"Through the Looking Glass"
Written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: AnGeL X
Angel: You're... safe.
Cordelia: L'il bit. They made me ruler.
Cordelia: Well, it's not like my throne couldn't use a few extra cushions, but I'm not really gonna complain because, well... throne.
Constable: Shall we gut the cows now, that you might dine on their ignoble flesh, oh Most High?
Cordelia: You're most high if you think that's gonna happen.
Cordelia: Off with their heads! (pause) Kidding.
Cordelia: You're going to make me use my important voice, aren't you?
Angel: What happened?
Cordelia: What's it look like? They jabbed me with hot pokers for a while,
then made me a princess.
Wesley: But it doesn't make sense, does it? In a world where humans are chattel and slaves... why would they elevate one to monarch?
Host: You had a vision, didn'tcha, puddin'?
Cordelia: Uh, yeah. And can I just say - visions not getting any easier. I'm still kinda vibrating. Though that could be from the hot pokers.
Angel: A prophecy. Great. Because those always go well...
Gunn: (laughing) She's the messiah?
Cordelia: It could happen!
Angel: (re: his hair) This is because of going through the portal, right?
Cordelia: No. It always looks like that.
Angel: No, I mean why didn't anyone tell me about this?
Cordelia: You look good.
Angel: You're not just saying that?
Host: You want me to talk to my family? On purpose?
Host: Come on, gorgeous. You can stare at yourself in my grandmother's glass eye. Oh, and while we're here, it's just "Lorne," okay? To the people of Pylea, a "host" is just one more thing to lay your eggs in.
Host's Mother: You have shamed our clan and betrayed our kind.
Host: Thanks... mom.
Angel: (mouthing) Mom?
Host's Mother: Each morning before I feed, I go out into the hills where the ground is thorny and parched, beat my breast and curse the loins that gave birth to such a cretinous boy-child!
Host: My mother.
Host's Mother: Your father was right. We ate the wrong son.
Host's Mother: Numfar, do the Dance Of Joy!
Host's Mother: No longer do the Dance Of Joy, Numfar!
Cordelia: Starting to bore the princess.
Wesley: Though I do seem to be finding references to the cursed one.
Cordelia: Really? There's stuff about messiah me?
Cordelia: What does that mean?
Wesley: I've no idea...
Gunn: Sounds dirty if you ask me.
Cordelia: Nobody did.
Gunn: Wolf... Ram...
Wesley: ...and Hart. I'm not sure the priests can be trusted...
Host: They're not the only ones. Nice to be seen as a hero without all the pesky little moral ambiguities you get back home, isn't it?
Angel: Yeah. Maybe it is, a little.
Silas: The Com-Shuk is the Mating Ritual.
Gunn: Told ya'll it was dirty.
Cordelia: Yes, exactly. The Mating Ritual. Which is... great. It's been a long time since I've had a good... Com-Shuk.
Angel: We're gonna back up, nice and slow... and these good folks are gonna... probably gonna kill us--
Host: Stop! In the name of love!
Host: Stop! In the name of Love! Before you break my heart! Think it oh-oh-... oh, shi--!
Cordelia: What is it about me, anyway? Do I put out some kind of Com-Shuk-me vibe? You'd tell me, right?
Gunn: You really think you'd be able to get your booty out the front door?
Cordelia: Hey!
Gunn: (re: Cordy's loot) That booty.
Angel: So, you don't want to talk to me?
Fred: Uh, Yeah.
Angel: Why won't you?
Fred: Uh. Because. You're not real. Or I'm not real... Somebody here isn't real and I suspect it's you. So if you're not real, then that means my head came off back there and then I'm dead now. Dead. And with me being dead and you not being real I can hardly be expected to have some big conversation at the moment because it's just a little too much pressure, alright?!
Angel: Oh, Cordy! No, she's fine. They made her a princess.
Fred: They... Really? Oh. When I got here they, they... didn't do that. Well, that's... nice for her.
Fred: Bad things always happen here...
Groosalugg: The strange curve of my mouth... the odd bulging of my limbs... the heart beating in the wrong place...
Cordelia: (gulp)
Groosalugg: As I matured and these defects became more apparent, The Covenant soon determined there could be no mistake -- there was cow's blood in my veins.
Cordelia: So? Heck, I'm all cow! Er, human.
Cordelia: Are you okay?
Host: Not as good as you, obviously... Should I call them back? You could borrow the cuffs.
Gunn: I swear we've been past this same clump of trees twice already.
Wesley: Nonsense. I've been following the sun. We're headed due west, back toward the village.
Gunn: Which one?
Wesley: Which village?
Gunn: Which sun. There're two of 'em.
Cordelia: The visions? Oh, yeah. I've got visions coming out of my ears. Sometimes a little blood, too. But that doesn't make me a princess. That just makes me... kinda weird.
Groosalugg: I don't understand...
Cordelia: Where I come from... who I really am... is so far from being a princess you have no idea. I'm an actress.
Groosalugg: I do not know this word.
Cordelia: Actress. It means... when I'm lucky enough to get a gig... that other people tell me what to do, where to stand, how to move, what to say--
Groosalugg: Oh, I see. You were a concubine in your village.
Cordelia: Felt like one, sometimes. Last job I had, you shoulda seen the horrible thing they made me wear. This tiny, skimpy, exploitative... (looking down) Nothing like this.
Groosalugg: Have they no eyes in this village?
Rebel Group Member: I know how we send a message to the princess. We storm the palace.
Rebel Leader: It'd be suicide. Our entire number would be wiped out in minutes.
Rebel Group Member: Yeah, but it'd be a message.
Wesley: Now, if your organization would just draw up some sort of list of demands, we'll be more than happy to present it directly to her Majesty!
Rebel Leader: Let's do it. Have Sasha write up a list of demands...
Wesley: There, you see?
Rebel Leader: ...shove the list in their mouths, put their severed heads on sticks, and display them outside the princess's window.
Gunn: Have I mentioned just how glad I am I decided to leave my people behind in L.A. so I could come here to die?
Angel: They saw it... they looked right at it.
Fred: Saw what?
Angel: The monster. They saw what I really am. I can't go back. Not now. I can never go back...
Fred: That's okay... You could stay... here.
Cordelia: And this one will free the slaves and outlaw polyester. I know it hasn't actually been invented here yet, but I'm a forward thinking monarch.
Cordelia: Hey! Who's wearin' the tiara around here, pal?

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