The Gift
~ Written & Directed by Joss Whedon ~
In an alleyway, a young teen runs from a vampire, but Buffy intervenes. Buffy slays him, leaving the teen questioning how a simple girl could do that. Inside the magic shop, Buffy demands that Giles repeat the process of the ritual as she desperately seeks out another option other than killing Dawn. Giles has a more realistic look at the situation than Buffy and knows killing Dawn is the only option. Buffy's bond with Dawn is too strong for Buffy to be willing to allow Dawn to die.
The gang brainstorm for a way to defeat Glory and Anya suggests using the Dagon Sphere and troll hammer. Then, they realize that Tara's craziness can lead them to Glory. Ben offers a ritual robe to Dawn to wear, but she doesn't want to look at him and demands Glory's presence. Glory throws Dawn around as she reminds her that Buffy hasn't shown up yet to rescue her.
Buffy brutally hits a punching bag then talks with Giles about the upcoming battle and their differing opinions. Buffy tells him that she's not able to sacrifice another person to save the world...she can't do it again. Dawn screams as minions take her up to the top of a giant tower. Xander attempts to calm Anya by having sex in the shop basement when they're supposed to be looking for the Dagon Sphere. They spot the Buffybot down there in their search and then Xander pulls out a ring and proposes to Anya. She freaks out a bit, worried that he's doing it because they're going to die, but he convinces her to accept.
Willow explains her ideas to Buffy about possibly weakening Glory and getting Tara's sanity back by reversing the effects of Glory's brain suck. Willow goes to comfort Tara, but is met with a slap and an angry, senseless reply, which Tara immediately feels guilty for. Buffy brings Spike with her to gather clothes and weapons from her house, and she invites him inside. He tells her he understands she never returned his love, but he accepts that now and appreciates the way she always treated him.
Tara leads the way to Glory as the gang follows slowly behind. Glory catches Tara but Willow shows up, and casts her magic. Glory is debilitated and in need of a brain to suck, so Buffy is there to offer hers. A huge battle ensues as the gang takes on Glory's minions and Buffy battles with Glory. Dawn remains helpless, tied up at the top of the tower.
Willow recovers and goes to Tara, please to find that Tara is back to her normal self again. Glory recovers enough strength in order to knock Buffy's head off, but she finds that Buffy is actually the Buffybot. The real Buffy attacks Glory from behind with the troll hammer. Spotting Dawn at the top, Buffy races to the top of the tower, fighting a fierce battle against Glory on the way up. The girls fall down from the tower and the fight continues on the ground.
As Buffy keeps Glory busy, a new complication arises as Doc appears at the top of the tower, armed with a knife. Willow uses telepathic powers to tell Spike to get up to the top of the tower and save Dawn. Willow and Tara use their combined strength to move the minions out of Spike's way. Doc stabs Spike with the knife before throwing him off the top of the tower. Buffy hits Glory repeatedly with the troll hammer, until Glory morphs into Ben and Buffy tells him and Glory to stay away forever. Buffy leaves, but Giles arrives, telling Ben that Buffy couldn't take a human life, but he could. He smothers Ben with his hand.
Doc places cuts into Dawn's skin until Buffy arrives at the top of the tower and pushes him off to fall to his death. Dawn's blood has already opened the portal and hell begins to open on earth. Dawn is willing to jump in the portal herself, but Buffy finally realizes that Dawn isn't the only one who can stop the dimensional walls from crumbling. With final inspiring words to Dawn, Buffy throws herself into the portal, successfully closing it.
The gang gathers around Buffy's body, which has fallen to the ground and remains, lifeless. Tears fall and hearts break as everyone mourns the loss of Buffy, the girl who put her life on the line and saved the world...a lot. The episode ends with a shot of Buffy's gravestone.
There will be a 6th season on UPN. This isn't over. :)
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Last Updated: 5-22-01