"That Old Gang Of Mine"
Written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Angel: That night still haunts me. I'm ashamed of how I treated you. The way I used you. I took - what I needed, then I cast you aside and that - that was wrong of me. Was very wrong.
Merle: He's reading!
Angel: I made some notes.
Merle: I don't feel the sincerity here.
Angel: I told you this was a waste of time.
Merle: Real friends don't need notes.
Angel: She's been back in this world for three months and she still hasn't gone out into it.
Cordy: Right. And it's not like the last time she went out into it she got sucked into an interdimensional portal and ended up living like a hunted animal in a hostile demon alterna-world or anything. Oh, wait. Kinda is, isn't it?
Angel: You don't like her?
Cordy: Sure I like her. What's not to like? (looks at Fred) She's sweet and adorable and - seems to be laughing at something that shrub just said.
Angel: What's this?
Cordy: Enemies of Merle list.
Angel: Hey. - Why is my *name* at the top of this list?
Cordy: Ah - 'a'?
Angel: Merle and I were not enemies.
Cordy: Oh, okay, my mistake.
Angel: I'm the one that found the body, remember?
Cordy: Oh. And *that's* not suspicious. The one time you pay Merle a social visit and he ends up - dead?
Angel: You know, ask yourself this: if I'd killed Merle would I've - brought donuts?
Gunn: So we find this demon killing machine. What then? We gonna stop it? Or thank it?
Fred: No one would even bother to look at me twice with you around!
Cordy: Exactly. - Ah. No. - Now, that's just not true! People *will* notice you!
Fred: They will?
Cordy: Yes! And you know why? - Because you'll be standing on a stage in the white-hot spotlight.
Fred: I will?
Fred (singing): Crazy. I'm crazy for feeling so lonely. I'm crazy...
Cordy: I swear to god she picked out the song herself.
Gunn: You can't do that, man. I can't let you. - You lost the mission, bro.
Rondell: What?!
Gunn: What you been doing, man, this ain't right. None of this is right! This is not what we're about.
Angel: Here. I want you to go this address.
Cordy: What is it?
Angel: Transuding furies.
Cordy: Gesundheit.
Wesley: This is madness. Angel has a soul.
Gio: He's a vampire.
Wesley: With a soul!
Gio: Whatever. - You think that makes him the same as us?
Wesley: No. Better. Better than you, anyway. When he did his pleasure killing he had no soul. You can make no such claim.
Furies: Mmm, Angel.
Gunn: You don't know anything. You think I won't kill him because he's my friend? That ain't why. Truth is, he can never be my friend. It's on account of what he is. Not his fault, really. Just the way it worked out.
Furies: Only Angel is equipped to make good on this debt.
Cordy: Angel. I don't know. For a guy, who's a couple of centuries old - not very big with the wise investing. And when you say 'equipped' that isn't what you mean, is it?
Furies: Mmm, Angel.
Cordy: Got it. And 'eww!'
Fred: Although I thought I might just shoot you in the throat instead. Now, if I pierce one of your carotid arteries, considering the temperature in here, 'cause I think somebody shot the thermostat, the blood loss is gonna be heavy. And there's a chance I'll puncture a vocal cord and you won't even be able to scream. But you'll want to when the blood loss to your brain results in a cerebral vascular event. - That's a stroke. I wasn't trying to sound snooty.
Wesley: It's never easy - the pull of divided loyalties. - Whatever choice we do end up making we feel as though we've betrayed someone.
Gunn: Yeah.
Wesley: If you ever withhold information or attempt to subvert me again, I will fire you. - I can't have any one member of the team compromising the safety of the group, no matter who it is. If you do it again you will be dismissed, bag and baggage, out of a job onto the streets.
Gunn: So, now you're gonna get on me about all those things I said to you in there.
Angel: No.
Gunn: You understand I had to stall. Just had to keep it going.
Angel: Yeah. I get that.
Gunn: Doesn't mean I *meant* any of it.
Angel: No, you meant all of it, but that's okay.
Gunn: I can't help the way I feel, man. That's just the way it is. - Doesn't mean I don't wanna work with you. Doesn't even mean that I don't like you. - Maybe some day, I don't know.
Angel: I don't know either. - But I got time.
Gunn: No matter what else, I think I proved that you can trust me when I could have killed you and I didn't.
Angel: No. - You'll prove that I can trust you when day comes that you *have* to kill me - and you do.

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