down an unconscious Mrs. Summers in his arms. Before she could scream for Buffy to help her mom, she saw the Slayer hiding behind Spike.
Willow moved off the couch so Spike could lay Joyce down on it. She settled comfortably on the floor next to Oz.
Buffy managed to continue to hide behind Spike. She noticed that Giles was lying on the floor unconscious.
Cordelia wanted to get this show on the road. She had beauty sleep to finish.
“Well Buffy, do you know what all this commotion is all about because I’d really like to get back to sleep.”
“Well I’m not sure the best way to deal with this. Spike what do you think?”
“I think we should just wake them both up. It will be easier to say it once, and then we can join the smart mouthed cheerleader in the land of nod.”
Cordelia took Spike’s comment of being a “smart mouth” as a compliment.
”Thanks Spike, I’m glad
someone here is seeing the light.”
Oz just shrugged. He knew Cordelia was a ditz. How she could not tell she was being insulted was beyond him. He started to shake Rupert to wake him up, while at the same time Buffy was tending to her mom.
“Bloody Hell.”
Giles rubbed the back of his head, trying to remember what happened. He mumbled to himself, “Oz, Buffy, Spike…Mated. “
Spike picked up on Giles ramblings. Only one who could have figured or sensed the mating was Oz. Spike glared at Oz, but softened as he let the boy explain himself, in the brief Oz way.
“Sorry dude, wanted to curb the immediate reaction. Knew it would suck.”
“Thanks. I appreciate it. “
Joyce had been in the midst of coming out of her own fog. She thought to herself ‘Buffy, Buffy, Buffy in bed, in bed with Spike…. Buffy, Buffy, Buffy, Pregnant?’
Joyce looked over at Buffy and she was relieved. Her daughter did not look pregnant, at least with the robe on.
Everyone turned their attention to Giles as he cleared his throat.
“Buffy, Oz tells me that you and Spike mated. Is this correct?”
“Well duh Giles, the prophecy required us too.”
“Dear lord, Buffy you know what I mean.”
Buffy figured if she could skirt around it, maybe it would be less stressful to deal with. She felt Spike’s insecurity through their bond. She looked over and squeezed his hand before speaking.
“Giles we’ve mated in both ways, to create life and to be with each other as mates forever. I just don’t think it’s any one’s business who I take for a mate. I’m very well aware of the fact that no one, except Spike and I are going to be happy about it. I am going to point out though that Spike and I are the only two people who need to be happy about it.”
“But it goes against your nature. He’s dangerous.”
“He won’t hurt me Giles.”
“How do you know? He could have drained you!”
Oz felt it was time to chime in.
“He didn’t. Giles, you know, at least with all your training, you should know that once a vampire takes a mate he will never ever hurt their mate.”
“Usually if the mate is human, the vampire turns them.”
“Not always. Have you told Buffy what happens to mated Slayers?”
Buffy was shocked at Oz’s knowledge. She was happy and grateful he came to their aid, but she never realized he knew so much and that Giles held back.
Spike was furious at the Watcher. His girl was expecting and the git was causing undue stress on her.
“Mate, what happens to the Slayer?”
Giles polished his glasses, and then answered.
“She becomes immortal, along with her mate and their offspring.”
Buffy was pissed. Not because of the forever of the situation, just that if Angel had ever brought up or tried mating with her, she would have been stuck with him for an eternity. She reached over and touched Oz’s hand.
“Thank you Oz. For bringing to light this situation and believing in what we have. It means a lot to me.”
Spike put his arm around his girl. He was so proud of her. One hurdle down, time for the next one. He took the initiative, and spoke.
“As Buffy said, yeah we mated last night in both manners of speaking. This prophecy, which has changed both of our lives for the better, is coming to fruition as we speak.”
Willow, who had been silent, finally spoke up.
“But isn’t she supposed to be pregnant? I mean we have to go to the doctors and confirm it.”
Buffy stood up and began to undue her robe.
“No Willow we don’t. Apparently, this prophecy and the mystical pregnancy associated with it are making things move a little faster than expected.”
As Buffy’s robe fell, the entire room fell silent, and only a collective group of gasps was heard. Buffy was the first to speak.
“So, did you guy’s research this part of the prophecy, because I’m thinking by the looks on your face, no.”
Joyce moved up off the couch and ran over to her daughter. Buffy was most afraid of her mother’s reaction, after all this was a teen pregnancy. She had given her mother enough trouble in LA, felt she caused her parents divorce, and now this. Buffy was not expecting a good reaction.
Buffy was pleasantly surprised.
“My baby won’t die now. I’m so relieved. When I found out about your short life span as the Slayer, I was devastated. I know your life is different honey, and it’s going to get different once this child is born. I am here for you, unconditionally.”
Buffy hugged her mom back, with tears falling down her face. Spike was relieved that the confrontation with Joyce went well. He respected her and admired her, after all Buffy had to get her resilience from Joyce.
Joyce helped her daughter over to the couch and sat with her holding her hand.
Willow and Cordelia gave into their womanly instincts. They went up to Buffy to offer their congratulations and rub her stomach. Cordelia even began to carry on about hosting the baby shower at her parent’s estate.
For once in the life of a Slayer, things seemed normal. That is when Buffy realized Xander was not with them.
“Um, guys don’t you think someone should go upstairs and wake up Xander. I was kinda hoping to have to do this only once.”
The room fell silent, in the uncomfortable sort of way.
“Guys, Xander is upstairs, right.”
Giles little mumble of a ‘dear lord’ and the polishing of his glasses gave was the final giveaway that all was not right in Scooby land.
“Ok. Willow spill. What happened to Xander?”
Oz held his girl’s hand as she recounted the tale to Buffy. When she was done, Willow asked the obvious question.
“So Buffy, what are we going to do?”
“Kill Angel. Save Xander.”
Spike’s heart swelled with pride as Buffy pledged to destroy her former love. He had not questioned her commitment to their love, but he was afraid she might not be able to do what she needed to deal with Acathla.
He no longer questioned her resolve. Spike could feel through the claim that she would undoubtedly do whatever it would take to protect her mate and child. Likewise, Spike would do the same.
Spike would not allow Buffy any slayage time yet, even with Angelus loose, until she had some more rest. She was now emotionally exhausted from this morning’s session. Slayer or not, she still needed her beauty sleep.
Of course, Giles spoke up before Spike could usher his Goldilocks off to bed.
“Buffy, how in your condition do you expect to be able to deal with Angelus?”
“Like I do in every situation that is new to me; kick ass and win.”
“Aren’t you even thinking about the danger you’re putting your child in?”
“Hello? Giles if I do nothing then there will be no child! Remember this whole ordeal started because of Acathla and the end of the world?”
Giles sheepishly looked down, and brushed his hand through his hair. The gesture would suffice as admitting he was barking down the wrong tree with his comments. It was hard for him to tell her that he loved her like a daughter and just wanted her to be safe. He wanted her to have only the best that life could give, and the current situation frustrated him. Mated to a vampire, pregnant, having to fight vampires every night. Instead of being honest with her, he hid behind the guise of Council rules and the expectations for a slayer.
If she made it through this, he decided it would be time to stop hiding. The current situation was so dire, that he could not do it now. She needed to think clearly and not based on emotions.
Killing Angelus would prove that she could do her calling as the slayer without letting emotions cloud her judgment. Still, he wanted to keep her in her mother’s house and send a special Council Task Force in to deal with the problem.
Of course that seemed like a great idea, and the best solution. Only problem being Quentin Travers would decline the Council’s resources. God forbid if he helped one of the young girls for once. Giles swore that bastard was more evil than some of the vampires he knew.
In fact, how odd was it that Quentin would not provide and protect the Slayers, but William the Bloody, Slayer of Slayers, would protect his mate, a Slayer, with his unlife.
Giles just shook his head and thought to himself ‘Bloody Irony, fucked up thing that it is.’
Spike decided that the awkward silence created the perfect opportunity to bring his princess up to bed.
“Look, we all know that we aren’t going to be able to stop the Slayer from doing her duty. As much as I don’t want her to go in either, she’ll find a way and I will be there every step of the way to back her up and protect her. We’ll need our strength, so Buffy and I are going to go upstairs to sleep.”
“Spike,” Buffy tried to protest, “We need to plan now.”
“Luv, look the best thing to do is catch Peaches in the daytime. The Scoobies can work on logistics while we rest. We’ll fill in the gaps when we rise, yeah?”
Buffy was tired. Willow and her mother nodded their heads agreeing with Spike. He made sense, so she decided she would not fight him. She would let him take the lead for now.
“Your right Spike. I am exhausted, especially after this morning.”
Spike had expected a full-blown battle with Buffy. He was pleasantly surprised that she chose not to waste her energy by fighting.
He reached for her hand to lead her towards the stairs, but was surprised when she backed off for a moment. It was a little puzzling since she agreed with him about going up for some rest.
Buffy sent him a reassuring look and loving vibes through the claim. She had decided she had a few things to say to everyone before she went up to rest.
“Look, I know not all of you are happy or accepting of the situation between Spike and I. I want to make it clear though that we are in this willingly, and I expect no more discussion about it when we wake from our rest later today. There simply will not be enough time to do anything but plan for the attack; I expect us to focus. Even after the task at hand is done, I would hope each of you will be supportive to us in your own way. I’m not asking for a blessing or approval, just that you don’t communicate to us your negative opinions or treat us as lepers. I love all of you, but if you put me in a position to choose between my relationship with you and my relationship with Spike, Spike is going to win.”
Joyce was touched by her daughter’s strength and resilience. She knew things were not going to be easy for her daughter, but she would stand up for her 100%. Joyce stood up and hugged her daughter. Then she walked over to Spike.
“Welcome to the Summers Spike. I’m happy to have you as a part of it.”
Joyce walked up to Spike, without fear, and hugged him. Spike hugged her back and blinked back his tears. He could feel Buffy’s happiness of her mom’s approval through their link.
Buffy held back her own tears. She could feel through her link with Spike just how important this really was to him. Acceptance, love, looked upon as a man and not a monster.
Buffy gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and then took her mate’s hand. Silently, the pair walked up to her bedroom to retire for the morning.
Once they settled into her bed, now their bed, Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy. He smelled her hair and placed small kisses along her neck.
Buffy was tired, but he was arousing her quickly. She began to moan in response to his ministrations, which only encouraged Spike to continue. She turned around so she could easily reach his hard member with her hands.
“‘Cor luv, I love the way you touch me.”
Spike gently removed the t-shirt Buffy was wearing. He peppered kisses down her neck to her swollen breasts. He gently licked around her nipples before finally taking one into his mouth.
Buffy threw her head back and moaned in delight. She began to grind her crotch into Spike’s leg. She rapidly increased the stroking of his luscious cock.
“Spike, I need you now. I need you to make love to me, please?”
Spike immediately responded to her pleas by removing the remainder of their clothing. He gently touched her pussy to make sure she was ready for him.
Buffy was ready for him alright. While he was gently stroking her, she pushed him on his back, and then lavished his chest with kisses. She made her way up his body to his neck and lips.
Spike could not believe what his golden goddess was doing to him. One moment she pleaded with him to make love to her and now she was taking control. She positioned herself on top of his cock and quickly impaled herself on it.
The pleasure of being sheathed in her warmth was going to cause him to explode. The feelings of love they exchanged through their link were bound to send them over the edge harder than they had before.
“God luv never had it so fucking good before. Fuck love. Ride me. That’s it baby, ride the Big Bad.”
Spike’s encouragement turned Buffy on more and more. She moved up and down on his shaft, squeezing her inner muscles on each upstroke. Her inner walls were trembling, ready to explode.
She looked into Spike’s eyes. His love and devotion reflected back at her.
“I love you Spike.”
“Love you too Buffy.”
Buffy felt her orgasm beginning and she swiftly moved her lips to her claim mark on Spike’s neck. She bit hard and deep; her screams of passion muffled by his neck.
“Yours luv, always. All fuckin’ yours.”
The second her teeth broke his skin, Spike spilled his release into her. His game face came to the fore and the demon reciprocated the reaffirmation of their claim. He took a few quick pulls of her blood, and then sealed the puncture wounds with a quick lick of his tongue.
“Mine. My Buffy. My love.”
“Your girl. Forever.”
Although falling asleep immediately was the natural thing to do, they knew with a houseful of guest someone could walk in and get an eyeful. Spike helped Buffy back into her clothes, and he threw on his jeans.
Spike gently took her hand to assist her back onto the bed. She safely climbed in and cuddled into Spike.
‘Love you. My princess. My goddess. Love you so much, never want to lose you.’
‘You’ll never lose me Spike.’
‘Buffy, was that you in my head?’
‘Yeah, pretty neat. I guess since we renewed our claim, it made our link stronger.’
Spike was pleased that he could communicate with his mate on a telepathic level. It would certainly help them in protecting one another. There was nothing like the sound of her voice as she told him she loved him.
It was, after all, his favorite sound in the world.
“Yeah, Spike?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. How come you didn’t use our link?”
“Because I like to hear you say it. The sound of your voice, please don’t forget that.”
“Never Spike. Hey Spike?”
“Yeah luv?”
“I love you. Let’s rest now, ok?”
“Anything for you my love; anything.”
Joyce was in the kitchen with the remainder of the household. The sounds of breakfast sizzling on the stove were providing a much needed distraction to the noise from the second floor of her home. While she was accepting of her daughter’s situation, it did not mean that she approved of the loud lovemaking that was occurring under her roof.
She would have to have a conversation with Buffy about this later. Joyce thought about what would happen. ‘Would Buffy and Spike live with her?’ Of course not, Spike was certainly too mature to want to live with his girl’s mother. ‘Would they move into his place? Where does Spike live?’
“Mrs. Summers, the bacon’s starting to burn.”
“Oh. Thanks Oz. I appreciate it. “
“Finally,” Cordelia whined, “I thought they’d be going at it for hours. I thought she needed to rest.”
Giles put his glasses back on after his marathon polishing session.
“Cordelia, I think its best that we not comment on whatever is happening upstairs.”
“Well maybe they are just having a pillow fight?”
Willow knew it sounded stupid and naïve the minute the words left her mouth, but she figured that was a better visual for Buffy’s mom than her daughter naked with a nummy vampire.
“Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better Willow.”
“I will Cordelia, thank you.”
Oz smiled for two reasons. First being that his girl stood up to super bitch. Second, the melodious sounds of his friends getting it on upstairs. What self respecting male wouldn’t enjoy it, except for Giles who clearly thought of Buffy as a daughter.
Anyhow, Oz felt it was time to take the focus off Buffy and Spike.
“Yum. French Toast, it looks delicious Mrs. Summers.”
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells!”
‘Willow and Oz are so kind. Unlike that Cordelia who won’t even be grateful that I cooked for her. I’m glad some of my daughter’s friends are decent.’ Joyce put out the breakfast spread on the kitchen island for everyone to help themselves.
“Joyce, my lord, this is absolutely delicious!”
“Why thank you Rupert. I’m so glad you appreciate my culinary skills.”
“Mmm. These are really good. You know my mother hasn’t cooked a breakfast since I was a little girl. The maids will do it, but it’s not the same as hers. Mom’s make breakfast with love, which makes it taste soooo much better. I really miss that. Buffy’s is lucky to have a mom like you.”
“Why thank you Cordelia that was kind of you.”
For a second time that day, Joyce and Rupert were shocked!
Thanks everyone for your kind words! I never thought I’d get more then 10 reviews on this! ***Opal Smiles***
Of course extra thanks as always to Meli, because without her, this story wouldn’t be what it is!
Also thanks to Golden Buffy for all those after
hours chats and coming up with some greatSmut ,
ideas, plot bunnies!
Chapter 19 - Before The Storm
After breakfast, Joyce went into the gallery to get some work done, while Giles, Oz, and Willow went to the library to gather weapons and Cordelia went home to get some beauty sleep.
In reality they had left to avoid a repeat of the earlier activities they heard emanating from Buffy’s bedroom. After all, no one wants to hear it if they are not getting any.
While under the pretense of requiring attending to other matters, they dispersed to their own agendas, but not before agreeing to meet back at the Summers’ house around 4 p.m.
An empty house would be a good house for the mated pair should they awake. Buffy and Spike were so thoroughly exhausted that they just slept, peacefully.
It was possibly the last chance at peace they were going to get.
The mansion was buzzing with activity. The minions were elated that the secret to unlocking Acathla was uncovered. The only thing holding them back was they did not want to disturb Angelus from his slumber to share the news with him. They were minions, but they were not stupid. If they pissed off Angelus, they were dust. The good news they brought would not be enough to counter balance his rage.
Unfortunately, the majority of the minions in the house were not as quiet. Angelus’ roar of displeasure silenced everyone in the mansion that could hear it.
“Who dares to cause such disrespect to me by waking my slumber?”
The minions were too scared to answer. Some of them scattered, forgetting how quick and agile Angelus could be. He reached out and grabbed a scampering minion by the throat.
“Boy, you know what is going on here?”
“Speak to me properly boy!”
“Yes Master.” The minion choked. He knew that he would be dust in a moment anyways; he may as well try to spare the two bearers of good news the same ending.
“So share boy.”
“The scholars completed their research.”
Angelus was furious. That was not an excuse for that ruckus. He squeezed the minion’s throat tighter.
“All that fucking noise for that!”
The minion choked out his reply as he met his dusty ending. “No master Angelus. It is because they have found the answer to Acathla!”
“Excellent!” Angelus mood changed quickly to one of elation as he walked through the dust still lingering in the air over to the scholars. “I expect that you have proper preparations being made as we speak?”
“Yes Master.” The both answered. Each of them silently pleaded with the Powers That Be that they were correct in their translation.
Angelus unleashed a cocky grin across his face as he leaned up against the wall.
“So tell me, what is required of the great and mighty Angelus?”
“Well it would require your blood.”
“My blood, that’s it! All this time and the damn thing only needed was my blood?”
“Well Master, there is a specific time for you to provide your blood. It’s not that simple.”
Angelus felt his temper dissipate. He had to control his anger until after his mission with Acathla was complete. He needed his scholarly minions to provide their knowledge they gained in researching the ritual.
“So how long do I have to wait? Two days, a fortnight?”
“Not long at all Master. Tonight. You must only wait until tonight, but it must be at dusk.”
Angelus was thrilled. In only a few hours, we would bring hell on earth. No more slayer, no more wayward child.
No more stupid soul to get in the way. His tribute to Acathla would ensure that his soul would not return.
He made his way back to his chambers to cleanse himself and prepare for the evening. He walked by the room that held the Slayer’s lap dog. He walked in, attempted to break through the protective barrier and failed.
Xander looked up at Angelus. He was fearful, even with the barrier still intact.
Angelus quickly sensed the fear radiating from Xander. He took the opportunity to inflict the only harm he could on the boy.
“Boy by tonight this barrier won’t save you. Your Slayer won’t save you. But I’ll be here to welcome you through the gates of hell that open up. When they do, I’ll be the first one to take you and drain every last drop of your precious blood from your veins.”
His fear paralyzed Xander. He could not speak to come back with a witty comment. He knew without the barrier and without Buffy, he had no hope.
Angelus strode out of the room, proud he had accomplished something to bother the boy.
Xander’s faith returned shortly after Angelus departed.
“Buffy will come. She always does. She always wins.”
Xander shut his eyes and pleaded with the Powers That Be that everything would work out right.
When he opened them he was shocked to see Drusilla in front of him, stroking his cheek.
“What the...”
“Shh. Don’t fret, I won’t hurt you.”
Xander was shocked into silence. ‘This was Spike’s crazy girlfriend, well former girlfriend thanks to some prophecy that made Spike Buffy’s.’
“She’s not for you anyways. Spike was never meant for me to keep.” Drusilla said.
“Are you reading my mind?”
“I’m not crazy any more. Does that answer your question?”
“Yes.” Xander barely managed to squeak a response out of his mouth.
“You have nothing to fear. I have placed this barrier around you and it will not falter.”
“What about Buffy?”
“Buffy will come. I am warning you though. In exchange for my kindness and the protection I have given you, you must give me one thing in return.”
Xander was afraid she was going to ask for his soul or his blood. Drusilla just smiled and cupped his cheek in her hand.
“Be kind to her and William. Do not deny or mock their relationship. The Powers have willed it to be.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Xander, I know you thought Angel was not good enough for Buffy because he was, let me quote you, the ‘Evil Undead.’ William is different. Always have been, his capacity to control his demon and love is amazing. I wish he was mine to keep, but as I said that was not in the Powers plan for me.”
“So you’re saying Buffy was meant to be with a vampire?”
“Yes. Xander she is the Slayer. She does not realize it, but she is not all human. She could not be the Slayer if she was. On the other hand, she would not be able to do her job if she was not partially human. She needs the compassion, the understanding of being a human in order to protect them.”
“It won’t keep her from dying young.”
“You do not need to worry about her dying dear boy. She was destined to be the mate of William the Bloody. They will live a very long, long, long time.”
“What do you mean by mate?”
“Silly boy, for someone who goes out to help the slayer, you do not know much of what you are killing do you?”
Xander bowed his head in shame. She was making sense. He just went with his one track mind, undead equals evil. Yet it could not be true if Spike loved Buffy, and Drusilla had saved him.
“Xander do not be ashamed. We all make bad choices or decisions, and this is why I ask you again that in exchange for the protection I have granted you that you give your love and support to Buffy and Spike.”
“I believe I can. Now can you tell me, what do you mean by mate?”
“It’s very sacred, rarely done within the vampire community. It is a commitment between two vampires or demons to love, cherish, fiercely protect, and maintain monogamy to your mate until the end of time, which is a long time for an immortal.”
“So it’s like a marriage.”
“Yes, like a marriage except it is more because it is mystical in nature.”
“How is it done?”
“Well it is done through an exchange of blood.”
Xander tried not to cringed, but the words out of Drusilla’s mouth confirmed his fears.
“Yes Xander, they bite each other. And they will do it periodically to renew their vows to each other. Really it is quite pleasurable, so do not knock it until you try it.”
Xander again realized that Drusilla had a very good point. Drusilla began to walk away from him, and then she turned around to face him.
“You see Xander; if we did not have this discussion then you would not have come to realize that not everything is in black and white. Then when Buffy came to your aid and you realized the reality of her situation between herself and Spike, you would have said things that would have broken her heart.”
Xander nodded in agreement.
“Incidentally, has not almost every man that has been important to her taken her love and trust just to throw it in her face? Let us list them: her father, Angelus, and now her watcher, who is not exactly taking her decision to mate with a vampire very well either. I am not saying it will be easier for you, but now being enlightened you are equipped to react better.”
Drusilla walked back up to Xander, and looked him in the eyes.
“William will not be one of them. He will never, ever, leave her. Tell me Xander, which list do you want to fall on?”
“I want to be there for her.”
“Good. Someday for her, your time on earth will be a distant memory. Make them all good for her.”
“What do you mean?”
“She is now an immortal. Angelus cannot kill her, but she does not know it yet. You cannot tell her until after things settle. It will alter the course of tonight’s events. Just have faith in me.”
Xander had to agree with her, after all she had been nothing but kind to him.
“Ok. I agree.”
Drusilla walked away towards the shadows of the room, when Xander stopped her one last time.
“Will I see you again?”
“Perhaps. If needed I will make myself known.”
Xander was saddened at the response.
“Well then, I want to thank you for your help. Really. I would be beat by now and it sounds like after Angelus is dealt with I would have made a real mess of things. From my heart Dru, thank you.”
Drusilla smiled and disappeared into the shadows, whispering in the air, “You’re welcome. Just be the man I know you can be.”
Chapter 20 – Provisions
Buffy slowly woke up, sated and well rested. She
enjoyed waking up with Spike’s strong, protective
arms wrapped around her. She snuggled into him,
knowing that soon they would be running into battle.
She prayed to the Powers That Be for Spike’s safety,
the baby’s safety, and that she would have the
strength to do what she needed to end their
nightmare with Angelus.
She saddened at the thought of Angelus, her Angel.
He was her first love, he showed so much potential
to make a big impact not just on her world, but the
earth itself.
He just did not have the strength needed to
persevere when the going got rough. Spike taught her
that clearly the soul did not make the vampire. The
soul was not the only guide to making a decision,
hence when Angel lost his soul he should not have
taken the path he took.
That made her angry. Angry for Jenny Calendar, angry
for everything her friends and family have been
On the other hand she was grateful, because if Angel
had not headed on his downward spiral, she would not
be in the arms of her mate.
Eternal happiness, well for as long as she was
alive, which surprisingly did not concern her. In
her heart, mind, body, and soul she knew her and
Spike would last forever.
In the midst of her inner thoughts, she had not
noticed her mate had awoken. Spike had begun to
pepper kisses on the top of her head.
‘Love we are forever’
‘Good Morning Spike. Love you so much. I see we can
still do the mind talky thing.”
‘Good. Means I can keep you quiet while I have my
wicked way with you love.’
‘Spike, as nice as the idea of that is, we’ve got to
get into battle mode.’
He held her tight in his arms, and laid a kiss on
her cheek. He felt the tears starting to run down
her face.
‘Luv, what’s wrong? What did I do?’
‘You didn’t do anything, I’m just scared.’
‘Slayer, you have nothing to be scared of.’
‘What if we don’t make it, what if something happens
to our baby?’
‘Don’t think about that love. Nothing is going to
happen to you or the bit. I’ll protect you with my
‘Spike, my life will be nothing without you in it. I
don’t know if I can raise our baby alone.’
‘You won’t be alone. You have your mom, your
friends, and your watcher. You have their love and
support, that’s what kept you alive so long. But no
worries, yeah?’
‘Just hold me until we have to get up Spike. Please.
I just want to imprint the feel of being in your
arms in my memory.’
‘Of course, pet. Don’t worry; we’ll have many nights
like this. Starting tonight after we win…I love you
Buffy, don’t you forget it. I love you always.’
Spike nuzzled his marks on her neck to comfort his
mate. He glanced at the clock, 4 p.m. They wouldn’t
have much time for this, everyone should be home
soon. The best time to hit Angelus would be right
before he awoke.
Buffy turned onto her side and looked into his eyes.
She was lost in his pools of cerulean blue. Her
love, her mate. She could feel his love for her as
it emanated through their bond. She let it consume
The sound of car doors closing outside signaled the
battle was about to begin. Buffy’s face scrunched up
as the reality hit her. Spike leaned forward and
kissed her softly on her lips.
“Time to get up now love. Time to go be heroes.”
Joyce managed to get the pizzas out of her Jeep
without dropping them. The next step was to try and
get them in the house. Luckily, everyone seemed to
have pulled up at the same time, saving her from
embarrassment. Everyone walked up and grabbed a
pizza off the top of the pile, Joyce was able to
pull out her keys, and opened up the back door.
“Thanks for picking up food Mrs. Summers!”
“Oh it was no problem Willow. I wanted to make sure
you were all properly fed before your big fight
Cordelia and Giles helped set up the table, while Oz
and Willow helped Joyce set the pizza up on the
kitchen island.
The entire house filled with the scent of pizza, and
that motivated the Slayer to cleaning up and
dressing. Luckily, she had some oversized t-shirts
in her wardrobe that would accommodate her growing
“You can go ahead downstairs Spike. I’ll be down in
a minute.”
“Are you sure Buffy?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Besides, you’re not doing a
good job right now at hiding your thoughts. I know
you want to go hit that pizza.”
Spike ducked down, ashamed that he had let that pass
through the link. She should be his first and only
“Spike, don’t worry about it. Besides, I need you to
go down and make sure they save me some. Please?”
Buffy displayed her best pout face, which would be
sure to win Spike over.
“Alright luv. Just holler if you need a hand.”
Spike gave her a kiss on her head before he left her
room to make his way downstairs.
Oz looked up at Spike as he walked into the dining
room. ‘Man he’s so lucky. Someday maybe I’ll be just
as lucky with Willow.’ Oz reached under the table to
give Willow a gentle squeeze on her leg. She turned
to him, with her pizza slice in her hand and smiled.
He winked at her and then nodded towards Spike to
let her know he was here.
“Oh hi Spike. Sit. Have some pizza!”
“Thanks Willow. Love some. Buffy will down in a
moment. She put me in charge of making sure you lot
saved her some.”
“I bought plenty Spike,” Joyce replied, “so do not
worry about that daughter of mine. You eat up; you
are going to need it to protect her.”
Spike did not correct Joyce. She did not need to
hear that what humans consume would do him no good,
except for his taste buds. He gave her a big smile
and grabbed a slice of pizza, with all the works on
it, and shoved into his mouth. He let out a moan of
pleasure that sounded similar to what the gang heard
“Ok Spike. We get you like the pizza, and you must
really like it since that sounded very similar to
the noises we heard coming from Buffy’s room this
Giles emitted a ‘dear lord’ from his lips as he took
his spectacles off to cleanse them. As he put them
back on, he felt comfortable enough to speak up and
stop this conversation before it got out of hand.
“Cordelia now is neither the time nor place to have
this discussion. If we make it through tonight’s
activities, I expect Joyce will speak to Buffy and
Spike about using better discretion.”
Cordelia let out a ‘humph’ before she grabbed
another slice of pizza. Spike suddenly became shy
and ducked his head down.
“’Bout that Joyce, ‘m sorry, we’ll be more careful
next time.”
Just then, Buffy entered the room.
“Be more careful about what Spike?”
She did not understand from all the looks at the
table what the big deal was. Then she heard Spike in
her head.
‘Let’s leave this for later, pet. Apparently we were
a little too vocal this morning.’
‘Oh. Yeah your right, not a good idea’
Buffy quickly redirected the subject at hand. “Yum,
pizza, thanks so much mom. There’s nothing like
having a good meal before going out and kicking
major ass!”
“Buffy, language!”
“Sorry mom.”
“So everyone had their fill?”
A collective ‘yes’ filled the dining room.
“Good. You all got the weapons stashed?”
Again, another shared affirmative response from the
“Great. Sundown is coming soon. That means after I
eat two more slices of pizza, we are leaving.”
“What about Spike?”
Spike was happy that the wolf boy was thinking about
his welfare.
‘Yeah, pet what about me.’
Buffy squeezed his hand under the table.
“Well we have the UV blanket that he can use. We’ll
take two cars.”
Buffy shoved the last sliced of pizza in her mouth.
‘Good plan luv, hadn’t thought of that myself.’
“Mom, where do you think your going?”
“To help protect my baby.”
“No mom. I need you to stay here. I won’t be able to
do what I need to do if I’m worrying about you.
“But I worry.”
“Don’t mom; I’ve got the element of surprise on my
side. He won’t expect Spike to be helping me, and
neither will he expect to be attacked in his sleep.”
Joyce gave Buffy a hug as she walked out to the
Jeep. Joyce stopped Spike and gave him a hug.
“Spike you take care of my little girl and little
grandbaby she’s carrying. She means the world to
“Don’t you worry Joyce, I swear on my unlife she
will be brought back safely.”
Spike turned around, his leather coat flaring out
from beneath him. He grabbed the UV blanked that
Giles handed him and rushed out to battle with his
Thank you all so much for your reviews! I’ve been
beat tired since I got home, or I would have posted
this sooner. Cheers! ~ Opal
Chapter 21- Blood
Angelus confidentially walked around the statue of Acathla. He stared at the stone statue, and then glanced around the cold, dark room. The room that would create the portal to infamy, the room that would make tonight his night, his time of glory, and his triumph for all evil.
It would be the ultimate act of evil, because after destroying the world and humanity with it, there would be no other act to top that.
He stopped before the statue and touched it with his hands. Angelus could feel the energy radiating off the stone. Energy which when fully unleashed would decimate the planet into particles.
Of course, Angelus only hoped that Acathla would make him a powerful being to rule alongside. If not, well he would be dust with the rest of the earth. As long as he did not have to deal with the Slayer and her stupid Scoobies, his death would be worth it. No more of her bouncy blonde hair, silly outfits, dumb large doe eyes, and her geeky friends.
All of the dimensions would know him as the great Angelus. The followers of the dark would speak of his name for eons thereafter. Certainly, this would top being known as the “Slayer of Slayers,” in fact no one would ever use Spike as the benchmark for evil again.
Angelus smirked to himself knowing that reputation would be one more thing he took easily from the pitiful excuse of a grandchilde of his. He should have never let that crazy childe of his make her dolly out of William. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to think of all the glory he would find at Acathla’s side.
Angelus was preoccupied with his ego and did not even hear a group of minions approach until they were in front of his face.
“Master! Master!” The minion tried to keep his voice down, but his Master’s lack of responsiveness warranted the volume.
He was snapped from his reverie; Angelus was agitated and contemplating taking it out on the vocal minion. Until he felt the presence of family, ‘Well speak of the devil.’
“Can’t you see I was deep in thought? This better be something good that you’re bothering me about.”
“Yes Master. Of course it is important.”
“Well what are you fucking waiting for, to turn to dust? Get on with it!”
The minion shuddered with nervousness, unsure of how his Master was going to react at the news. He was only a fledgling, and did not understand the strength of the Aurelius bond shared between the master vampires.
“Well it would seem that Spike has decided to come back to the mansion.”
Angelus decided to play with the minions mind. He figured ‘What the fuck, some quick entertainment was better than counting down the time until the symphony of destruction began.’ He paused for a moment as a light bulb went off in his head. ‘What a wonderful phrase ‘Symphony of Destruction,’ it’s a shame some human created it. Oh well, he’ll be dust along with all his sorry records soon anyways.’
The minion could tell Angelus was deep in thought again. Rather than agitate the master vampire more, the minion just waited patiently for a response.
“I don’t smell burning. That bastard grandchilde of mine should have burned up trying to get in here. There is no other access except through the sunlight at this time of day. Where is he?”
“In his room sir. The one he shared with the crazy one.”
Angelus stopped reveling in his ego and decided he better take the situation seriously. Then he started to worry. If Spike was back, that meant the Slayer would be with him. He did not have much longer to go until the sunset for him to start his mission. ‘Fuck!’ Angelus thought. ‘Leave it to the fucking white hats to come along and waste my fucking time right at when the crucial moments come along.’
“Master, what would you like us to do?”
Angelus thought about it. He only needed to buy time until he could begin the ritual. If he remained hidden, along with the minions then the Slayer would waste time searching them out. There was no way she could sense him specifically, because with so many vampires around her slayer senses would be going haywire. Spike would be a problem, but just a small delay tactic. Angelus knew he could handle Spike.
Angelus kept his voice low to deter any vampire that was not within his arm reach from overhearing.
“We won’t do anything. Tell the others to hide in the shadows and avoid confrontation until it is time to start the ritual.”
“Master, certainly they’ll find us.”
“Yes they will. Some of you will become dust, but that should not really matter to you because either way in fifteen minutes you will become dust either way. Let them waste time looking in the shadows.”
The minion nodded his head and skulked into the hallway to spread the word. Within moments, the mansion was quiet.
Angelus used his power as the head of the line to subtly close off his familial bond with Spike. He did not want the bastard childe to be able to find him just by using his senses. Angelus looked around the empty room, and then moved into the furthest corner of the room into the shadows, murmuring ‘this night will be mine.’
Spike breathed a sigh of relief. They were not anywhere near safe, but the temporary glamour that Giles put up had lead the minions to believe that he was the only one is his own room. It had been difficult enough for them to sneak in during the daylight but luckily, the minions still had not figured out there was a secret passage into his room. This enabled them to penetrate the mansion undetected.
The room was dusty. The same as the day he had arrived with Dru, but she had decided to go on one of her cleaning obsessions. He certainly did nothing to stop her. He had rather a tidy abode than her talking at her dolls .Unfortunately, she was quite efficient so she could have a well-kept house, and have time with her dolls and her daddy.
All that time wasted now, because she was not here at all. Despite that, she would probably mock him for being with the Slayer or try to claw his mate’s eyes out; he was still saddened that she was gone.
If Angelus, or any of the minions chose to come down to find out the purpose of his visit, he would just simply tell them he was gathering the rest of his belongings. Of course, he had all of his belongings thrown out of his trunk and strewn across his bed. Spike decided that perhaps he could make this masquerade useful and set aside the items to take with him once this was over. He stopped when he noticed Buffy holding his old, worn, black leather folio of portraits.
“Luv, be careful with those.”
“I’m sorry, Spike. I shouldn’t have started touching your things.”
“No worries pet. It’s not that I don’t want you touching them. It’s just they are very old and the only pictures I have of my family. I want our bit to be able to see pictures of my mum and sis.”
“Oh.” Buffy carefully placed the folio back down on the bed. She glanced around and took note that there were two piles. “So what are the different piles for?”
“Well pet, that pile close to you is what is important to me and what I want to pass down to our nibblet. The other pile is just meaningless rubbish.”
“It’s bigger than your keep pile though.”
Buffy could sense Spike’s feelings through the claim. Feelings of sadness, because even after all these years he still missed his human family that was long gone from the earth.
“Yeah, luv, well the throw out pile is stuff that I’ve accumulated as a vamp, to make me feel big and bad. The small pile, well it’s the personal stuff. Stuff that’s been mine since before I was turned; you and I will look at it after we kick the poof’s arse, yeah?”
Spike realized this conversation was getting a little too intimate to share with the rest of the room. He looked into his mate’s eyes, and silently let his words flow through their bond.
‘Because I want our child to know where they came from, not just from a vamp but my real family, my mum and sis’
‘Your right, they should know. I want to know all about your family, you loved them so much and I know that it isn’t even an inkling of how much your love our baby.’
Spike reached across the bed and grasped Buffy’s hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.
‘I love you Buffy.’
‘I love you, always, my big bad.’
Giles coughed to remind the blond couple that they were not alone.
“Sorry Giles kinda lost focus there.” Buffy whispered, noticing how quiet the mansion was all of a sudden.
Giles lowered his voice and gestured for the group to come closer to him.
“Indeed, well now that I’ve got your attention I want to remind you that this glamour isn’t going to last much longer. I also think that your reason for being here is being considered suspicious, because this whole mansion has gone from buzzing with activity to being so quiet you could hear a bloody pin drop.”
“Well Giles, I say we make our move now, before Angelus awakens, just like we planned.”
Spike tried to use the familial bond to locate Angelus, but it was no use.
“Luv, he may already suspect something because I can’t use the clan bond to find him. We need to be careful and anticipate that he may be expecting us.”
“Your right Spike.” Buffy leaned up and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Everyone check for your weapons, stakes, and holy water?” The group nodded affirmatively to her. “Great. Let’s go dust some vampire ass!”
The Slayer led her army out of Spike’s room into the halls.
‘Try to avoid dusting my ass luv!’
‘No problem Spikey, but I promise you I won’t be avoiding your ass later tonight.’
‘I love you Buffy.’
Buffy stopped and pulled Spike close to her. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips to dissolve the glamour and let the whole mansion know who her mate was.
“I love you, Spike.”
She knew damn well if Angelus were awake, he would hear that!
Xander heard his friends searching the hall. He knew he could yell for them, but he remembered Dru told him no to interfere with the course of the night. He stayed still, so his chains would not rattle.
Xander could feel the cold stones against his back and legs. It was as if the cold was traveling up and down his body on his own. His breaths were now quiet and slow, his demeanor was calm, even as he heard his friends walk by his prison.
Dru had not failed him yet, why would she now? He had the utmost faith that tonight Buffy was going to send Angelus’ ass to hell.
Tomorrow they would talk about the recent events that lead up to her victory, mourn the death of Giles beloved Jenny. They would savor the victory over donuts and coffee.
“And blood Xander, don’t forget William’s blood.” Dru whispered.
Even with Dru whispering in his ear, he did not use that as an excuse to freak out or cry to Buffy for help. Instead, he took comfort that his benefactor was right by his side looking after him.
Looking after Buffy and Spike too. That is when a big grin made its way across Xander’s face.
‘Angelus is so gonna die!’
Angelus heard the Scoobies approaching. He could feel the night sun as it slowly slipped its way towards dusk. Just a few more moments he would seize the day. He brought his hand down towards his belt with the knife he had hidden in its sheath.
Slowly he began to extract it, and then he hid it up the sleeve of his coat. If he were lucky, he would be able to kill the Slayer, before he unleashed Acathla.
Angelus looked up when he sensed Spike walk into the room. He waited for the Slayer to follow, but she never came.
“Well, well it looks like at least my BOY showed up for the party.”
“I don’t see any bloody streamers, mate.”
“Oh Spikey, you know better than to piss Daddy off. Besides you know I don’t do streamers, I do screamers. Oh and your ripe wicked plum, she’s a screamer.”
Angelus wickedly grinned. He could tell he was getting under Spike’s skin.
“Baiting me old man; not gonna work. You could fuck Dru right in front of me under this disgusting statue for all I care. Let her scream your name.”
Spike and Angelus started to walk towards each other, circling one another. Feral looks in each other’s eyes; each waited for the other to make the first move. Angelus was puzzled with Spike, because he expected Spike would have attacked. Instead, Spike let the comments role right off of him. That is when Angelus realized something definitely was not right, but he could not quite pinpoint exactly what it was yet.
Angelus went into game face to improve his sense of sight and smell, getting the first leg up on Spike. He had hoped his vampiric abilities would give him the edge he needed to figure out Spike’s game. Quickly, Angelus realized why Spike was so nonchalant about Dru screaming her Daddy’s name.
“Boy you fucking mated to what’s mine! You know not to fuck with what belongs to the head of the clan.”
Spike vamped out, ready to defend his love, his mate, and their bond.
“Please, you hadn’t the stones to mark her as yours when you were the souled poofter. You had the opportunity to claim her when you had your way with her, but instead you ran off like a pussy. The reality is she was never yours, never meant to be yours.”
“Silence! I will not have you mock me, I am your elder you will respect me.”
“Angelus let me quote your favorite phrase. Oh how does it go? Yes, I believe its fuck off!”
Angelus could not hold back any longer. He launched himself at Spike. They became a blur of fists, fangs, and blood. One would get the upper hand for only a moment until the other would become dominant.
Buffy felt her mate starting to weaken through the bond. She knew it was risky, being with child, but she had to protect him. She knew she would die having to raise their baby without him. She knew she would die just from the loss of his love, his touch, his comfort. Buffy ran into the room as sunset began to fall outside of the mansion.
She saw Angelus hovered over Spike, ready to maul her love’s neck with his fangs. Without thinking, she ran over to grab Angelus, only to find that Angelus prepared for her approach.
Angelus grabbed Buffy, lifted her up and threw her clear across the room. Her head slammed against the stonewall, fracturing her skull and splitting her head open.
“Stupid bitch, how dare you.”
Buffy blacked out as she saw Angelus cross the room to finish her off. Giles, Cordelia, and Oz took out their crosses and vials of holy water. They ran between Buffy and Angelus, pushing the crosses in his bloodied face.
Willow ran over to Buffy, and cradled her friend’s body. She checked Buffy’s pulse it was fine. She looked at Buffy’s head. Carefully, she moved the bloodied strands of blond apart so she could find the cut. Willow could not believe her eyes when she found it. ‘Oh goddess, I knew she had slayer healing powers but I’ve never seen her heal like this!”
It seems Buffy’s bleeding had already stopped, and her skull was knitting itself back together. Willow continued to hold Buffy, offering the one thing slayer healing did not, the warm arms of a good friend.
Angelus howled in pain as the holy water they threw at him seeped into his wounds. He let out a sinister grin when he realized they exhausted their holy water, and the only weapon they had left was their crosses.
‘Fools, they think they can stop me with this crap! I’ll show them strength.’ Angelus summoned his might and plowed through the white hats and their crosses.
“Time to die you whore!”
Angelus raised his hand up to deliver the deathblow, only to have it caught and held in position.
“Not so fast mate. She’s mine, always will be. No one. No one hurts what is mine.”
Buffy smiled with pride as she started to come back to consciousness. Her mate was protecting her, and if he was protecting her, it meant that Angelus had not hurt him too badly.
She could feel Spike’s anger at Angelus through the bond. She knew that if she tried to communicate with him now, she would only break his concentration. She did not realize that he had felt her awaken through the bond; he just did not show it.
Spike threw Angelus’ bloody body into the stone statue in the middle of the room. Blood flowed out of Angelus wounds onto the statue. Acathla started to rumble and shake.
Spike ran immediately to his mate’s side, gently taking her from Willow. He purred and peppered kisses on her forehead. His happiness was short lived, when Angelus reminded him that they now had a much bigger problem to face.
“Boy! It’s about time you did something right. I had forgotten all about my little plan here. Thanks to you, I got my blood dripping all over this baby right now and just in time. Should I thank you or your piece of shit mate?”
Spike growled ready to launch himself at Angelus. Buffy placed a hand on his shoulder, and silently pleaded to him to hold back so they could asses the situation.
“Oh, whipped by the girl. Looks like you are someone else’s whipping boy now. Well since, I finally get to thank you for a job well done, guess how I’m going to do it. I’m gonna turn you, your mate, and everything on the face of this earth into a big pile of fucking dust. All thanks to Acathla, all thanks to you boy!”
Buffy clutched Spike closer to her when she thought about the life they would not have, the child that would never be born. Tears ran down her face.
“That’s right bitch, cry for your mommy. Oh wait she won’t come for you because in a few moments she’ll be dust with you too.”
“Not if I can help it.”
The two master vamps whipped there head up to the direction of the voice. Their faces showed complete shock, which was saying a lot considering the events that had taking place up to that moment.
Spike’s voice broke the silence, but it was barely a whisper.
Thanks to everyone for all of your sweet reviews. Extra thanks to Meli for betaing! :) **Hugs** Opal
Chapter 22 - Prophecy
Buffy was not sure to she should be relieved or frightened that Dru had decided to join the party. She should have been scared that her life was about to end now. She was more afraid that the dark vampires had come to steal her mate away.
Dru sensed her distress before Spike, and walked over to the couple. Spike wrapped his arms protectively around Buffy.
“Tut. Tut. My boy, I’m not here to hurt her. I’m here to help.”
“Dru I know you’re off your soddin’ rocker, but if you want to help we need to deal with your poofter Daddy and his soddin’ statue.”
Spike was unsure what kind of game Dru was playing. She was always off her rocker, but her appearance was different. Gone were the Victorian clothes she normally wore, in its place an edgier, more modern get up. It complemented her much, much more. Still it did nothing to ease his mind that the crazy bint was going to go after his mate.
“William, I have news for you.” Dru got right up into Spike’s face, “I’m not crazy anymore. Still clairvoyant, and yes Miss Edith still talks to me, but I am not crazy. Now let me see how my little grandchild is coming along here.”
Drusilla gently pushed aside Buffy’s jacket to reveal her swollen stomach. Buffy looked up at Dru, and the moment they locked eyes Buffy knew she could trust her.
“Dru, is the baby ok?”
Dru put her hands on Buffy’s stomach, and then shut her eyes for a moment. A big smile formed on her face as she opened up her eyes.
“Yes dear girl, your baby girl is fine. Fine and healthy, she’ll have her mom’s petite body and her daddy’s blue eyes.”
Buffy smiled, but the tears rolled down her face. That is when Angelus reminded them for the reason of their gathering.
“So fucking sweet. Really, you are all pathetic. Even you Dru don’t know what I thought I was doing when I picked you. Oh yeah, I wanted an innocent girl and not a whore like your grandmother. You were so much fun.”
“And I’m not fun now. Such a shame you feel that way Angelus.”
The mansion began to shake wildly and the portal opening by Acathla was becoming bigger by the moment. Angelus stood and smirked.
“Looks like I’m still the one with all the power around here. Look at William, reduced to being the Slayer’s lapdog. She’s not even pretty. Nothing but a bleached out bimbo with superpowers, couldn’t add one and one if she tried.” Angelus pointed to her stomach, and raised his voice to hear him over the wind coming from the portal. “She can do one thing right though, she can be a whore. Now she’s knocked up. Stupid…”
Before Angelus could finish the sentence, Spike had launched himself again at Angelus. Fist and fangs at each other, Buffy tried to get up again to help her mate but it was just no use.
The ceiling was beginning to crumble in. Willow ran back over to Buffy.
“Buffy, I guess this is it. This is how it ends.”
“I’m so sorry Willow, I tried. I tried to save you all but I just wasn’t good enough. A failure, just like Angelus said.”
Giles moved over to his surrogate daughter and placed his arms around her too.
“No Buffy, not a failure. You were the best there was you never stopped trying. Ever.”
Giles brushed the tears away from her eyes and looked at her.
“If anything, I regret that you’ve had to live hard and now not enjoy the reward of enjoying being in love, being with your mate, and being with your child.”
“SEPARATE” Drusilla yelled, throwing Angelus and Spike across to separate sides of the room. Angelus tried to cross over to reach Drusilla, but he met a barrier.
“It was you protecting that whelp! You bitch!”
Drusilla realized that dusk was just about gone and night was official. Now it was time to exact her revenge.
“Oh my Angel, my Angel who has all the power now.”
“I’m not your Angel lunatic!”
“Oh yes you are. You’re one and the same.”
“I have no soul.”
“Oh really, didn’t I just tell you who has all the power now? You should learn to listen to me BOY!”
Angelus did not take being spoken down too lightly. He roared and tried to break the barrier. Dru walked up to Angelus, an arms length in front of him. He was furious he was so close to her and could not reach her.
Dru put her new vengeance demon face on.
“Now Angel, you know what I’ve become since I’m no longer part of the clan.”
“You wouldn’t do that to me. You don’t like your Daddy with a soul, do you princess.”
“My daddy is dead. You killed him. As for you, I don’t like you at all. You will never. Never ever ever be able to hurt me again.”
“Fuck you.”
“Oh harsh comeback, or is that all you could think of. Now hold still dear, I’ve got a present for you.”
Drusilla raised her hands in the air and began to chant.
“I request thee D’Hoffryn and Anyanka to come to my aid, as they did before, and see to it the wish they have granted has been completed.”
Of course, she was doing it just for show, since her wish did say Angelus would have his soul returned at night. With his soul freshly retuned, Angel was glowing she knew nightfall had come.
That is when Spike spoke up after he had rushed over and moved Buffy away from the crumbling walls.
“Dru, it’s good that you got rid of Angelus but how are we gonna stop this soddin’ statue! I’ve got a nibblet and mate to protect.”
“Oh you’ll see. You’ll see Spike.”
Angel turned around and looked at everyone in the room. He had remembered all of the events that took place since he lost his soul. He smiled when he remembered his moment with Buffy, then he felt pain when he realized the death and destruction he was responsible for.
Then he was distressed. He remembered Buffy was pregnant. Then he remembered Angelus distinctly mocking Spike for mating to a Slayer.
‘No, it can’t be. She loves me. She loves ME!’
He walked over towards Buffy, only to meet with a snarling Spike. Dru laid her hand on Angel’s shoulder to indicate him to stop. He turned and faced Dru.
“Angel, my wish for you came after they fell in love, forced to work together because of you. They found a love so intense, it overshadows whatever feelings you have for her. Then the powers so it fit that they be the guardians of peace.”
“Why Dru, why?”
“You took everything from me, but when you took my dignity that was enough. That was when I summoned Anyanka.”
“And you thought giving Angelus his soul was vengeance?”
“No. I thought giving you your soul and having it permanently anchored was one small part of it. The other part was to know that your love was no longer yours. To know that she will live with and be in love with your rival for the rest of time; not only that, she is now immortal as he.”
Angelus winced in pain, emotionally and physically. The building was disintegrating around them, with pieces falling on their heads.
Dru felt it was time for the piece de resistance.
“The final part of my wish was for you to see this.”
Drusilla walked up to Buffy, extended her hand and helped the Slayer up. Dru gently moved the coat aside. Angel winced. He knew. He knew from looking and the scent on her that she was carrying William’s child.
“Now Angel, she will never be able to enjoy her child or her mate because of this hell that is becoming unleashed on earth right now. This hell that you have caused.”
Angel looked at Buffy with tears in his eyes. He walked over to approach her, but she flinched away.
“Buffy. I’m so sorry. So sorry for this, for everything I did.”
“Angel, there is one thing you can do to stop Acathla.” Anyanka said as she strolled across the room out of the shadows.
“Who are you?”
Anyanka walked up to Dru and put her arms around her. She laid a chaste kiss on the dark vampiress/vengeance demon’s cheek.
“I am her savior.”
Buffy was in awe by the entire scene in front of her. She was about to die, but yet the soap opera playing out in front of her was better than any episode of Passions she had sat through.
Angel glanced over to Buffy and knew he would do anything to save her life.
“What do I need to do?”
Anyanka took out a sword and handed it to him.
“You and only you must close the portal. With your blood.”
“Just cut myself? That’s easy.”
“No. You must push this sword through your stomach and into the portal. That will center the energy of the portal into your body. You will be sent to a hell dimension, and the portal will close, the statue will crumble.”
Angel did not need to think twice about it. He had felt the pain Spike felt through the sire/childe bond, the pain of loosing your love, your mate.
Angel knew his pain was deep, but Spike’s was deeper. He accepted the sword from Anyanka. He walked over to the statue, and turned around to address the group.
“I know it will be a very long time, if ever, before any of you forgive me for what happened. I’m truly sorry. Buffy I love you, I truly do. It’s tough to accept you with Spike. I can’t break it now that you mated. He loves you, he can care for you, and will treat you as you deserve. Much better than I can.”
“Angel, you have to do this now or it will be too late!” Anyanka cried as a wall crashed down.
“I love you Buffy.”
Angels raised the sword and prepared to impale himself.
“I still love you Angel, just not in the same way. I’ll always love you as a brother or as a friend.”
Spike smiled. He was not insecure about being second best to Angelus. He knew that she could not just stop loving Angel, and that he would always have a place in her heart. The mating bond helped with that, as he knew now that she loved him more like a sibling than a lover.
“Thank you Buffy, you don’t know how much that means to me.”
“Yes I do. It will be a long time though, if ever, before I can trust you again ….that’s if we see each other again.”
“I understand Buff.”
“I also will defend my love with Spike until the end, so if you do come back and try to destroy what we have, mark my words, I will kill you.”
“Now Angel, Now!” Anyanka yelled.
“I’m sorry Buffy. I do love you.”
With that, he pierced his stomach with the sword and into Acathla; there was a quick flash of light. He was gone. The statue was gone, the portal was gone, and the shaking had stopped.
The dust settled to the ground, and the group let out a collective sigh of relief.
Then they heard a groan coming from somewhere inside the mansion.
Thanks everyone for your kind reviews, I
really appreciate them!
Chapter 23 – Immortal Love
“Don’t worry Dearies; he’ll be fine for a few
minutes longer.” Drusilla assured everyone.
She walked over and brushed Buffy’s tears away from
her eyes.
“There, there don’t be sad. He’s gotten what he
“But he got his soul back.” Buffy whispered.
“Yes, and without his soul he wouldn’t have cared
that he could hear the beating heart of your unborn
child. You see, he positions going to hell as a
notch on his road of redemption because he did it to
save your innocent child”
Spike wrapped his arms around his Slayer tightly.
“Don’t worry luv, I’m sure he’ll fight his way
through hell no problem.”
“It’s still sad that he did it as an act of
redemption. He didn’t do it to take accountability
for his mess.”
Drusilla gently laid her hand on Buffy’s shoulder.
“Buffy, weak men will justify anything. You’re lucky
you have yourself mated to a very strong one. One
who I am dreadfully sorry in retrospect for the
horrors I put his heart through, but he was rightly
never mine.”
“Dru, luv, what happened? You’re not off your rocker
“Spike, yes I’m sane finally. After Angelus beat my
sanity back into me, I just could not sit back and
watch him try to take my childe and his mate down.
Hell, I just was not going to let him ever touch me
again. So I beckoned Anyanka’s aid.”
“That explains the different demon spell on you.”
“So no more blood sucking for me, we’ll at least
it’s not required for sustenance.”
Spike felt Buffy stiffen up in his arms, which did
not go unnoticed by Drusilla.
“Young Slayer, I know it is still hard for you to
see things other than black and white, but you must
understand a few things. I have been around a lot
longer and not bound by society’s rules. I am not
about to fight the good fight either, but always
know that I will never inflict harm on those you
cherish. Do you think you can learn to give a little
with that?”
Buffy thought about it for a second. Drusilla made
perfect sense, after all she was accepting of Spike.
“Dru, it will be hard, but I give you my word I will
accept you and back you up when you need it.” She
reached out her hand to shake on it, when Dru pulled
her into a hug. She comfortably accepted Drusilla’s
Spike smiled in pride, his Slayer had grown so much
in such short time. Of course, leave it to Drusilla
to still have it in her to shock him.
“I’m so glad Buffy, because now that you’re mated to
William, you’re going to be around a very, very long
Buffy pulled back from Drusilla with a worried look
on her face.
“I don’t understand?”
“You’re immortal, like us. Your child will be too,
when she reaches her 18th birthday.”
The room was stunned into silence. It was then that
they remembered their friend hanging in the other
“Guys,” Xander yelled. “Umm can someone come get me
now, please….anybody?”
Drusilla turned to Anyanka, and without words, being
exchanged Anyanka teleported out of the room to
rescue the young man.
Giles finally collected his bearings, and found the
courage to speak.
“By God, Buffy you are the Slayer that the council
has feared for years. We must ensure that they do
not hear of this.”
“Don’t worry about my lady,” Spike spoke
confidentially. “None of them soddin’ tweed masters
will get near my mate.”
“Spike, they can’t kill her but they can make her
life uncomfortable. Then there is the child. Until
she is 18, there will be a bounty on that poor
child’s head, by the council and the demon world.”
Buffy was overwhelmed with emotion. They just
finished dealing with Angelus, and now it seems they
would have to continue to evade people who tried to
interfere in their lives. She was comforted when
Spike held her tighter, but all she wanted was to go
It was then that Anyanka and Xander entered into the
room. Dru noticed the way that Anyanka was admiring
the young man’s physique, but she was more concerned
with how he would react to Buffy.
Buffy on the other hand was equally nervous. Tears
rolled down her eyes as she surrendered to her
emotions. Spike sensed her distress, but also sensed
the whelp meant them no harm or disrespect.
“Luv, go see your mate. He won’t judge us.”
Xander wrapped his arms around Buffy and lifted her
off the ground. He was so happy to see all of his
friends, alive.
“Buffy, oh thank goodness. I knew you’d pull
through.” He looked her up and down and noticed the
big bump that he felt. He remembered Drusilla’s
words and looked up with a big goofy grin on his
face. “Looks like I’m going to be an Uncle Xan-man
Waves of relief hit Spike through the claim. It
soothed him that Xander’s support was helping take
the edge off her nerves.
Buffy gave Xander a kiss on the cheek and a big grin
of her own.
“I’m so glad you’re happy about this Xander. It
means so much to me.”
Of course, Giles would stop the happy moment from
lasting. He coughed to get everyone’s attention.
“Ahem, we still have to discuss this matter of
Buffy’s immortality.”
“Oh hush Giles,” Xander replied, for once not using
the dreaded nickname. “Buffy being immortal now
means we’ll just have plenty of time to talk about
“But the council…”
“The council won’t stop Buffy and Spike from having
all the orgasms they want. I’ve placed a protection
spell around them that will prevent anyone from
using magicks to interfere with the birth of their
child, so they have some time for now and the first
few years,” Anyanka proclaimed.
“They have ways, ways you all can’t even imagine.
Don’t be so foolish to not watch your back.” Giles
sighed, finally able to get a word in edgewise.
Drusilla walked up to the watcher, and looked him in
the eye.
“I’m telling you that Anyanka’s spell will protect
them adequately. During that time you should prepare
for dealing with what may come afterwards.”
Everyone was jolted when the heard the noise of
several walls crashing on the other side of the
“Luv, it’s not safe here for us anymore. We better
get out of here.”
“Spike, I’m so tired. Can we go home to rest now?”
He placed a soft kiss on her head.
“Of Course love. Anyanka, Dru could you teleport us
out of here?”
The vengeance demons nodded in agreement, and in a
flash, they were all gone from the mansion as the
remaining walls crashed down where they had stood.
Ok guys, help inspire me! Leave me reviews!
Chapter 24 - Homecoming
Temporarily blinded by the flash of light, Joyce prayed silently to God that this was a sign that her daughter made it through her confrontation with Angelus alive. In the blink of her eyes, her living room suddenly filled with people, some she did not recognize. She did not let the overwhelming emotions of the day hold her back from running to her daughter.
“Buffy!” Joyce cried as she embraced her daughter. “You’re ok.”
“A little bruised up, but I’ll be fine.”
Spike walked over to his mate. He grasped her warm hand in his and guided her over to sit on the couch. He was still wary of Dru and Anyanka. He possessively wrapped his arms around Buffy and nuzzled his mark on her neck. It was one way he could tell the demons Buffy was his mate, and he would protect her against them.
“Spike, there is no need for your display of possession. We’ve already told you that we are not here to hurt her or your child.” Dru said in reply to his actions.
“Can’t blame a bloke for protecting his girl now can you?”
Xander chose that moment to pipe up. “Enough with the PDA and the demon protection stuff. If we are all here, Acathla must have been defeated; after all, the big ugly statue was gone when I came in. But do we still have to fear Angelus?”
Joyce looked up at that moment; she feared that perhaps her daughter’s troubles were not over.
“He’s gone Xander. Gone to hell where he deserves to be.” Anya spoke up.
Joyce let out a sigh of relief. At least there would be some peace before the baby was born.
Buffy was not so optimistic, she knew if it was not the Council coming after them then it could be some other demon that wanted to get their hands on her baby. Angelus could also come back, after all this is the Hellmouth, anything could happen.
Spike sensed his mate’s distress, and stroked her hand.
“What’s troubling you luv?”
Buffy looked at Spike, and then turned her eyes to Drusilla. “Can Angel come back from this hell he is in?”
“It’s possible.” Dru said. “But you know that already, don’t you Sunshine? Just pay close attention to your Slayer senses and dreams; they will help save you from whatever comes your way. Even the Council.”
Drusilla’s last sentence angered Joyce. The Council would dare hurt her daughter, their charge. She shot daggers in her eyes towards Giles. Giles quickly coughed to get everyone’s attention so he could explain.
“Everyone you have my word I will not harm Buffy…” Giles saw the look on Buffy’s face and quickly adjusted his sentence “her baby or Spike. There have been Slayers that have mated with a vampire before. In order for the Council to get itself a new Slayer, they will kill the mate of the Slayer. Although the Slayer is immortal, she can will herself away from the mortal world into the spiritual realm. She does this at the death of her mate, because the pain is too much to bear.”
Buffy was horrified that the Council would dare try to take her mate away from her; especially after all she had done for them. She had saved humanity from two apocalypses. She balled her tiny hands into fists of rage.
“Damn it, that’s not fair! I will protect Spike with my life and if they try to take him from me, so help me, I will exact vengeance on each and every one of them.”
Anya’s ears perked up at the call for vengeance. “Oh I could kill them all instantly now, or make it a bloodbath, or…”
Drusilla gently laid her hand on the other demon’s shoulder, as a silent plea for her to stop talking.
Anya, or course, ignored it. “I think if Buffy’s thinking vengeance already that maybe she’d make a better vengeance demon than a Slayer.”
“NO!” The whole room yelled,
“Gee, you all act like it’s a bad thing.”
“Buffy is pure light, pure good.” Spike said, “And she’s the mum to our child. She is the balance to my dark side and her light will help guide our childe.”
Anyanka huffed, but gave up on her plight to bring Buffy into the vengeance fold. “Fine then. Well at least let me decorate the baby’s room.”
Willow, who had been quiet since they arrived back in the Summers’ living room, finally spoke up.
“So where are you and Spike going to live?”
“I hand’t thought about it? We can’t go to the mansion, it’s destroyed.”
Joyce looked over at the couple cuddled on the couch together. “You can live here. I’m gone most of the time, and really, the house is too much for me to keep up. Why don’t you guys live here and I’ll get an apartment downtown.”
Spike knew he love d Joyce. He did not think he could appreciate her any more at this moment.
“Joyce it’s so kind and generous to sacrifice your home for us, but really it is your home.”
“And my grandchild will grow up in this home.” She realized she did not know the name of the woman who offered to do the nursery for Buffy and Spike. She looked over at Anya and got her attention. “I’m sorry; I don’t think I got your name.”
“Anyanka Christina Emmanuella….”
Dru interjected Anya’s long winded, yet unnecessary name. “Just call her Anya.”
Joyce looked at Drusilla with relief. The shorter name would be much easier for her to remember.
“Anya, you said you would decorate the baby’s room. Would you be able to furnish it?”
“Of course, I’ll prepare the whole house for the baby’s arrival. It will be so much fun!”
“Anya, you seem so excited about helping. I really wish you would take care of those things for me. I’ll write you out a check so you know what the budget is.”
Anya was very excited she not only got to do the work, but she did not even have to entice Joyce to say ‘I wish.’ Before anyone could cover Anya’s mouth, she replied to Joyce. “No money needed. Wish Granted.”
Suddenly, the house transformed. There was a pile of gifts surrounding Buffy.
“It’s an instant baby shower!” Willow shouted.
“Do you think there is some Baby Dior in some of those presents?” Cordelia chimed in. “I’ve heard from my mother’s friends that is all the rage.”
“She has everything she needs, and more.” Anya said.
Anya picked up one gift and offered it over to Buffy.
Buffy graciously accepted the gift. It was a small package, but that only peeked her interest some more. She tore through the tissue paper carefully to reveal beautiful ring, a ring that was clearly too big for Buffy.
“Thanks Anya, I’m sure I could bring this to the jeweler to get sized.”
“Actually Buffy, the ring is for you but not for you to wear. It’s for Spike to wear.”
Buffy placed the ring in her love’s hand. Spike gasped when he realized what it was.
“Bloody hell, it’s the Gem of Amara. This isn’t supposed to exist.”
Drusilla walked up to Spike. She knelt in front of the master vampire and his mate.
“This ring will protect in the sunlight, and make you invincible against traditional forms of Vampire death. It will enable you to protect your mate and child during the daylight.”
Tears rolled down Buffy’s eyes. Not only did Anya and Dru give them the blessing of extra security, but the ability for Spike to live and walk with her during the daylight; to see their child playing in the sunlight.
It was a gift that would allow them to live an extraordinary life together.
Chapter 25 – Epilogue
Six Months Later
The Summers’ house was full of energy. You could walk anywhere in the house and you knew it was truly a home filled with love. Baby toys and stuffed animals were scattered around the house. The living room had the constant presence of a baby swing, which came in handy when Spike and Buffy needed some alone time.
“Spike! Have you seen the diaper bag anywhere?” Buffy yelled from upstairs as she searched about the baby’s room.
“Luv, did you try looking near your weapons bag?”
“Oh, yeah! Forgot I left it there when I switched them around for patrol last night.”
Buffy ran down the stairs and stopped to stare at the sight before her. Spike was lying on the couch with their son, clad in blue Baby Snoopy pajamas, and was sound asleep on his chest. Spike, in contrast, was dressed up for a nice casual night on the town. He wore a pair of black jeans, with a blue silk shirt. Buffy was glad to see he had taken care to place a towel between himself and the baby. She really did not want to deal with trying to get Spike to change into another shirt. After all, it was hard enough to get him to wear something other than black or red.
“Lil’ sprog is wiped out, Luv.”
“Ugh! Spike how many times do I have to ask you, please don’t call him sprog!” Buffy teased as she rolled her eyes.
Even though they both matured with their status as parents, Buffy and Spike still had not moved beyond the bantering. They were accustomed to the bantering, and in fact enjoyed teasing each other. For them it was a verbal sparring match.
Spike huffed, and then mumbled, “It’s better than calling him by his poncey given name!”
Buffy walked up to her mate. They played this game all the time, so she knew exactly what to do.
“Spike, out son’s name is not poncey. I happen to think that William is a fine name. Besides, you can’t call him Spike Jr.”
“Why not?”
Buffy turned red, but explained why.
“Because you call your manly bits Spike Jr.”
Spike enjoyed seeing his mate blush. She was far from being innocent, but he loved how she would react like one. She looked so beautiful, with her leather skirt and silk blouse. He only hoped that tonight would turn out as perfectly as he hoped it would.
Buffy noted that Spike had drifted off into la la land. He had been doing that quite a bit this week, and she was becoming concerned. Before she could bring it up the doorbell rang.
“Looks like your mum’s here luv.”
Spike carefully sat up on the couch, taking care to ensure William stayed asleep in his arms.
Buffy walked over to the door and opened it to find her Mom and Giles.
“Hey Mom! Giles? I wasn’t expecting you too?”
“Well, you’re mom stopped by the library this afternoon to see if I had some herbs for her headache. She mentioned that she was going to sit for you and Spike tonight, so I asked if I could join her. Now where is that little one so I can spoil him rotten?”
“Giles, you’re so funny. You know you can come over any time. After all, you are his grandfather in my eyes.”
Giles heart swelled with pride. In the past few months, little William had brought Giles closer to the young Slayer he thought of as his own daughter. Giles had finally begun to see that the Council’s treatment of Slayers was often unethical and unfair.
Giles saw little William in his daddy’s arms on the couch. Giles walked over and sat down next to Spike on the sofa, while Joyce greeted her daughter. Spike carefully placed the baby into Giles’ arms.
Fortunately, William decided to stay asleep.
“Luv, I hate to break up your chat with mum, but we need to get on the road if we want to get to dinner on time.”
“Ok. Ok. Head out to the car, I’ll be right there.”
“Be quick Goldilocks. You don’t want the Big Bad to come and get you.” Spike walked out the front door out and waited by the passenger door of the Desoto.
“Buffy honey, you better go. Spike’s waiting.”
Buffy leaned in and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek.
“Ok. Do not forget, William has bottles in the fridge. Wake him up in an hour and keep him up for a few hours or he won’t sleep through the night.”
“No problem honey. Go on; go have some fun on your night out!”
“Thanks again Mom, Giles.”
Buffy walked out of the house, closing the front door behind her. She made her way over to Spike, who was still standing seductively next to the car. He opened the door for her, and held her hand as she entered the classic car.
Spike ran around to the front of the car. He hoped that she had not sensed his nervousness at all. As he got in, he quickly started the car and turned up the radio.
Although Spike thought he was effectively covering his nerves, Buffy saw right through it. Turning up the radio was one of the “Spike Signs” that told her he had something on his mind but did not want her to figure it out. She figured she would let him sweat out whatever it was that was getting to him, because she would find out eventually.
Spike pulled the Desoto up to the valet stand in front of the restaurant. He handed the keys to his precious car to the valet, along with a healthy tip to ensure they would take care of his baby. He rounded the front of the car and opened the door for his mate.
Buffy stepped out of the car and placed her hand in Spike’s hand. She was so excited to find out that Spike had booked them reservations at the newest hit restaurant in Sunnydale.
“Welcome to Kristina’s. I assume you have reservations sir?”
“Yes. Two, under William”
“Ah yes, I remember. Come this way.”
The host led them through the restaurant to a private deck overlooking the ocean. It was decorated with red roses, and glowing candles.
The host slipped away from the private deck, closing the doors behind him. Leaving behind the perfect setting for what was about to occur against the sun setting on the Pacific Ocean.
Buffy was stunned into silence. She had never expected Spike to be this romantic, never in a million years. She turned around and looked into the loving eyes of her mate.
“So my love, this is what you have been preoccupied with all week.”
“No luv. This is.”
He dropped down to his knee and pulled a red velvet box from his pant pocket.
“Luv, I know where mates in the demon world, and our love is forever. I want it to be recognized in the human world too. The world our son walks in, the world we also share in.”
Tears were falling down their faces as the emotion of the moment began to overwhelm them. Spike would not let his passion prevent him from completing his mission.
“Buffy, my love, my mate, will you be my wife?”
Buffy fell to the ground and threw her arms around her mate.
“Yes Spike, I’ll be yours. Forever.”
“It’s so beautiful, don’t you think?”
“He deserves it Anyanka. I have waited so long to see this come full circle for him. In the end he got the girl and the love.”
“Dru you have such faith. Do you think we’ll ever find love like that?”
“I don’t know Anyanka, but I will tell this. I will do everything I can to make sure nothing comes between them. The Powers have big plans for them. Big Plans.”
Anyanka looked off into the sunset, and took Dru’s hand in hers.
“Whatever the Powers have planned, I’m not scared because I know I have you as my friend.”
Dru looked over at her friend, and then she turned to the look at the embracing couple. Smiling, she thought to herself, ‘It is so often a perfect pair never finds each other in this world. Fate saw it fit that these two did.’
The End!
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