Fool For Love
Written by Douglas Petrie ~ Directed by Nick Marck
In a routine patrol at the cemetery, a vampire turns Buffy's stake around on her, and she is stabbed through the stomach. Thanks to Riley's appearance at the cemetery and his medical treatment skills, Buffy is saved. While Dawn helps cover for Buffy at home, Riley goes out the following night with the rest of the gang to sweep the cemetery. Giles and Buffy research to find out how previous slayer's died. Unable to find any useful information, they realize that Spike killed two, and Buffy wants to know how.
At the Bronze, Buffy buys Spike food and beer so he will tell her the stories of how he killed Slayers. In London, 1880, William works on his poetry, but when it is read aloud, it is revealed that he was named "William the Bloody" because of his lack of poetic talent. He talks with a girl, Cecily, whom he loves from afar. She does not care for him, telling him he's beneath her, which leads William to run away. Drusilla tracks him down, and after some persuasion, she makes him a vampire.
Back in the present, Riley locates the vampire that staked Buffy in a crypt with quite a few of his vampire friends. Spike plays pool while continuing his stories of the past. In Yorkshire, 1880, the newly named Spike battles with Angelus after causing trouble for his vampire family. Spike is hardly disturbed by Angelus's threats, as he entirely enjoys the chaos he's caused, not caring about the effect it had on Angelus and his clan.
During the Boxer Rebellion in China, 1900, Spike fought with a Chinese Slayer and after a long battle, he kills her. While Spike and Drusilla revel in the kill of the Slayer and the taste of her blood, Angelus is less than excited. Spike talks proudly about his kill, explaining to Buffy that while a Slayer must reach for her weapon, a vampire is already armed. Riley goes to the crypt alone and after staking the vampire that hurt Buffy, before blowing up the rest with a grenade.
Spike continues his lessons with Buffy and tells the story of how he killed the second Slayer in New York, 1977. On a subway train, Spike and the Slayer battle until finally, he snaps her neck. Spike reveals to Buffy that every Slayer wants to experience death, after causing so much of it. Spike tries kiss her, but she pushes him away, telling him he's beneath her. Furious that Buffy was able to get under his skin and turned him down so brutally, Spike returns to his crypt and arms himself with a riffle. He explains to Harmony that his temporary pain will be well worth the Slayer's death.
In South America, 1998, Spike's obsession and alliance with the Slayer, keeps Drusilla at a distance. Buffy finds her mother packing and finds out that her mother is going into the hospital. Upset about her mother, Buffy sits on her back porch, where Spike finds her. The site of her crying alters his plans to kill her. Instead, he just sits beside her and tries to comfort her.
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Last Updated: 11-7-00