Written by: David Greenwalt
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Cordelia: I can understand people who drink too much. I understand people who put a little note on the parking meter that says it's broken when it's not. I don't understand people who worship demons.
Gunn: Yeah. Especially Lu-rite demons. The stink on that thing... If you're a prince of the underworld, bro, take a Jacuzzi every once in a while.
Wesley: It's sad. The only way some people can find a purpose in life is by becoming obsessed with demons. By the way, Gunn, technically that wasn't a Lu-rite. It was a Mu-rite, a sub-species of the Lu-rite. The male sports a small, tell-tale fin just behind the third shoulder.
Gunn: So glad to know we're not the sad people obsessed with demons.
Gunn: True. I mean, who has time for love when you're out there doing it with the demons? Didn't that come out sad and wrong?
Cordelia: Well, the point is, you worked on things. It wasn't like a holiday, where you come back home to your friends, you know, with some small mementos of your trip...
Angel: Fishing for gifts?
Cordelia: Yes!
Cordelia: Oh! Oh, my gosh, it's gorgeous! And look how it brings out my breasts! You know you were all thinking it! Thanks.
Wesley: Uh! Sixteenth century! Angel! Murshan Dynasty? I've always wanted one of these! I didn't think you... Oh, I can't wait to kill something with this! Any visions brewing?
Gunn: Thanks for the head, bro.
Fred: It's just a smidge of vampire in you as far as I'm concerned, but the universe has rules. I'm a great believer in rules, and theorems, formulas...
Angel: I get that.
Fred: Aphorisms leave me a little dry.
Angel: Listen, listen, listen... What are you listening for?
Fred: The click. - When it all comes together and makes sense. There's like a click in your brain and then you understand things again.
Angel: Oh. What happens if you run out of wall space before you get the click?
Fred: I don't know.
Bobby: Please.
Elisabeth: Hmm?
Bobby: Please don't hurt her.
Elisabeth: You love her? You'd do anything for her. What if - we just kill her and let you go? Hmm? Come on now. Life's about making choices. - You or her, what's it gonna be?
Bobby: Her. - Take her. God, I...
Elisabeth: You know neither poetry nor love, Angelus.
Darla: He knows other things. Marvelously vile and ripping things. Didn't we eat a poet in Madrid?
Angelus: Troubadour.
James: I say we stay and fight the bastard.
Angelus: Yeah, but you're an idiot.
James: Elisabeth, you and Darla get to the ship, we'll join you there. Let's give them a rout, what do you say Angelus?
Angelus: I'd say you're an idiot, but I'd just be repeating myself.
Holtz: There are worse things than death, Angelus. I can keep you alive for months, years, if I have a mind to. Now. You *are* going to tell me where she is.
Angelus: Lord, yes, I'm gonna tell you. Who's arguing? I don't want to suffer needlessly. She's with his lass.
Angel: Where's my hurling ax? This is all different!
Cordelia: I moved some things to the cellar while you where gone. They were dust catchers!
Fred: Angel? - I thought I heard company. I came out of my room. Small steps - like you said.
Angel: Go back to your room and stay there!
Fred: Okay then.
Angel: Sh! He seems to have become...
Cordelia: ...invincible?
Angel: Let's not exaggerate.
Cordelia: The ring of Amara, when you had that you were invincible. Does he have a ring?
Angel: No.
Cordelia: Hmm. - Did the Amara people make cufflinks or belt buckles?
Angel: There was only one.
Cordelia: And you had to smash it!
Angel: Why don't we recriminate later, okay?
James: But if you've changed. If you aren't the same man who screwed Darla and couldn't care less what happened to her...
Angel: Where did you hear... Oh. You mean back in the day. Right.
James: Lucky me. Now I can kill the woman you love.
Angel: No, you can't.
James: Are you forgetting who's the invincible one here?
Angel: The woman I love - is dead.
James: Who are you talking about?
Cordelia: It happened about three months ago. We try not to say her name too much.
Cordelia: And how about you?
Angel: I'm o...
Cordelia: And don't say 'okay.' Angel, please. I know you. Ever since you've come back from your grief trip I can tell that something's not right. And, and *obviously* it's not. - Buffy's - dead, and I don't mean to diminish that. I miss her too. - I just wanna say - I know that James with all his Romeo and Juliet madness, opened up a lot of wounds for you, but you'll be okay.
Angel: I am okay.
Cordelia: Then - what's the problem?
Angel: That I'm okay. That losing Buffy didn't kill me. That I could deal with it. - In all those years - no one ever mattered. Not like she did. - And now she's gone - forever.
Cordelia: And you're still here.
Angel: Yeah. I just feel like I'm betraying her somehow.
Cordelia: No! If you were a loser, if you were some sick obsessed vampire, you'd go to a Snod demon, or whatever, and get your heart cut out. But you're not! You're a living, breathing... Well, living, anyway - good guy, whose still fighting and trying to help people, and that's not betraying her, that's honoring her.

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