Poll | 08/03/2006 |
A new poll is up at the bloodshedverse lj. Would you like a forum attached to the BSV?
Poll |
| by Diabola |
Passing the Torch | 08/02/2006 |
I'm stepping down as owner of the Bloodshedverse and giving it to Dia, who has already done sooo much work on it already, she deserves to get full credit for it! I'll still be around and am in no way 'leaving' the fandom, I just know that it is in my best interest (and the BSV's) to hand it over to someone who can give it the full attention it deserves! Thank you Dia for your willingness to take over!! *hugs you* |
16 Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
Feature for deleting reviews | 08/02/2006 |
I know I'm spamming, sorry.
I added the feature for "denouncing" an unwanted review to the admins. (According to the poll's result.)
You can now find the link "Notify Admin About This Review" at My Account->Manage Reviews and My Account->Manage unanswered Reviews. Just hit the link, put the reason you want it to be deleted in the comment box, and wait for an admin to decide.
As per JackOfSpikes' clever suggestion, reviews that are waiting for a decision will be hidden and not show in the public sections of the site.
Right now you can "denounce" any review you want, but be aware that this is only true for the next two or three weeks. After that it will be either notify someone about it or reply to it. You will no longer be able to get rid of those reviews that you have already repied to.
Ok, have fun and let me know if something doesn't work. |
3 Comments | by Diabola |
Editor | 08/02/2006 |
Please read the comments to this entry. I posted some further information in there.
Yay, I finally found an online-editor we might be able to use for the verse. But before I start trying to figure out how to install it fully I'd like to know if it works for everyone.
I have a demo-version up here:
Play with the editor (you can even copy and paste contents from MSWord). Hit "Go" and see if the text shows up like you would expect it to.
Let me know what you think of the editor, if you get any error-messages or if something doesn't work. |
8 Comments | by Diabola |
The chat room is back! | 07/25/2006 |
Dia put up the link for the chat room on the menu. So for those of you who frequent the tag board, if you find that your chatting extends past two or three posts of randomness, maybe think about taking it to the chatroom. Sorry it wasn't available before, the font colors needed to be changed. One more thing - please keep your tags at least PG. If it's about Spike and Buffy (or just Spike, James, etc) and goes into PG-13/R territory, eh, we understand. :P But if you are discussing things that happen behind your own closed bedroom doors, it does not belong on the BSV tagboard. Thanks so much! |
No Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
Conventions... Anyone? Anyone? | 04/18/2006 |
Aside from Writercon, is anybody planning on attending any conventions coming up this year? If so, when and where? Hopefully we can get some lists going and get people hooked up to meet. That's the fun part. :) |
18 Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
Reviews | 04/08/2006 |
Yep, it's me again! I just wanted to mention quickly that while reviews are what authors 'work' for, opinions and reviews that border on rude aren't really appreciated. So if you're being an ass? Please stop. Thank you! |
6 Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
A Quick Reminder... | 03/29/2006 |
Authors, when you post a story that has been beta'd, please don't forget to thank that wonderful person(s) in an author's note! Thank you! |
No Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
New Features | 03/06/2006 |
You can now change your own password. "My Account -> Change Password". Sorry about forgetting this feature before, but I'll still swear I wrote it, dunno what happened to it.
If you click "My Account -> Manage unanswered Reviews", you'll only see the ones less than a month old. To access the older reviews just click the "Show All" link at the bottom. Hopefully this will make things a little easier to navigate. |
3 Comments | by Diabola |
See you on the flipside... | 01/26/2006 |
The BSV has a new... uber-affiliate, I guess you could call it. As most of you know, we don't archive all-human AU Spuffy fics. Well, Sweet Temptation doesn't archive canon/vampire spuffy.
Sounds like the perfect match to me...
You can now find the link to Sweet Temptation on the menu for convenience. Welcome Yani and Sweet Temptation! |
1 Comment | by bloodshedbaby |
Welcome to our new site | 01/24/2006 |
This is the new Bloodshedverse site. Your old cookies won't work anymore, so you'll have to log in again.
All stories, accounts and reviews should have been transfered here successfully. If you believe something is missing regardless, please let me know. email@diabola.net
The old site can still be accessed via http://www.thebloodshedverse.com should you need to check something.
Have Fun! |
No Comments | by Diabola |
Challenges Updated! | 01/23/2006 |
I've updated the latest challenges. We're up to 196 now! Wow!Remember, you can still access the challenge submission page by clicking on the Site Map link.Authors, if you don't see your story on the challenge page, send me an email, and I'll get it added for you. Thanks! |
No Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
Everybody is welcome! | 01/23/2006 |
In light of Buffy/Spike Central not being online right now and Spuffy Realm's space limitations, I just wanted to assure new/returning visitors that you are more than welcome to register and enjoy the site REGARDLESS if you post fic or not. Happy Reading! |
1 Comment | by bloodshedbaby |
Writercon | 01/23/2006 |
Just thought I'd give a little shout-out for Writercon 2006. What is it? It's a conference for fanfic writers/readers/betas in the BtVS fandom. It's planned for July 21-23 in Atlanta, Georgia. I really hope to see some of you there! Writercon Website The Partial List of Potential Attendees Planning/thinking about going? Leave a comment! |
No Comments | by bloodshedbaby |
New LJ Search Community | 01/23/2006 |
There is a new LJ commnity for all you folks looking for fics/art/graphics/etc that you've seen before, but can't quite remember who made them, or where you might find them now. It's called "seeking_spike," and you can find it here: |
| by bloodshedbaby |
NOMINATION CODES | 01/23/2006 |
Award nomination codes can be found here. |
| by bloodshedbaby |
News section | 01/23/2006 |
Ok, the news work. You can add them in the Admin section under "Manage News". Every Admin can do this! Here, you can also decide whether comments are allowed for the entry or not. Naturally this is also where you edit and delete them.
Comments can be given by everyone who is logged in (if they are allowed for the entry in question). |
No Comments | by Diabola |