.:: Riassunto dal miniwildfeed di 7x15 - Get It Done ::.When shadow puppets open a dimensional portal, Buffy finds herself face-to-face with the men who created the original Slayer; meanwhile, Spike and the others attempt to defeat a ferocious demon in hopes of returning Buffy to our world. As Buffy makes her way though the house one night, she comes upon Chloe, one of the Potential Slayers, who is crying. Suddenly, the Primitive attacks Buffy and they crash down stairs together. The Primitive says, “It’s not enough.” Moments later, Buff awakens, having experienced a dream. As Spike and Anya walk down the street, they’re suddenly attacked by a demon. Spike kicks the creature in the groin, grabs Anya and runs off with her. Inside his office, Principal Wood gives Buffy a satchel that once belonged to his mother, a kind of emergency kit for Slayers. Later, Buffy escorts Wood to her house, which she describes as “command central.” They watch as Kennedy runs the Potential Slayers through a martial arts drill. Later, Buffy leads Wood into the basement, where Anya and Spike are engaged in an argument. Spike bests Anya, and she marches upstairs. Wood quizzes Spike about his vampire-past. Wood steps closer, getting in Spike’s face. But Spike doesn’t back away. Buffy senses the tension and leads Wood away. That night, Buffy and Dawn discuss the contents of Wood’s emergency bag. Moments later, they discover Chloe’s body hanging from the ceiling. As Buffy and some of the other girls prepare to cut Chloe down, the First appears, having assumed Chloe’s form. It becomes apparent that the First talked Chloe into doing herself in. After burying Chloe, Buffy gathers together all the Potential Slayers and, in a gruff, no-nonsense attitude tells everyone that Chloe was stupid and weak, and they must force themselves to do what can’t be done, or otherwise, the First will destroy them all. When Buffy finishes addressing the group, she tells Dawn she’s going to declare an emergency. Shortly thereafter, Buffy and the others root through Principal Wood’s bag, which, among other things, contains a wooden box with an old lock on it. Buffy rips off the lock and finds some African shadow puppets inside. With the use of an old lantern, and with Dawn reading from ancient text, the shadow puppet story is put in motion. It tells the tale of how demons came to the Earth, followed by the arrival of men, who found a girl to fight the demons and chained her to the Earth. The blending puppet images spin out of control until a dimensional portal appears. Buffy interprets this to mean she must enter the portal. When she disappears, a fierce demon materializes in the room and begins attacking Xander and the others. Principal Wood embeds three throwing stars in the creature’s back as Willow uses magic in an attempt to send it back through the portal. The demon attacks, smashing Wood and later tossing Spike through the ceiling. It then rushes out of the house. Willow, Wood, Anya and the others determine that the only way to get Buffy back is to find the demon and force it back through the portal, recreating a balance between dimensions. Meanwhile, Buffy finds her self teleported to an African plane. She approaches a group of three men, the Shadow Men from the puppet show, who speak to her in Swahili, which she’s somehow able to understand. The men tell her she’s the Hellmouth’s last guardian. Buffy dismisses the men, thinking they’re figments of her imagination…until one of them knocks her unconscious with a quarterstaff. Back at the house, Willow uses magic in an effort to reopen the portal. She rages in pain, her pupils black. When Buffy regains consciousness, she finds herself chained to a wall inside a cave. The Shadow Men claim they brought Buffy into their dimension because the world is at its beginning. It then becomes apparent that they created the original Slayer by exposing her to the energy of a mist-like demon. They open a box, releasing the demon, which strikes at the chained Buffy, streaming inside her eyes, nose and mouth. Buffy begs the Shadow Men to stop, telling them she’s not the first Slayer. They tell her they’re aware of this, and only want to help her. Buffy eventually realizes she cannot fight the mist-demon. But she can fight the Shadow Men. She breaks free of her chains and engages the men in battle. They strike back with their quarterstaffs. Meanwhile, Spike makes his way to the Sunnydale High basement, where
he finds his old coat. Spike finds the demon, morphs into vamp-face,
and a battle erupts. Eventually, Spike kills the demon. In her attempt
to reopen the portal, Willow sucks energy out of Anya and Kennedy. The
portal door opens. In the other dimension, Buffy defeats the Shadow
Men, one of whom explains that they offered her power and knowledge,
and without it, he doesn’t see how she can save the world. The
Shadow Man touches her head, and simultaneously, Spike tosses the demon
into the portal in our dimension. Buffy materializes in the house. Buffy
tells Willow the Shadow Men showed her the future…an apocalyptic
vision of a gigantic cavern filled with a sea of Ubervamps, with Sunnydale
in flames. |