Cordelia: "Well, his loss is your incredible gain!"
Cordelia: "Buffy, I love the hair. It just screams 'street urchin'."
Buffy: "You're sweet. A terrible liar. But sweet."
Xander: "Sign up and get your own pack of sugar-high little runts for the night."
Buffy: "Yikes, I'll stick to vampires."
Principal Snyder: "Miss Summers. Just the juvenile delinquent I've been
looking for."
Principal Snyder: "Halloween must be a big night for you. Tossing eggs,
keying, bobbing for apples -- one pathetic cry for help after another."
Buffy: "Gosh, I'd love to sign up, but I recently developed carpal tunnel
syndrome and can tragically no longer hold a flashlight."
Xander: "Halloween quiet? Wow, I figured it would be a big old vamp
Buffy: "Not according to Giles. He swears that tomorrow night is like dead for
the undead. They stay in."
Xander: "Those wacky vampires, that's why I love 'em. They just keep ya'
Xander: "Hey, Lar, you're lookin' cro-mag as usual. What can I do you for?"
Larry: "You and Buffy. Just friends, right?"
Xander: "I like to think of it less as a friendship and more as a solid foundation
for future bliss."
Larry: "So, she's not your girlfriend?"
Xander: "Alas, no."
Larry: "I heard some guys say she was fast."
Xander: "I hope you mean like the wind."
Larry: "What are you gonna' do about it?"
Xander: "I'm gonna' do what any man would do about it. Something damn
Buffy: "Get gone."
Xander: "A black eye heals, Buffy, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life."
Willow: "Oh, Buffy, Angel would never fall for her act."
Buffy: "You mean that actually showing up, wearing a stunning outfit,
embracing personal hygiene act?"
Buffy: "You know, there's this place you can go, right, and you sit in the dark,
and there are these moving pictures, right, and the pictures tell a story."
Giles: "I'll have you know that I have very, um, many relaxing hobbies."
Buffy: "Such as?"
Giles: "Well, um...I enjoy cross-referencing."
Buffy: "Do you stuff your own shirts or do you send 'em out?"
Buffy: "So, how come Halloween is such a big yawner? I mean, do the demons
just hate how commercial it's become?"
Buffy: "Ms. Calendar said you are a babe!"
Giles: "She said what?"
Buffy: "Um, she said that you are a...hunk of burning...something or other. So,
whadda' you think of that?"
Giles: "Um, I don't know. I don't, um...a burning hunk of what?"
Giles: "'Babe'? Huh, I can live with that."
Buffy: "She's pretty...coiffed."
Willow: "No, she's like a freak. A circus freak. Yuck."
Cordelia: "Oh, he's a vampire. Of course! But the cuddly kind, like a Care Bear
with fangs?"
Cordelia: "Look, Buffy, you may be hot stuff when it comes to demonology or
whatever, but when it comes to dating, I'm the Slayer."
Buffy: "You're missing the whole point of Halloween."
Willow: "Free candy?!"
Buffy: "It's 'come as you aren't' night. The perfect chance for a girl to get sexy
and wild with no repercussions."
Willow: "Oh, I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz."
Xander: "I got fatigues from a army surplus at home. Call me a two-dollar
costume king, baby."
Buffy: "Hey look, Xander, I'm...really sorry about this morning."
Xander: "Do you mind, Buffy? I'm trying to repress."
Xander: "Okay, actually, you know, I think I could've...Hello? That was our
touching reconciliation moment there."
Xander: "Too bulky. I prefer my women in spandex."
Drusilla: "Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see."
Spike: "Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet."
Buffy: "I'll show him I can coiff with the best of 'em."
Willow: "But, this just isn't me."
Buffy: "And that's the point. Look, Halloween is the night that not you is you,
but not you. You know?"
Buffy: "I can't wait for the boys to go non-verbal when they see you."
Xander: "Buffy! Lady of Buffdom, Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe! I
completely renounce spandex."
Xander: "Hey, Will! That's...a...fine boo you got there."
Principal Snyder: "No need to speak to them. The last thing they need is your
influence. Just bring them back in one piece, and I won't expel you."
Cordelia: "Is Mr. I'm-the-lead-singer, I'm-so-great,
I-don't-have-to-show-up-for-my-date-or-even-call gonna' be there?"
Oz: "Yeah, you know, he's just going by 'Devon' now."
Cordelia: "Well, you can tell him that I don't care, and that I didn't even mention
it, and that I didn't even see you. So that's just fine."
Oz: "So what do I tell him?"
Cordelia: "Nothing! Jeez, get with the program."
Oz: "Why can't I meet a nice girl like that?"
Xander: "Okay, on sleazing extra candy, tears are key. Tears will normally get
you the double bagger. You can also try the old 'You missed me' routine, but it's
risky. Only go there for chocolate. Understood? Okay, troops, let's move out."
Buffy: "What did Mrs. Davis give you?"
Willow: "She couldn't have dressed up like Xena?"
Xander: "Big noise scare monster, remember?"
Buffy: "Surely, he'll not desert us?"
Cordelia: "That's nice, Willow, and you went mental when?!"
Spike: "This is just...neat!"
Xander: "Ma'am, in the Army, we have a saying: 'Sit down and shut the--whoa!"
Xander: "She must be right. We must have some kind of amnesia."
Buffy: "I was brought up a proper lady. I wasn't meant to understand things. I'm
Buffy: "But, I don't want to go with you. I like the man with the musket! Do you
Willow: "I don't know what I'm looking for, plus I can't turn the page."
Giles: "Division of self, primarily. Male and female. Light and dark."
Cordelia: "Oh, faboo, more clinging."
Buffy: "Hi, honey! I'm home."
Buffy: "You know what? It's good to be me."
Xander: "It was way creepy. It's like I was there, but I couldn't get out."
Cordelia: "Hello? It felt like I was talking, my lips were moving, and--"
Oz: "Who is that girl?"
Angel: "I hated the girls back then, especially the noblewomen."
Buffy: "She must be stopped."
Willow: "Whatever."
Buffy: "I don't know what that is, but I'm certain I don't have it. I bathe quite
just meant to look pretty, and then someone nice will marry me, possibly a
have a musket?"
Ethan: "Chunky and creamy. Oh, no, sorry. That's peanut butter."
Cordelia: "Yeah, I know the feeling, this outfit's totally skin-tight."
Xander: "Give it up, Cordy, you're never gonna' get between those two. Believe
me, I know."
Buffy: "You did?"
Angel: "They were just incredibly dull. Simpering morons. The lot of them."