SUMMARY: Adaptation of S2 Halloween: Buffy goes back and
exchanges her Victorian dress for something a bit different. Response to
Challenge 42
SPOILERS: season 2
STATUS: Complete
A New York Affair
Summary: William and Buffy were best friends in
LA before she was called to slayerhood. She
moves to Sunnydale. Years later after he
troubles on the Hellmouth and Angel, she is
attending college in NYC and meets up with Vamped William, Spike & Drusilla.
William decides he wants her as his
Spoilers: AU
Rating: R
Chapters: WIP
-outside links.
Hawaii Forever
Summary: 6 years after S6, Faith’s dead, new Slayer called & working Sunnydale, Scooby’s have moved on. Spike hears of a new slayer & goes back to find out what happened. Do the Scoobies let him find out that Buffy is alive?
Spoilers: AU Post-S6
Rating: NC-17
Chapters: 22 - Complete.
2nd in Series:
Sunnydale Forever
Summary: 6 years after S6, Spike and Buffy are headed back to Sunnydale to protect the Hellmouth. Will the Scooby gang accept the new Buffy and Spike together?
Chapters: 25 - Complete.
Over the Atlantic
Summary: Giles, Spike, and Buffy travel to England.
Chapters: 1 - Complete.
3rd in Series:
London Forever
Summary: Spike and Buffy go to England to build a new Watcher’s Council. They meet up with old enemies and allies as they try to rebuild their relationship.
Chapters: 26 - Complete.