Expanding Her Virtual Horizons

by Pipergirl


Disclaimer: It’s quite unfortunate, but I don’t own any of the characters in my fics. I just borrow ‘em and have my wicked way with them.


Author’s note: When I posted The Healing Pool, I received a number of requests for a sequel. I got to working on an other fic, until this idea popped into my head. So here it is, the sequel to my first PWP. I have to admit that it’s a bit influenced by PaganBaby’s fiction--who writes better smut than her?. And last--but certainly not least--I'd like to thank my beta Melissa for all her help.




The vampire didn’t even flinch as the door to the room was thrust open, slamming against the wall. So she decided to show up after all...


“Spike! You are so done for...” God, she was pissed. Buffy was sure she’d never been so embarrassed in her life before tonight. Closing the door behind her--hopefully, no one who knew her had seen her walk into the hotel--she let loose a few curses.


The object of her derision kept his eyes on the screen as he disinterestedly addressed her. “Got my note, I take it?”


“Yes, I got your ‘note’, if that’s what you want to call a scrawled piece of paper nailed to my front door with ‘Slayer--Sunnydale Inn, room 203, 10pm and don’t wear any knickers’ written on it! My mother found it! I had to lie through my teeth to get her to believe that the ‘knickers’ in the note weren’t the ‘knickers’ she thought it meant...”


Buffy stopped her rant short as she noticed for the first time that Spike hadn’t even gotten up off his seat. Actually, he hadn’t even looked at her yet. “Look, did you ask me down here so you could just sit in front of your computer and ignore me?” Wait a sec--since when does he own a computer? She walked over to the vampire, who seemed oblivious to her approaching figure.


“Spike--where did you get a laptop? And...” She peered over his shoulder at the screen and took a step back, aghast. “Eww! God, could you be any more gross?”


Cocking an eyebrow, the vampire finally turned around to look at his invitee. “I stole it, just as I steal everything else I want. And as for the ‘eww’,” he gave her a deliciously evil look, curling his tongue behind his teeth, “I can already smell your arousal, pet, so don’t pretend that you aren’t even mildly curious.”


Her mouth opened and shut, no sound coming out. Buffy didn’t know what to say to that--so she was a bit turned on... Who wouldn’t be with... that... going on in front of them? Not that she’d admit it to the bleached wonder. No siree. But before she could think of anything to say that would allow her to save face, she was pulled down onto the sitting vampire’s lap and was facing the computer.


“Let. Me. Go.” The young woman struggled effortlessly in the vampire’s strong grip. Of course, it was difficult to concentrate on wrenching herself free when she was caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock: the computer’s screen, which was presently showing her two naked young women eagerly giving some guy a blow job; the hard place: Spike’s firm chest and strong arms, which had once proved to be not such a bad place after all.


Sighing in defeat, Buffy ceased to move. “Spike--we can’t do this. Again. I think Angel suspects something...”


“What, you mean with you coming back home covered in my bites and overflowing with my cum? Are you sure he suspected something?” Spike chuckled. “Pet, I’m sure he could smell how many times we’d fucked that night--and I bet he went back to his place and tossed off just thinking about it.” He nuzzled her neck, taking in the scent of her shampoo. She’d never have any idea as to how deeply she affected him. Who would have known that green apple could be so arousing?


Buffy squirmed, turning around to face him. “Do you always have to be so gross? Now I’m going to have that image burned in my mind so that the next time I see Angel that‘s all I‘ll be able to think of...”


“No, the next time you see Angel you won’t even be able to look him in the eye after having done what we’re about to do tonight.” Before she could protest, he turned her back towards the screen, which showed the two girls kissing each other hungrily as they licked the guy’s cum off each other’s faces. Mouse in hand, he stopped the video--quite unfortunately, as this was one of his favourites--and opened a vast directory of movies.


“How ‘bout you choose the next one, pet? After all, you are my guest. I haven’t lost all sense of manners.” Truth was, Spike was going to have a hard time concentrating on anything else but the soft yet firm body planted on top of his own. He didn’t care what the hell was going on on screen--hell, if man on man was her thing she could pull that up for all he cared--as long as she didn‘t move from his lap. “Just make it something naughty...”


Why should this be up to her? He’s the perv, after all... “Spike, I can’t choose any of these. What if someone finds out? It’s just...”


“...you an’ me.”


Ok. Now he was being cryptic. “Huh?”


“You’re worried about being found out, but it’s just you an’ me. No one else will know about this--not your superfriends, not your Watcher, not your mum and especially not the poof. Just you, me and the movies.” Nodding towards the screen, he turned her attention back to the topic at hand. “Now, the offer is still open--you get to choose the next video. Unless you want me to...”


“No! No, I’ll... I’ll choose something.” God, it was hard enough trying to stay still, with his erection pressed up against her ass. Now she had to read through the vampire’s list and actually make a choice. She’d always been easily aroused just by reading dirty things, like the copy of Penthouse Letters that she’d once found at Xander’s, but she had no idea what to expect at actually watching people do the things she‘d read about. Her eyes scrolled down the screen as she tried to find a clip that wouldn’t be too raunchy.


She held her breath as she began to read the descriptions... Lesbian Actions on Pool, Hot Asian Babe Nasty Anal, Hot Slut Foursome Fuck... How the hell did he actually expect her to choose something from these?


The back of her mind registered that Spike was pushing her tank top up, trying to free her breasts. She let out a sharp cry as he pinched one of her nipples. How the hell was she supposed to concentrate on anything when he was doing that?


“Decide on anything yet?” What the vampire wanted to do more than anything at that moment was turn the Slayer around, impale her on his cock and sink his fangs into the delicate column of her neck. But he resisted, choosing instead to have her explore the darker recesses of what excited her. He knew from experience that it would be much more rewarding to get her worked up to the point where she’d agree to do anything. He was surprised, though, that she was allowing him so early on to pull her top and bra aside and play with her breasts--so soft and firm, with their small rosy nipples, he just couldn’t wait to latch onto them, take them in his mouth and...


Ugh. This was going to be a tougher than he’d thought.


“No, nothing yet.” Buffy tried to sound casual, but winced at the squeak in her voice. Not attempting in any way to stop the vampire’s groping, she turned her attention back to the screen. The list seemed to go on forever: Whore Pleasures Two Men, Brunette Teen in 3some, Blonde Fuck & Facial, Young Chick gets Fucked Hard... Hey--there was one that didn’t sound too bad...


“This one.” She pointed to the video, waiting for Spike to click on it. No way was she actually going to start the movie herself--that would imply some sort of eagerness on her part. And there wasn’t any eagerness, none whatsoever. Yeah, repeat that one until you believe it...


And--although she was still embarrassed at the prospect of not only watching porn, but making out while watching it, a growing part of her was curious and more than a little aroused.


Just what he’d expected. Something plain, something docile, something safe. “Ok, luv. Let’s just see what this gives us...” Aside from a painful hard-on...


Buffy’s breath caught as the movie started smack dab in the middle of a sex scene. She’d expected... What had she expected? Plot? Maybe. A slow lead-in? Definitely. What she hadn’t expected was the clip to start off with the camera zoomed in on a woman’s pussy as it was being slammed by a very large penis.


Ok, I *should* be grossed out--really, I should. But she wasn’t. She’d never been more turned on in her life as she was right at that moment, watching strangers screw each other silly as she sat on a vampire’s lap, as he groped and licked her.


Spike’s breath was raspy as he whispered in her ear. “Does it turn you on, Slayer, to watch people fuck each other? To see men emptying their cocks on sweet girls’ faces?” The vampire slipped a hand under Buffy’s skirt, sliding his cool digits up her warm thighs, parting them--so she hadn‘t worn any knickers after all, naughty girl. Tracing a finger up the length of her lips, he groaned at discovering just how wet this was making her. “There’s no shame in watching, luv. No shame in getting off on it, on becoming so wet and so sensitive that the slightest touch,” at this he flicked her clit, “makes you go crazy with need...”


Buffy’s only response was to moan as she tilted her head aside, giving Spike better access to her neck. Both knew that her intention--at that moment, that is--wasn’t for a bite, but for more of the wet, open-mouth kisses he was covering her with. Below, his hand continued to massage her clit, repeatedly bringing her to the verge of orgasm--but never allowing her her release. How could someone who’d been dead for well over a century make her feel so alive?


With great effort she returned her attention to the movie, which, it turned out, wasn’t anything too raunchy--just some girl, about her age, getting fucked by some older guy. Buffy couldn’t help but smirk as the girl began to moan really loudly--geez, get some drama classes, or something--when the guy began to shoot his cum all over her stomach. Her smile grew wider as she realized that the man she was with was better endowed, could last way longer, and cum far more than the guy on the screen.


This made her wetter than anything she’d seen yet.


When the clip stopped, Spike returned to the menu. “Would you like to watch another...” please say yes, goddamn it, “...or was that too much for you, Slayer?” He tried to keep his voice even, adding just a touch of taunting to it. He knew, without a doubt, that she’d enjoyed the clip. His sodden fingers were more than proof, as was the way with which she kept squirming against his erection.


Buffy knew better than to even attempt to lie. Yes, she’d enjoyed it--much more than she thought she would have--and she’d gain nothing by denying it. Instead of answering him with words, she turned around on his lap to face him, ground herself against his erection and kissed him wildly.


This was not the answer he’d expected. A denial, perhaps. A roll of the eyes, more likely. But this--not if he’d lived another century would he have bet on it. He placed his hands on her hips, fingers digging in their softness--she’d be bruised, but who cared at this point? He used his grip to pull her onto him, all the while thrusting his own hips upwards. The friction and the heat were driving him mad, but he concentrated on not cumming just yet.


Buffy felt Spike’s hold on her tighten, his strong arms almost crushing her. The sensation of him pushing himself up against her centre was driving her nuts, and she could feel the pressure begin to build--once again. She wouldn’t be denied this time.


It never ceased to amaze her just how soft his lips were, especially as they brushed across her own, cool and comforting to the intense heat that radiated from her body. She moaned as his tongue swept through her mouth, tracing and teasing its warm softness. She continued to rub herself against him, managing to slide her hands up under his T-shirt. Smiling into the kiss, she began to formulate a bit of revenge, to get back at the vampire for having brought her so close to ecstasy so many times without allowing her the pleasure of release.


Spike flinched when he felt the Slayer’s nails scraping against his nipples. Vixen, he thought to himself--she remembered just how sensitive they were. He was quickly losing control, what with her using his erection to get herself off. Her grinding had become almost painful for the vampire, and he was about to slide her back a little--but just as he loosened his grip she stopped. There was a short moment where the whole scene seemed to be suspended, no sounds or movements coming from either blonde--but just as quickly as the motion ceased he felt her shake as her climax washed over her.


“Oh! Oh God, Spike!” This is what she’d missed in those long 6 days since she’d last been with the vampire. No one else could make her feel so alive, so vibrant--and without penetration, to boot. She couldn’t control the convulsions that shook her body as the light show began behind her eyelids. Her muscles went rigid and it felt like an electrical current was flowing through her entire body.


As the tremors slowed and her breathing began to even out, she rested her forehead against Spike‘s. “Fuck,” she managed to say, in between breaths, “I so needed that...” Her eyes raised to meet the near black ones of the vampire, who still hadn’t had his own release yet. Too bad, that’s what you get for mercilessly teasing a Slayer...


Placing a quick peck on his cheek, Buffy turned back around to face the screen as if nothing had happened between them. She knew she was playing with fire, leaving Spike in a highly aroused state, but she had plans for him, good plans for him... Turning around to look at him, making sure to keep her eyes from betraying her, she smiled shyly. “So, how about you choose the next one? It’s only fair...”


Bloody fucking tease. Spike was impressed. For once, someone had got him at his own game. But the game was far from over, in his mind. He’d make sure that he’d win at least one round--no Slayer was going to make a complete fool out of him... “Sure, pet. Let’s see what else there is...” Something to really get her knickers in a knot... Now, let’s see what other options we have: Nasty Sloppy Cocksucking... maybe... German Whore Fucks Fat Cocks... nah... Blondie Gets Anal... Well, well--here’s one...


“Ok, luv. I found one.”


Buffy had been following the titles as they’d scrolled up the screen. She’d seen some pretty weird titles, and was scared as to what he’d put up. She didn’t know just how raunchy she could put up with. She also didn’t want to lose her nerve and give her little plan up. When the vampire clicked on ’Blondie Gets Anal’, she almost couldn’t contain a snort. Great, now he’s going to concentrate on blondes. Well, if he thinks he can wig me out by having some hardly-look-alike on the screen, he’s in for a bit of surprise. Especially since I won’t really be watching this one all that much...


She played coy, settling herself back comfortably on his lap, making sure to brush up against his painfully erect cock. “So, Spikey, got something for blondes?”


Spike didn’t even bother to answer her. He just ripped her tank top and bra off, having one less barrier between them when he finally lost all control and decided to put the movies to shame. Placing his finger at her anus, he whispered in her ear. “Got something for one specific blonde, who’s gonna have a rough time of it if she doesn’t stop teasing me.”


Buffy wasn’t scared, but she backed off for the moment. She took some weight off his cock and stayed silent as the movie began.


There was nothing romantic, nothing erotic about any of these movies--this particular movie being no exception. However, Buffy found herself just as turned on as she would have been if there was, say, kissing, quiet music, sensual foreplay and a lot less moaning. Although the stars of these movies seemed to be way active on the vocals, it no longer bothered her so much. She just tuned out the wailing and concentrated on the more... physical aspects of the flick. Watching the man thrust his cock in the young blonde’s ass (duh! just like the title had indicated), the Slayer felt herself become moist once again. Now was probably a good time to set her plan in motion...


Spike sat up straight when the Slayer stood up. Warning bells went off in his head--this couldn’t be good. Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed the envelope by choosing something with ‘blonde’ and ‘anal’ in the title after all... His heart sank, however, when she announced that she’d watched more than enough. Great. Another night of wanking off with the internet chits. My fucking luck...


Buffy worked hard at hiding her smile when she saw Spike’s crestfallen face. She was sure he could smell her arousal, he’d probably felt the heat from her crotch when it had been pressed against his leg--did he really think that she’d just up and leave him? Really, he should know better than that.


When the Slayer pulled him up to a standing position, Spike began to grow a little impatient. “Now, hold on, pet...” Whatever he was going to say died in his throat when he felt her pulling on his belt. He had no idea what she was playing at, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop her.


Damn him and his tight jeans (made tighter by a huge hard-on)... Buffy finally managed to get his pants down to his knees, pushing him back in his chair. She took a few steps back and wiggled out of her skirt, the only piece of clothing she still wore. Dropping down to her knees in between him and his laptop, she looked up at him coyly and licked his inner thigh. “Didn’t say I was leaving, did I? Why don’t you just settle back, watch a good movie and relax...”


“Christ, pet...” Spike’s breathing became laboured at the sensations of Buffy’s tongue so close to his cock. Yeah, like he’d be able to concentrate on a movie when he had something better going on right there between his legs. He kept, however, one eye on the screen and one on the blonde between his legs, proving he could still multitask in the midst of so many sensations.


As she traced the underside of the vampire’s cock with the hardened tip of her tongue, Buffy brought one hand up to his thigh, massaging the muscles that for some crazy reason seemed to be tense. She cupped her other hand around his balls, squeezing them lightly before placing them in her mouth.


Fuck, fuck, fuck... Ignoring the movie completely--multitask schmultitask--Spike busied himself on concentrating on things that turned him off: Céline Dion music, Kevin Costner with a British accent, Angelus with Dru... Ah, that last one always helped a bit more than the others. However, it couldn’t stop him from thrusting up off his seat when he felt the Slayer take him in to the hilt, the tight muscles at the back of her throat massaging that sensitive spot just below the head of his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck... Don’t stop... So bloody hot, Slayer, so bloody perfect...”


She couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted to. The power she had over the vampire at the moment was one of the biggest turn-ons for Buffy. She’d always found the idea of oral sex to be demeaning for women, but that was until she’d actually tried it for herself. Just the right amount of pressure, the change in speed from fast and thrusting to slow and torturous, the perfect timing of a lick or a nip and the man (or vampire, in this case) was putty in your hands. Which is pretty much what Spike was at that moment. Buffy was surprised she didn’t have to tie him to the chair to keep him from sliding off of it.


In the midst of the biggest mind blank he’d ever suffered from, the vampire still had the presence of mind to let Buffy know that he was about to come. When she didn’t move, instead increasing the depth of her plunges, Spike came with a howl, letting his demon come out. He never blinked once as he watched the Slayer swallow as much as she could, before she pulled back and finished the job with her hand. His amber eyes rolled to the back of his head as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. Of course, he didn’t need to breathe, but it just added to the many other sensations that sex brought about.


She didn’t know what caused her to do it--a thought that would pop up more than once during the course of the night--but, catching the vampire’s amber gaze, she slowly licked his cum off her hands, bringing each finger into her mouth one by one, sucking them clean. When she was done, she sat back on her haunch--shouldn’t she be embarrassed to be so prone, naked and on the ground, in front of a vampire?--and looked up at Spike. “Did that make up for my teasing?”


Chuckling, the vampire pulled her up back onto his lap. “Pet, that damn near made up for the organ you dropped on me.” He put his human guise back on and leaned in for a desperate kiss. “You know, I almost came a second time when you were cleaning your hands, there, pet. Where’d you learn that from?” His finger danced along the lines of her curves, soaking in the warmth radiating from her skin.


“Just something I read, once. Actually, it totally grossed me out at the time, but it just... I don’t know--I just decided to try it tonight.” She became serious as she asked him if she’d really been good. It wasn’t as if she had tons of practice giving guys blowjobs... Come to think of it, this was only her second time, and the first time she never even swallowed.


Spike shook his heat at how low the Slayer’s self-esteem was when it came to sex. “Pet--if you even have to ask, after how much I emptied into your hot little mouth and all over your very able hands, you weren’t paying attention... Everything you do makes me absolutely crazy--never, ever doubt your worth in the bedroom when you can rival a vampire. Now c’mere...”


He turned her back towards the computer, stopping the video that had started over again. “So, do you want to choose another one, or have you had enough for the evening?”


The idea that the night could go on and on and on as it already had made Buffy’s head spin. She’d have to be a masochist to call it quits at this point. “No, I’m not nearly done. I think I’m game for another one. My turn to choose, though.” She scrolled through the menu, trying not to concentrate too much on the finger that was sliding along her skin, tracing a path down her spine. One arm held her close to his chest and the other massaged her rear, tracing the ring of her anus every now and then.


If he’d ask, she’d answer maybe...


“Nasty Sloppy Cock Sucking... Nah, been there, done that.” She turned to give the vampire a wink, laughing when he growled playfully. This time around, the titles didn’t seem to embarrass her as much. She pored over them, trying to find one that piqued her interest more than the others. Seeing one that she didn’t understand, she pointed to it. “What does that mean?”


Spike was surprised as to how quickly the Slayer had come out of her shell. He never expected her to volunteer to choose another flick, nevermind ask what the heck “Dp” meant. Bringing his lips close to her ear, he traced the length of its shell with his tongue. “Means double-penetrated, love. ‘S when one girl gets done by two guys at once.” He took a finger and brought it down her pussy, letting it slide in to its moist heat. “One lucky bloke gets to stick it in her warm cunny, while the other...” He removed his finger, making sure it was covered in her juices, and brought it to her ass. Slowly sliding the well-lubed finger in, his voice got huskier. “Gets the other sweet hole.” He pumped his finger in and out a few times, no longer surprised that the Slayer seemed very turned on by the whole idea. “You game for this one, then?”


Barely able to grunt her ‘uh-huh’ of approval, Buffy moved forward a bit, giving the vampire more room to do... what he was doing. Part of her didn’t even want to consider where his finger was, or even worse--how good it felt, but part of her was so turned on she could hardly think straight.


She nearly groaned out loud when he pressed up against her, licking and sucking on her neck as he reached over her to use the mouse to click on her choice. When he’d downloaded the file, he brought his hand down to her clit, using her juices to rub and tease the swollen flesh, while continuing to administer to her neck and her ass. So many sensations were burning through her that she hardly even noticed what was going on on the screen. All she could concentrate on was Spike’s tongue, and how it kept dancing over his bite marks, sending shivers throughout her body.


Buffy almost whimpered when the vampire removed his fingers from her ass. Her eyes followed his hand as he reached on the desk for a small bottle. She watched him pour some of the clear liquid onto two of his fingers, making sure they were well coated, before he returned his hand to her rear. She could feel his cool breath on her neck as he began to put more pressure at her rear.


“Relax, pet. This is much easier with the gel.” Spike wished that it was his cock, and not his fingers, making its way into her tight hole. The back of his mind registered the moaning that was coming from the laptop’s screen, but he could also hear the Slayer’s pulse and breathing quicken as his long fingers began to penetrate her.


She was no longer paying attention to the clip that was playing. The only thing that existed in her little world at that moment was Spike and his fingers. She turned her head, wanting to see the look on the vampire’s face as he thrust his long digits into her. When she saw his eyes, nearly black from lust, she reached back and grabbed his head, pulling his lips to hers for a heated embrace. Tongues duelled and teeth nipped as she felt herself being increasingly stretched.


“More...” she managed to grunt, in between kisses. This was dirty, it was wrong, but it felt so good that she just couldn’t help herself. She didn’t know just how much ‘more’ she could take, but she wanted to see how far she could go. To show Spike just how needful she was, she reached down and grabbed his rock-hard cock and began to pump it.


This was beyond anything he’d dreamt up. Two fingers up the Slayer’s virgin ass, and she was moaning for more while jacking him off? Like he’d thought before--if he woke up before this was over, someone up there was going to get their ass kicked something fierce.


“Do you want to see what it looks like?” Cause it looks fuckin’ fantastic from this end...


Buffy nodded and got up off the vampire’s lap. If she hadn’t been so horny, she might have laughed at the sight of him, shirt unbuttoned, pants down just below his knees, hair all messy and eyes glazed over. But she knew that she wasn’t any better off, aside from being naked--no clothing askew on her!


All of a sudden, she was shy. “Uh, where... how...” She watched him as he divested himself of his clothing, feeling herself moisten even more at the sight of his chiselled body. Double yum! The weirdness increased when he took her by the hand to lead her to one of the two double beds.


“Hold on a sec, luv. We’re going to need some pillows for this.” He pulled the pillows off the other bed, and turned the sheets on theirs. “C’mere.” He patted a spot in the centre of the bed and waited until she moved to it. “Lie on your back. Good--now lift that pretty ass of yours up...” When she did as he asked, he slipped the two other pillows underneath her.


The young woman watched him walk back to the desk to get the bottle of lubricant. Away from the screen, lying on an actual bed, gave this whole situation a more realistic feel to it. She saw his erect cock bounce around as he walked, and thought no way will that fit in... there... But when she looked in his blue eyes as he settled next to her, she was comforted--she knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her; not when she was this vulnerable.


Spike could tell that she was nervous. Hell, he was nervous. To calm her nerves, and his, he leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. It was his promise to her that he’d be gentle. He knew she was still too tight for him to just ram himself up to the hilt in her, so he decided to keep working at stretching her. For her, that could be even more fun that the ass-fucking...


Buffy closed her eyes, waiting for the initial pain she was sure would come. There was a big difference between two of his slender fingers and the girth of his penis. A very, very big difference. But instead of the pain, she felt his breath on her pussy just before his tongue came down to tease her folds. “Oh, God...” That wonderful, magical tongue of his. He must have had a deal with the devil to be so talented with his mouth. She jumped a little when she felt his fingers at her rear, but the sensations that his mouth was causing were too distracting. From the pressure he was exerting, she knew that he had more than the two fingers in her, but it didn’t hurt or feel bad in the least.


Actually, the combination of oral sex and anal stimulation quickly drove her closer and closer to a second release. “Spike... I’m gonna... Unh!!” Wave after wave of nervous energy flowed through her body, tensing her muscles and making her extremities tingle. When the final aftershock came over her, she opened her eyes to see Spike pouring a liberal amount of lubricant on his cock.


Funny, she’d just experienced the most blinding orgasm ever, but the sight of Spike stroking himself as he applied the gel, doubled her arousal. It was good to let her inner slut out every now and then, she decided.


“Like I said, pet--just relax...” He was cut off by Buffy giggling. His brow furrowed--what the hell was she laughing at? “What’s so funny, pet?”


“You telling me to relax. I don’t think I could even move right now if my life depended on it...” She smiled and lay back, letting her head hit the pillow. Why was it that hotels always had the most comfortable pillows?


Relieved that she wasn’t laughing at him--not that he really thought she was, but even a vamp can get insecure if he’s in bed with a woman who starts to giggle--he smiled back at her. “Good to hear--means I’m doing my job. Now, as I was going to say before I was rudely interrupted..” He winked at her, causing her to giggle again. “... this’ll hurt for only a sec. Just hold your breath until the head’s in--that’s the worst of it. Everything after that will feel like heaven...”


Buffy bit her lip and nodded to indicate that she understood what he was telling her. Although her muscles were like jelly, she managed to prop herself up on her elbows--yay Slayer abs--to watch him push through. She grit her teeth as his head pushed its way in--he was right, it hurt like hell. But she held her breath and waited for it to be inside of her completely.


“You ok, luv?” Spike didn’t miss the look of pain that flashed across the Slayer’s face when his cock began to penetrate her. As much as it would kill him, he’d stop if she wanted him to. He stilled his motion, cock half inside of her, to give her a chance to answer.


Taking a deep breath, Buffy nodded. “Yeah. You were right, though--hurts like a bitch. But it’s getting better--I’ll... I’ll tell you if it’s too much.” It hurt, but at the same time she was really turned on by the whole thing. She didn’t want to call it quits unless she really found herself really in pain. She looked up at him, smiling coyly. “I have to admit, though--it’s really turning me on...”


Spike chuckled, his voice husky with arousal. “Yeah. You an’ me both, pet.” He pulled back a bit before pushing back in. He had no trouble sliding in and out--he’d made sure that he had more than enough lube. His eyes were almost crossing at how tight and hot her asshole was. “Fuck, pet, I need...”


He didn’t need to finish that sentence. Buffy understood full well what he meant. She began to tilt her pelvis in time to his thrusts. “Then do it, Spike--fuck me hard.” When his eyes rolled in the back of his head and his hands came down to grip her hips, she knew that she’d come across another of his likes--dirty talk. Heck, why not--she was letting him give it to her up the ass, after all. “Can you feel how tight my ass is, pumping in and out of it with your hard cock? It turns me on to feel you stretch me, Spike--to feel you pounding my hole...”


She began to finger herself, her words turning her on as well. “Fuck, Spike, I’m so tight for you--so hot, so wet.” She inserted a finger deep inside her centre, pulling it out. Presenting the glistening digit to him, she asked him, in a husky voice. “Do you want to taste just how wet you make me?”


“God, yes, Slayer.” As he sucked on her finger, watching her other hand play with her clit, Spike was sure he was going to cum so hard it would be coming out of her mouth. The pace of his thrusting increased as he felt his release approach. Buffy beat him to it, though, wailing as her muscles contracted around him.


The sensation of her asshole clamping down on him caused him to lose control. Roaring, he shot his cold seed inside of her, hands gripping her hips for a better hold. Cock still twitching, he thrust a few last times inside of her before pulling out. He collapsed on his back beside the Slayer, all energy sapped out of his body. “Uh...” was about the most lucid thing he could think of saying at that moment.


Buffy sat up before groaning. “Ugh--why don’t they ever mention how messy this is?” She was sitting in a huge wet spot, as the vampire’s spendings leaked back out of her. “Eww... I’m gonna go have a shower.”


Before she could get up off the bed, Spike’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm. Even in his exhausted state, the vampire’s grip was like iron. “Hold on, luv. I think I’ll join you. Just gimme a sec to pull myself together.” He pulled her to his side, wrapping a strong arm around her. “Just lie here a while with me...”


The young woman lay back down, resting her head on the vampire’s chest. “Ok, but only if we can pull the covers up. I’m getting kinda cold...”


“Sure, luv.” Spike reached down and pulled the comforter up over both of them. He hesitated, still unsure as to what he should say. After all, they hadn’t really had a chance for a post-coital chat last time. He decided to go with the truth--it hadn’t always been his smartest option, but when did brains ever come into question?



“Mmm?” This was nice. Who would have thought that she’d be content sharing a quiet snuggle with Spike, after a pretty hefty bout of wild sex?


“I don’t mean any of it, you know.”


The Slayer’s brow furrowed. Didn’t mean what? That she was sexy, that she turned him on, that he enjoyed these illicit evenings? “Huh?”


“All the mean things I say to you--don’t mean any of ’em. Not anymore, anyway. I wouldn’t hurt you if I had the chance.” He didn’t dare look at her, in case she burst out laughing just like all the girls whom he had bared his heart to, so long ago. Instead he just traced his finger up the young woman’s spine, basking in her warmth, as she lay pressed against him.


Buffy propped her head on her hand and stared in wonder at the demon lying beside her. What a strange, strange vampire, defying his very nature in deference to something he shared with his natural enemy. What did this mean to him? Was she just a good roll in the hay? Was she becoming a good friend? Or maybe more than that?


Bigger question was, what did it all mean to her?


“I... I don’t think I could either. Hurt you, I mean.” She placed a finger on Spike’s chin and turned his head towards her. “I don’t know what this means, to you or me, and I doubt you know either. All I know--or think I know... God, I’m so confused... All I know is that I don’t hate you anymore. And it’s not just because you’re amazing between the sheets,” she slapped him playfully when he growled and raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his lips, “oh, stop that--I’m trying to say something serious here. I think it’s because inside, you’re not the same cocky bastard you are on the outside.”


Her face scrunched up, and she let her head back down against him. “That didn’t make any sense, did it?”


“Funny ‘nuff, luv, it did. I think what you’re trying to say is that when it’s just you and me, we shed our Big Bads and it’s just you and me--two people who, strangely enough, get along right nicely.” He felt her chuckle, the vibrations causing a tightening in his groin.


“You should have been a writer--you know that? You always find the perfect words.”


Oh, you don’t know just how close you are, luv. “How ‘bout if I said ‘you, me and shower’--those words sound perfect to you?”


Nodding her head, Buffy sat up. “Actually, that sounds great right about now. As much as I love sex with you, I’ve still got to get used to the no-condom aspect of it.”


Chuckling, Spike pulled himself up as well, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. “You know, a little fluids never hurt anyone.”


“Yeah, that’s for ‘a little’ fluids--that’s not what happens when you come.” She used a corner of the sheet to wipe her skin of some of the residual dampness, making a face at the stain that appeared on the fabric.


As they made their way to the bathroom, Spike stopped and placed his hand on the Slayer‘s shoulder. “Look, Buffy--I’m sorry about the note, though. I wasn‘t thinking ‘bout your mum at the moment--hope she really didn‘t get that nasty with you.”


“That’s ok. It still didn’t stop her from taking an over-nighter to LA. She wanted to go look at some new sculptures, or something.” Truth was, she hadn’t really been paying attention to what her mother had been telling her. At that particular moment, all she’d been able to concentrate on was the vampire’s note and how wet it had made her.


Spike’s countenance changed immediately at the blonde’s words. “You mean you don’t necessarily have to go home early?”


“Or at all...” Buffy laughed, wresting herself from the vampire’s grip. She ran into the bathroom and tried in vain to shut the door before he was able to follow. She squealed as she was swept up into Spike’s strong arms, her feet dangling inches above the cool ceramic tile of the bathroom floor.
“Cor, Slayer, let’s have ourselves one hell of a shower, shall we?”


Buffy nodded, unable to say no to the darkened blue gaze that was staring straight through her. Strangely enough, something was brewing between them and although she was nervous about facing any ‘feelings’ for Spike, she wasn’t going to deny that things were changing quickly...


Spike wondered what was going through the young woman’s mind, but he decided to leave her to her own thoughts--for the moment. He’d specifically requested a room with a spacious shower--it had been a toss-up between the Jacuzzi and the shower, but he hadn’t known how much time they’d have on their side. Reaching into the shower, he turned the water on, trying to get the best temperature possible. Wouldn’t do him any good to burn the Slayer--after all, she’d done a bang-up job of it on her own the week before.


“Come on, pet. Let’s get you cleaned up.”


Buffy threw him a disbelieving glance--did he really think she was that dense?--before stepping into the shower. Her body began to sing as it was pelted with hot water from the three showerheads--Spike was definitely getting bonus points with this...


After watching the Slayer for a few seconds, growing hungry at the sight of her skin flushing from the hot water, her hands sliding up her hips to her stomach, head thrown back in obvious bliss, the vampire hopped in after her, pressing his body against hers. He’d never had a woman turn him on so much--not even Dru, he realized regretfully.


Buffy felt renewed desire pool between her thighs at the sensation of having Spike pressed up behind her--cock as hard as ever. If she didn’t know any better, she’d blame everything on a spell, but she did know better, and she knew that if anything, the desire they felt for each other was genuine. She braced her hands up against the tiled wall, fully--and eagerly--expecting Spike to plough into her.


She was surprised, however, when she heard the plastic snap of a bottle lid and felt the vampire’s hands begin to cover her with a soapy lather. He started at her shoulders, kneading out the knots that he found, and moved down her back, thumbs applying pressure along her spine. “Oh...” She couldn’t help but moan out loud at the sensation that was at once relaxing and arousing.


Tilting her head back, Buffy let the water run down her chest, driving down in rivulets over her breasts and down to her pussy. Spike began to wash--if that’s what you could call it--her ass, sliding his soapy hands on her cheeks, pulling them apart.


Spike couldn’t stand it anymore. The scent of the Slayer’s arousal was thick in the shower, easily overpowering the scent of the soap--well, to a vampire’s better-developed sense of smell, anyway. He kneeled down on the hard floor, ignoring how the small tiles cut into his knees. He slowly slid his hands up the insides of Buffy’s legs, beginning at her ankles, and stopping just below her pussy where, from the sound of her gasp, she needed him most.


Taking one soapy finger, he began to slide it along the cleft of her ass, washing away any residual juices that might still be there. Using the water that was cascading down her back to rinse her off, he leaned in and placed a kiss on each cheek. He snaked one hand between her legs, slipping his fingers along the dewy folds of her pussy; sliding his fingers in and out he made sure to pay due attention to the bundle of nerves at the front. At her rear, he used the first and middle fingers of his other hand to pry her ass cheeks apart.


Buffy nearly slipped when she felt his tongue slip along her tight hole. She reached up, gripping the showerhead that was directly above her. His fingers were playing along the lips of her pussy, pushing inside of her every other sweep; behind her, his tongue swept slow circles around her anus, pushing at her entrance. Feeling an orgasm building, she muttered the last words either of them expected: “Bite me... Oh, God Spike, just do it...”


The vampire could feel that her release was near--her legs were shaking, the inner walls of her vagina were beginning to tremble and her breathing was coming in short gasps. But when she opened her mouth and said those two magic words, he almost stopped his ministrations out of sheer... what? Surprise? Arousal? Need? A bit of all of those, if he gave himself time to think about it--which he didn’t. Slipping into game face, hand still stroking her clit, he tilted his head and sank his teeth into her inner thigh.


When she felt his teeth pierce her skin, Buffy’s body began to shake with her release. Every long swallow he pulled from her veins increased the intensity of her orgasm, and seemed to make it stretch on forever. This was wronger than wrong and she knew it, but she was also aware that Spike wouldn’t do her any serious harm. If he wanted to hurt her, he would have had ample opportunity to do so already.


Her legs became wobbly as she felt him retract his fangs from her inner thigh. If it wasn’t for the strong grip he had around her waist, she would have fallen right on top of him. She found it odd, however, that his hold hadn’t loosened any. “Spike? I think I can stand on my own now. You can let go...”


When the only answer she got was a grunt, she swept her hair out of her face and looked down at him. His head was facing down and his body was slightly shaking. “Spike? Are you... ok?”


“Give us a sec, luv. Just trying to get my demon back down.” He let out a throaty chuckle. “You kind of took me--both of us--by surprise with your last-minute request, there.” Truth was Spike was actually a little afraid. It had been so long since he’d had to exert this much energy into controlling his demon. Even the previous week, where it had come out to ‘play’ with the Slayer, he’d had no trouble in pushing it back and resuming his human guise. Now it was taking him every ounce of concentration not to jump up and latch himself onto her neck.


It wasn’t that he was afraid that the demon was going to kill her--what frightened him was the idea that the demon had taken a liking to Buffy and might just try to take itself a mate.


Ignoring all the warning bells that were sounding off in her mind, Buffy crouched down beside the vampire, laying a hand on his cheek. When his amber eyes looked up at her, she allowed herself a moment to examine the demon‘s features. Her fingers traced along the ridges on his forehead, down his still-sharp cheekbones and to his soft lips. His lips parted and she slid her finger in his mouth, tracing the length of his fangs.


Leaning in to place a chaste kiss on his cheek, she whispered in his ear. “Spike, I know that you‘re stronger than your demon. You‘re unlike any other vampire I‘ve ever met--you can control it, I know you can. And if you do, I’ll make sure the reward is more than worth the effort... ” To emphasize her point she liked the palm of her hand and gripped his cock, sliding up and down its length.


Spike felt his demon give a little at the Slayer’s promising words. No longer fighting the urge to drain her, he managed to stand up on shaky legs. He looked down, seeing that Buffy was still kneeling on the shower floor.


Pressing a hand to his abdomen, she held him against the wall. “Don’t. Move.” She inched closer to him, walking gingerly on her knees--damn those tiles were sharp! But the pain in her knees was all but forgotten the moment that she took his erection in her mouth. This time she didn’t play around--no gentle licks, no kneading of the thighs, no drawing it out. Her head bobbed quickly up the length of his shaft, her teeth scraping along its underside, tongue applying pressure all around, creating just the right mix of pain and pleasure to really get the vampire off.


When Buffy felt him begin to tremble with the telltale signs of coming, she slid one finger up her still-wet pussy, wetting it right up to the last knuckle. One hand remained pressed up against his stomach, keeping him firmly in place, while the other hand slid up between the vampire’s legs. When the Slayer knew that the vampire was on the cusp of his release, she pressed the finger which was coated in her juices up against his anus and slid it in.


Spike howled in absolute ecstasy as his orgasm tore through him. Somewhere at the back of his mind, it registered that the Slayer hadn’t pulled her lips from his erection, but had ridden out his outburst. Forcing himself to control his thrusts, he placed his hand on the top of her head as she cleaned him off.


“That’s not the best way to help me keep my demon in check, love.” The vampire chastised her, still trying to catch his breath, back against the wall, head thrown back, chest heaving in and out.


Buffy stood up, stepped forward and brought his head down to hers for a lingering kiss. “How about if we go back out there, hop in the non-sticky bed, and take it slow? No kinky stuff, just nice, normal missionary sex?”


That was probably the best idea either of them could have had at that moment. Desire still sang through their bodies, but the exertion of the past hours was beginning to take its toll on the blondes. “That sounds like a bloody marvellous idea, pet.”


As they towelled each other off, Spike’s curiosity won out. “If you don’t mind my askin’, pet, where the hell did you pick that up? I’d never pegged you for a bird who’d know about that kind of thing.”


“I read about it once.”


“Where is it that you read all this stuff, Slayer?” Spike greatly doubted that this was the kind of thing someone could pick up in a school library. Unless the school system had changed much, much more than he’d imagined.


Abashed, Buffy cast her eyes to the floor. “Uh, I kinda picked up a copy of Penthouse Letters when I was at Xander’s once.”


The vampire picked her up in his arms and walked out of the bathroom. Chuckling, he placed a kiss on her cheek. “I feel all chuffed that you decided to apply your knowledge on me, luv. Really, if there‘s anything else you read in that book that you want to try out, just let me know...”


Spike gently deposited the Slayer in the unused bed. He looked down at her, unsure of what to do next. When she’d meant ‘take it slow’, did she mean just take it slow, or did she imply more than that? Because, looking down at the golden beauty spread out before him, with her warm eyes and inviting smile, he got this sudden urge to make love to her. To pour out his essence in the act itself, to feel something other than lust and need and the base urges he usually gave in to with Dru.


His demon fought back--it was unnatural for a vampire to want to regain some of his humanity, even if it was for just an evening. But the battle was easily won when Buffy opened her arms to him and spoke gently.


“Come on, Spike. It’s time to take it slow, to make it last a long, long time.” Time to make love, she wanted to say. Because that’s what it felt like to her, waiting for him to cover her body with his own, to gently rock with her to the age-old rhythm.


When he lay down on top of her, he couldn’t help but smirk at the contented sigh that escaped her lips. ‘S just how I feel, love. He leaned in, placing his lips on hers for a lazy embrace. No tongues duelling, no teeth nipping, just two pairs of lips brushing against each other, content with the simplicity of their contact.


Buffy’s hands moved up to his shoulders, where the tips of her fingers began a slow exploration of her lover. His body was so sleek she could feel his muscles working as he held himself up above her. She traced down along his spine, feeling every inch of cool skin she could reach. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt him slide inside of her; there were no words to be said, their bodies’ reactions speaking volumes enough.


Spike deepened the kiss, letting his tongue slide against Buffy’s lips in a silent request for admission. Her mouth opened to let him in, just as she’d done at the apex of her thighs. If there was a definition for bliss, this was it. Sliding in and out of the Slayer’s wet heat, her arms surrounding him, gathering him closer to her, her hips tilting upwards to meet his every thrust--he couldn’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be.


By now, Buffy’s tongue had made its way into the vampire’s mouth, sliding against his teeth, rubbing the flesh of his own tongue. Every thrust of his cock sent shockwaves through her nerves, especially when he angled his pelvis to brush against her most sensitive spot. He now rested on his forearms, hands busying themselves in her hair. It was such an intimate thing for Buffy--much more than anything the vampire had ever done to her--to feel his fingers massaging her scalp and running them through her golden locks. She brought her own hands up to his, linking their fingers together, stretching her arms above her head.


He’d wanted it to last hours, days even. Although he had no way of knowing just how long the two of them had lain there, bodies intertwined, rocking together, he knew it was nowhere as long as he’d wished. He felt the stirrings of a pending release and fought them, unsuccessfully. “Ugh, so sorry Buffy, but I can’t... I...” He opened his mouth and no sound came out as he thrust into the young woman beneath him, emptying his seed deep into her womb.


Buffy’s own release immediately followed. The heightened emotions of their coupling--funny how something slow and silent could have such a severe effect on one‘s body--had her nerves tingling and her heart pumping furiously. “Oh! Ugh!” She screamed her release, her legs gripping the vampire’s waist unmercifully.


When he knew that her orgasm was over, Spike stopped all movement, opting instead for quietly holding Buffy in his arms. He could feel her heart beating, her warm breath on his neck, her internal muscles still twitching in aftershock. This was something he’d missed out on since... well, since forever. There was just something about sex with a living, breathing, woman that turned him on like nothing else.






“Can you please, um, roll over?”


“Oh, sorry ‘bout that.” The vampire rolled over onto his back next to the still-panting Slayer. “Didn’t mean to crush you, but that was... well, it was bloody amazing.”


“You weren’t crushing me--I just wanted to do this...” The young woman snuggled up to the vampire, burying her head in the crook of his shoulder. “And I have to agree with you. It was ‘bloody amazing‘, wasn’t it?”


Spike couldn’t help but chuckle at the Slayer’s use of the word ‘bloody’. It just sounded funny to his ears, hearing this American girl use one of his curses. “That it was, luv. Now, close your eyes and get a few winks. It’s already late enough--you should sleep for a while.”


As she yawned, Buffy wondered if Spike had some sort of thrall. She hadn’t felt all that tired beforehand--or maybe she had, but she hadn’t realized it... The thoughts were turning around in her mind as she felt herself drop off, eyelids getting heavier, muscles relaxing, heartbeat slowing down. The last thing to pop into her mind was how nice it would be to finally wake up in bed with someone else...




Bright sunlight woke Buffy up as it lit up the entire hotel room. It took only a moment before panic coursed through her--sunlight and Spike were definitely non-mixy... She sat up straight and saw that there was no dust beside her in the bed. “Spike?” Now where had that vampire gone to? She couldn’t hear anything in the bathroom...


Her eyes fell upon a letter that sat on the desk. Pulling herself out of the bed with great effort--funny how one night’s sex with Spike made her feel like she’d done three weeks’ training in one shot--she walked over to the note and picked it up.


Buffy was surprised by the beauty of Spike’s penmanship. Cursive, flowing letters that a regular pen couldn’t do justice to decorated the piece of paper headed with the hotel’s logo. The thought that Spike would have taken the time to write her a note made her smile. The usually caustic vampire was beginning to show a much different side to himself, one she was sure he worked very hard at hiding.




The bloke on the telly said that it’s supposed to be a sunny day, so I figured it would be best for my complexion if I started for home before dawn. As much as spending a whole day with you sounds inviting, we both lead separate lives that need attending to. I’m sure I’m already going to face an irate Dru, having been out longer than the few hours I’d let on. Hopefully she hasn’t staked any of the minions--intelligent help is difficult to find these days.


I hope you don’t mind that I parted the drapes before I left--as beautiful as you are in the dark, you also belong in the light. I’d give anything to be able to watch you sleep, in your natural glory, caressed by the sun’s rays, but that’s not in my cards so I’ll let my imagination fuel that image.


I’ll cut this note short before I begin to sound like an even bigger ponce. I’d like to get together again next week, if you’re of the same mind. I’m afraid this is going to be an addiction I’ll be hard pressed to put a stop to.


Well, enough said. Not exactly the short note I’d hoped to put to paper, but here it is nonetheless.




PS--You’ll notice that I left you the computer. Before you have a conniption, I have to admit that I lied. I didn’t steal it; I won it off some pathetic Pagora demon who had a shit hand at poker. All those nasty sites are still bookmarked (I think that’s the lingo for it), so you can be a dirty girl on your own, too. I can always win myself another one.


After having folded the note and slipped it into her purse--that was definitely something to stash in her night table--Buffy began to search for her discarded clothing.


Her heart beat faster at the thought of seeing Spike again the following week. She wasn’t surprised to find that she anticipated world-class sex, but she was somewhat discomfited at the eagerness she felt at just being with Spike. This was supposed to be about sex, but the warmth that invaded her heart when she closed her eyes and saw his face told her otherwise. As did the letter that the vampire wrote her--the tone he’d used in the note was closer to what you would use with a loved one, and not an enemy or a casual acquaintance.


Confused more than ever, the young woman picked her purse and her new laptop up and walked out of the room. She’d have lots to mull over in the following six days--many questions to answer and many feelings to explain. One thing she was certain of--she wouldn’t miss their next meeting for anything in the world.

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