Dawn: Candles? We can't have candles?
Buffy: Dawn, it's a magic clearance. Everything must go.
Dawn: But they're just candles!
Buffy: Well, yeah, you know, to you and me they're just candles. But to witches, they're like... bongs.
Giles: So, no candles, no charms, no--
Willow: Bird.
Buffy: Bird?
Warren: It still needs a trial run, but it's--
Jonathan: Kinda clunky looking
Warren: What?
Andrew: I pictured something cooler. More ILM, less Ed Wood.
Jonathan: You penis!
Warren: Oh, cheer up, Frodo.
Buffy: How are you doing?
Willow: Okay. Not ready to head back to classes, face the world okay, but the shakiness is only semi now.
Willow: Okay, I deserve the wrath of Dawn, but why is she taking it out on you?
Buffy: Because I let it happen.
Spike: Just, uh, took a stroll. Found myself in your neck of the woods.
Buffy: Couldn't find a less flammable time of day to take a stroll?
Spike: So, um, what should I call you, then? Pet? Sweetheart? My little Goldilocks?
Spike: Uh-uh, uh-uh -- this flapjack's not ready to be flipped.
Xander: Good Godfrey Cambridge, Spike. Still trying to mack on Buffy? Wake up already. Never gonna happen. Only a complete loser would ever hook up with you. Unless she's a simpleton like Harmony, or a nut-sack like Drusilla--
Buffy: Hey.
Buffy: Now's really not a good time. I have company.
Spike: No worries. I'll wait.
Buffy: Spike, this nice woman is from Social Services.
Spike: Oh, right. Hey, Buffy's a great mom. She takes good care of her little sis. Like, when Dawn was hanging out too much in my crypt, Buffy put a right stop to it.
Doris Kroger: I'm sorry, did you say--
Buffy: Crib. Crib! He said crib. You know kids today and their buggin' street slang.
Doris Kroger: He sleeps here?
Buffy: What? No, no. Oh, the blanket. That's a security thing, yeah. He has issues.
Doris Kroger: Oh, so you live with another woman?
Buffy: Oh, oh, it's not a gay thing, you know. I mean, well, she's gay, but we don't... gay. Not that there's anything, oh, wrong with...
Buffy: You know, I know what that looks like, but I swear it's not what it looks like. It's magic weed. It's not mine.
Doris Kroger: I think I've seen enough.
Spike: So long, Goldilocks.
Andrew: I'm scared. What if we get caught?
Jonathan: No way. We'll be invisible. Plus, their security's gotten lax.
Warren: Remember -- we're professionals.
Andrew: Uh, Slayer.
Warren: What? Where?
Andrew: There, headed this way.
Jonathan: Give it!
Andrew: No, I need to be invisible!
Jonathan: I need it more. Buffy can't see me!
(invisibility ray hits Buffy)
Andrew: Oopsie.
Xander: What happened to Buffy? She's gone.
Anya: She's right here. Table four. I put her with your family.
Xander: Great. Except we don't hate Buffy. Put her back at table one.
Anya: Well, where do I put D'Hoffryn?
Xander: We're not inviting D'Hoffryn.
Anya: I have to. He's my ex-boss. You're inviting your work buddies.
Xander: Where... where are you?
Buffy: At table four, apparently.
Anya: Well, that remains to be seen. Like you.
Xander: Buffy, how did this hap--? Wait a sec. Have you been feeling ignored lately?
Xander: Can we get back to freaking out about no-show Buffy?
Anya: Why would anyone make her invisible, anyway? I mean, an invisible Slayer's got to be way more effective than the standard variety.
Xander: Yeah, I'm less with the why, and more with the how. We get the how, then we got how to make her unseen sight seen again, right?
Buffy: 'S'allright.
Anya: It would help if we had a little bit more to go on. Or... anything to go on.
Xander: Willow, we need to talk.
Willow: We are talking. Well, I'm talking and you're looking at me funny.
Xander: Rhymes with blinvisible?
Willow: What??
Xander: Buffy was in town, leaving the hair cutting place, when she suddenly just--
Willow: Buffy got her hair cut?
Xander: Yeah. Adorable, apparently. I couldn't tell since she's all blinvisible.
Willow: So I guess it wouldn't matter if I just jump off the wagon completely, since you already think I'm making pit stops.
Andrew: But we had so many plans. Naked women, and all... Well, all the naked women.
Andrew: She could be anywhere. Even here. Right now. Watching, listening to every word we say. For all we know, she could be one of us.
Jonathan: In my book, an invisible Slayer means a whole world of trouble.
Buffy: I am the ghost of fashion victims past. Studded caps - not a good idea! Hey, I'm doing you a favor!
Buffy: Kill, kill, kill...
Doris Kroger: What?
Other SW: I didn't say anything.
Doris Kroger: Not you, the mug.
Doris Kroger: I didn't do this. It was the voice.
Social Worker: Excuse me?
Doris Kroger: There was a voice before. It made my coffee dance.
Xander: No jumping. Look - feet firmly planted.
Willow: Whatever hit this fire hydrant hit it after it was made invisible. And betcha-by-golly-wow, that something was the same something that shot out of that alley.
(on TV) "Oh my god, the blood! Look at all the blood!"
Spike: (rubs belly, gets up for snack of blood from refrigerator)
Spike: Whatever beastie you are, I know you're here. And I hurt beasties.
Spike: A ghost, is it? Well, go and haunt the living, like a good spook.
Spike: Buffy?
Buffy: I told you -- stop trying to see me.
Anya: Oh, I got it.
Xander: What?
Anya: Yeah, we'll put D'Hoffryn at your parent's table, and move your Uncle Rory to table five near the bar.
Xander: An, honey, we're looking for invisibility spells here.
Anya: Well, obviously, I haven't found anything yet.
Anya: Ewww. Xander!
Xander: What?
Anya: An unpleasant tactile experience. Like putting my hand in pudding.
Xander: If we don't find Buffy, I mean, if we don't figure out how this was done...
Anya: She's pudding?
Warren: Eventually, her molecular makeup will start losing its integrity, and then... pfft.
Andrew: But wouldn't that kill her?
Warren: Well, let me think... yeah.
Jonathan: Wait a minute. We're not killing anybody - especially not Buffy.
Warren: You guys are so immature. We're villains! When are you gonna get that through your thick skulls?
Jonathan: We're not killers. We're crime lords.
Andrew: Yeah, like... like Lex Luthor. He's always trying to take over Metropolis, but he doesn't kill Superman.
Warren: Because it's Superman's book, you moron!
Xander: ...naked in bed?
Spike: A man shouldn't let immortality be an excuse to let himself go. You gotta keep fit for the killing.
Xander: Yeah-huh.
Xander: Looks like you had a little trouble upstairs. Mini disaster area.
Spike: So what, you just come here to criticize my housekeeping?
Xander: I'm looking for Buffy.
Spike: Haven't seen her.
Xander: Well, you wouldn't. Fact is, she's come down with a slight case of invisibility.
Spike: And if we bump into each other, I'll clue her that you're on the lookout.
Xander: After your... exercises.
Spike: Yeah, right.
Xander: You know, kidding aside, Spike, you really should get a girlfriend.
Spike: This vanishing act's right liberating for you, isn't it? Go anywhere you want. Do anything you want. Or anyone.
Buffy: What are you talking ab--
Spike: The only reason you're here is that you're not here.
Buffy: I'm free. Free of rules and reports, free of this life.
Spike: Free of life. Got another name for that -- dead.
Spike: Get dressed if you can find your clothes, and push off, 'cause if I can't have all of you, I'd rather... hey, that's cheating.
Buffy: He threw me out? He threw me! Did I, like, fall into some backward dimension here? Is this bizarro world?
Buffy: I'm invisible. Check this out. Whoo... whoo... unidentified flying pizza, coming in for a landing.
Buffy: Okay, not the most clever ad-lib, but c'mon, points for spontaneity.
Buffy: Xander and Anya are working on it, Muldering out what happened.
Xander: Buffy, if this isn't reversed, you're gonna, well, dissolve... or fade... into nothing.
Buffy: Wow.
Warren: Congratulations. You're our first hostage.
Buffy: Where are the bad guys?
Warren: All around you, Slayer, so don't try anything.
Willow: He's bluffing, Buffy, there's just three of them... I think.
Warren: More than enough to cause some serious carnage, right guys? Guys? Guys!
Jonathan: ..at video game.. Kick! Use the kick.
Andrew: I tried that -- he keeps blocking it with his drunken monkey fist.
Buffy: Ooh, scary video carnage.
Warren: Hey! Slayer's here.
Andrew: Sorry - didn't see her.
Buffy: Okay, play time's over.
Warren: You haven't won yet, Slayer.
Buffy: No, that part comes after I beat the snot out of you.
Warren: You'll just have to find me first. There's three of us against just one of you.
Jonathan: Hey, you lied to us.
Andrew: Fight her yourself.
Jonathan: Ow, ow! Watch the chest hair!
Buffy: I know that voice. You... you're Jonathan?! You have chest hair?
Buffy: Who are you?
Andrew: Andrew. I summoned the flying monkeys that attacked the high school? During the school play, you know?
Warren: It's Tucker's brother.
Jonathan: Tucker's brother.
Buffy: Oh.
Buffy: So you three have, what, banded together to be pains in my ass?
Warren: We're your arch-nemesises... nemeses.
Warren: What do you mean it's locked? You were supposed to check it!
Jonathan: I forgot.
Buffy: I give you my arch-nemesises...ses.
Buffy: So, how did you manage to.. do it, exactly? I mean, to locate it?
Willow: The hard way. The spell-free way. the oh-my-god-my-head's- gonna-fall-off, my-feet-are-killing-me way.
Buffy: The whole "taking a vacation from me" thing didn't work out too well.
Willow: Tell me about it.
Buffy: I'm not saying that I'm doing back-flips about my life, but... I didn't... I don't... want to die. That's something, right?
Willow: It's something.
Willow: So I guess we both made good first steps.
Buffy: I guess.
Willow: Yay for us.
Buffy: Yay.