Willow: "That's right, big boy. Come and get it."
Xander: "Get him! Any time now..."
Willow: "He's getting away! And, ow."
Oz: "That really never works..."
Xander: "First of all, what was with the acrobatics? How did that happen?"
Oz: "Wasn't Andy Hoelich on the gymnastics team?"
Xander: "That's right, he was. Cheater! Okay, and the second problem I'm having... 'Come and get it, big boy'?"
Willow: "Well, the Slayer always says a pun or a witty play on words, and I think it throws the vampires off and it makes 'em frightened because I'm wisecracking, okay, I didn't really have a chance to work on that one but you try it every time!"
Oz: "If I may suggest: "This time, it's personal." I mean, there's a reason why it's a classic."
Xander: "I've always been amazed with how Buffy fought, but in a way, I feel like we took her punning for granted."
Willow: "Xander! Past tense rule!?"
Willow: "Oh, I'm going to be busy a lot, but only 'til three, and that's when you usually get up."
Xander: "I can't wait to see Cordelia! I can't believe I can't wait to see Cordelia."
Buffy: "How did you find me here?"
Willow: "We still have some glitches in the system... like vampires getting away. But I think we're improving!"
Cordelia: "Las Palmas was a nightmare resort. They order you around, and make you have organized 'fun'. And I use sarcastic quote marks. Plus the fact, there are cockroaches in Mexico big enough to own property."
Cordelia: "He didn't meet anybody over the summer, did he? No! Who's he gonna meet in Sunnydale? But monsters and stuff... but then again, he's always been attracted to monsters... How's my hair?"
Oz: "Well, it's sort of a funny story. You remember when I didn't graduate?"
Teacher: "Whoa! Slow down, people. Summer is over. Be somber."
Willow: "But you never said anything! How am I supposed to react to this rather alarming news?"
Xander: "I don't want to come on too geeky, but, uh... okay, I'm psyched. There's gonna be some heat, if you know what I mean, so you guys might want to duck and cover. And I'm starting to be geeky. Okay, bye. How's my..."
Larry: "I'm so in shape, I'm a rock. It's all about egg whites. If we can focus, keep discipline, and not have quite as many mysterious deaths, Sunnydale is gonna rock!"
Willow: "I'm trying to get to cute, really, but I'm still sort of stuck on strange."
Lily: "Chantarelle was part of my exotic phase."
Xander: "Boy, I'm glad we showed up for depressing night."
Xander: "Yeah, the slaying isn't getting any easier, either."
Giles: "Joyce, you mustn't blame yourself for her leaving."
Lily: "We gave blood lots of times 'cause you get a few bucks. And they have cookies!"
Buffy: "So, probably go faster if we split up."
Nurse: "What are you doing?"
Buffy: "I don't want any trouble. I just want to be alone and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one."
Cordelia: "Why do I have to be bait? I'm always bait. Why can't Willow be bait?"
Xander: "Go away - this is my hiding spot."
Buffy: "You know, I just, I woke up, and I looked in the mirror, and I thought, "Hey, what's with all this sin?" I need to change. I'm... I'm dirty. I'm bad, with the sex, and the envy, and that loud music us kids listen to nowadays. Oh, I just suck at undercover!"
Monster: "Who are you?"
Buffy: "Anyone who's not having fun here, follow me."
Lily: "I'm sorry I said this was your fault before."
Ken: "Humans don't fight back! That's how this works!"
Ken: "That was not permitted."
Buffy: "Okay, this works the abs, and the glutes..."
Buffy: "Hey Ken, want to see my impression of Ghandi?
Buffy: "Let me give you the tour. This concludes our tour."
Willow: "I wonder what our first homework assignment's going to be!
Angel: "If I was blind I would see you."
Buffy: "Stay with me?"
Angel: "Forever. That's the whole point. I'll never leave. Not even if you kill me."
Giles: "For god's sake be careful. I mean, I appreciate your efforts to keep the vampire population down until Buffy returns, but if anything should happen to you... should be killed, I'd take it somewhat amiss."
Willow: "You'd be cranky?"
Giles: "Entirely."
Willow: "Well, we try not to get killed. That's part of our whole mission statement: 'Don't get killed.'"
Willow: "Well, I know you had a lot of incompletes, but that's what summer school was for."
Oz: "Yeah. Well, you remember when I didn't go?"
Oz: "Well, actually, I was pretty much banking on you finding it cute."
Willow: "Well, traditionally, you know, repeating a grade isn't exactly a turn-on. And you're practically a genius! You're Mr. Test-Scores." It's all a little weird."
Oz: "So the cute thing is out?"
Willow: "Your hair is fine."
Oz: "Well, I'd be willing to bargain down to eccentric, with an option on cool."
Buffy: "It's nice. It's a mushroom."
Lily: "It is? That's really embarrassing."
Buffy: "Well, it's an exotic mushroom, if that's any comfort."
Willow: "I wonder what she's doing right now?"
Xander: "Oh, I know what she's doing. Gabbing to all of her friends about her passionate affair with Pedro the cabana-boy. Laughing about me, thinking how she still might have feelings about me. Oh, it's possible you're talking about Buffy."
Willow: "It's possible."
Oz: "I don't know, I think we're kinda getting a rhythm down."
Xander: "We're losing half the vamps."
Oz: "Yeah, but... rhythmically."
Willow: "We just need to work on our timing, I think."
Xander: "Well, I know what we need."
Oz: "A vampire Slayer?"
Xander: "Next best thing... bait."
Joyce: "I don't. I blame you."
Buffy: "You're a fan of the sugar rush."
Lily: "It's nice."
Lily: "
Buffy: "Okay, where did I lose you on the whole splitting up thing?"
Buffy: "Breaking into your office and going through your private files."
Cordelia: "Where do I hide?"
Xander: "You don't hide - you're bait. Go act bait-y."
Cordelia: "What's the plan?"
Xander: "The vampire attacks you."
Cordelia: "And then what?"
Xander: "The vampire kills you. We watch, we rejoice."
Victim: "No one."
Monster: "Who are you?"
Victim: "No one."
Monster: "Who are you?"
Buffy: "I'm Buffy. The vampire Slayer. And you are?"
Buffy: "Lily, this can wait."
Lily: "Well, in case we die."
Buffy: "Yeah, but it was fun."
Ken: "You've got guts. I think I'd like to slice you open and play with them."
Lily: "Ghandi?"
Buffy: "Well, you know, if he was really pissed off."