"A New World"
Written by: Jeffrey Bell
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Gunn: Couple of weeks ago he was wearing diapers. Now he's a teenager?
Cordy: Tell me we don't live in a soap opera.
Gunn: We got it, man.
Groo: We will not fail - man.
Groo: Is it dangerous? Gunn and I can protect you.
Lorne: Well, no. It's not dangerous, it's just awkward. This guy is all hands. I mean, *all* hands, like fifty of them. Anybody fluid in sign language?
Lilah: I would have called, but I figured you'd only tell me to go to hell, so, I thought I'd just take a shot and drop by. - Aren't you going to invite you in?
Wesley: No.
Lilah: Okay.
Lilah: You know, I always forget - the very bottom of hell, in the ninth circle, the devil is frozen in ice, right? He got three heads, three mouths and those mouths are reserved for the worst sinners. Now, I can't remember - who is in the center mouth? Wh-what was his name? The one person in all of human history deemed the greatest sinner? Who is it?
Wesley: Judas Iscariot.
Lilah: Right. The worst spot in hell is reserved for those who betray.
Tyke: An entire suit made of Chamois. That's different. 'What are you wearing to the Oscars?' 'My Chamois suit.' - What's all this?
Cordy: Isn't your neck stiff? You've been standing exactly like that all day.
Groo: Pylean warriors are trained for such endurance. I once happened upon a herd of Bur-beasts and as you know, engorged Bur-beasts will couple with anything that moves. I was forced to stand perfectly still for eleven days and nights.
Cordy: So, you were never...
Groo: No. That honor was yours, princess.
Sunny: Lots of folks squat here. Most are cool, but... If a fat guy, wearing furry slippers asks you to play 'teddy bear in the hole' just tell him to get lost.
Fred: Connor is new to this world, alone, probably scared.
Gunn: Yeah, he looked scared, kicking my ass.
Lorne: There, you see what I mean? It's been like that all day! One of the nasty side effects of specializing in dimensional magic. What I wouldn't do for a lasso and some crazy glue.
Angel: Okay. - Steven. - It's a good name. - Not Irish, but...
Lorne: Should we leave, or get behind something?
Meerna: Nah. It's pretty routine. Just sometimes I get a little 'schmutz' in my eye.
Holtz: Hello, son.
Connor: Hi, Dad.

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