Written by: Shawn Ryan
Quote List compiled by: AnGeL X
Cordelia: Wanna try some of my sashimi?
Gunn: That's the raw fish? Maybe when hell freezes over.
Cordelia: I feel a little guilty.
Angel: Don't. Nineteen dollars for a sashimi couscous appetizer is money well spent. This is your night. How is it anyway, pretty good? It oughtta be pretty good...
Cordelia: It's delicious, but that's not what I feel guilty about.
Angel: Isn't this interesting.
Woman: My... my shawl?
Angel: No, your Brahanian Battle Shroud woven from the skin of dead children. You think I don't know a Voctar Witch when I see one?! You think I can't read the markings... Huh, they look a little different up close...
Cordelia: It's a beautiful shawl, M'am... A beautiful thousand dollar Laura Mina original. My friend just loves beautiful things... so much he can't control himself because... he's from France. We're so sorry.
Gunn: If we had the flame thrower I could set the table on fire, draw a little more attention to us.
Gunn: What is it, what do you see?
Cordelia: Moo...
Wesley: Moo? Some kind of cow-monster?
Cordelia: Move! I think the sashimi's coming up.
Angel: They'll take that off the bill, right?
Angel: You want me to rip that guy's head off for you? 'Cause I could, you know. Really. I mean, actually rip his head right off his body. I can do that.
Cordelia: Are you trying to ruin my career? Is it, like, a conscious effort on your part?
Wesley: What about the Haklar?
Gunn: Angel gets a lock on its crib, page me.
Angel: The Haklar's living on the north shore of Lake Hollywood. We better hurry. They got a 5K race starting there in half an hour.
Wesley: Consider yourself paged.
Angel: When was the last time Cordy took crap from any of us?
Gunn: Never and the day after never.
Angel: Exactly, He's also got her wearing this flimsy swimsuit that covers... like... nothing.
(pause for thought)
Wesley: Appalling.
Gunn: Disgusting.
Angel: Right.
Angel: Look, I just want to say... if I was out of line today...
Cordelia: If you were out of line? If? You're comfortable with your use of the word "if" here, are you?
Angel: I'm sorry I embarrassed you.
Cordelia: Who am I kidding? I embarrassed myself.
Cordelia: And how was the big fight? All big and fighty?
Wesley: We managed to kill the Haklar just as it was about to devour a group of power walkers.
Angel: It was horrible.
Cordelia: I know. I saw it up close in my stupid vision, remember?
Angel: Not the Haklar. The Power Walkers. I mean, walking I get. But power walking? Why not just run for a shorter time? Weird. Plus one of them hit him.
Cordelia: A Power Walker did that?
Wesley: Apparently she felt I disrespected the Haklar's culture by killing it.
Cordelia: This town sucks.
Host: What's with her?
Wesley: Food poisoning.
Angel: Or possibly a vision.
Host: How come every time you and me hit the big city, we end up in a library? Snoresville. Next time, why don't we do something fun?
Angel: Like what?
Host: Elton's in town next month. What do you say? You, me, back row seats?
Angel: I don't do big and crowded.
Host: Mr. Elton John hits the first few keys of "Yellow Brick Road", I defy you not to feel like the only other person in the room.
Librarian: Well, the kids will flip over your costume. It looks so authentic.
Host: Thank you.
Librarian: Except for the horns. But those are probably hard to fake.
Host: If you only knew.
Host: This reading room -- to die for. Raked stage, rocking chair, fabulous colors. I'm tempted to show up tomorrow morning with Harry Potter.
Angel: You don't mind, we're working here. You know, on that thing you wanted us working on.
Host: I really liked that circular search pattern thing you pitched. Has there been any talk of going back to that?
Cordelia: "Krv Drpglr pwlz chkwrt strplmt dwghzn prqlrzn lffrmtplzt." Yeah, Pat, I think I'd like to buy a vowel.
Host: Landok? Is that you?
Angel: You know him?
Host: Just because I know his name doesn't mean you can't knock him unconscious. Please, continue.
Landok: Can it really be you? Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan?
Host: It's clearly rabid. Do your thing, Angel.
Host: Yes, Lorne. If you must. Though I generally don't go by that, because well--Green.
Cordelia: Huh?
Angel: Right. Lorne Greene. (off looks) Come on. "Bonanza?" 15 years on the air not meaning anything here? Okay, now I feel old.
Host: Long story, boring ending, you really wouldn't be interested.
Landok: It was hoped that you had sought atonement by forfeiting your life in the Sacrificial Canyons of Trelinsk.
Landok: Your mother's burden is terrible.
Host: Misses her little green boo, does she?
Landok: She rips your images into tiny pieces, feeds them to the swine, butchers the pigs and has their remains scattered to the dogs.
Host: Sounds like ma.
Host: The nice people don't want to hear about our little family issues.
Cordelia: Sure we do!
Wesley: Yes! Let's hear about the cowardice and shame!
Landok: Then killing the Drokken will be most difficult. It is impervious to most wounds.
Angel: What if we chopped its head off?
Wesley: Or ran it through with a sword?
Angel: Or electrocuted him with, like a 50,000 volt charge?
Cordelia: Yeah, we've had a lot of luck with those things in the past.
Host: Everyone on board. Guilt trip leaving the station.
Host: Talk about screwed up values. A world of only good and evil... black and white, no gray? No music, no art, just champions roaming the countryside fighting for justice? Bor-ing. Got a problem? Solve it with asword. No one admits to everhaving actual feelings and emotions, let alone talks about them Can you imagine living in a place like that?
Angel: Not really.
Landok: Enough of your words!
Host: Patience not really a virtue with my people.
Landok: My sword!
Host: Hello... martyr complex. You can't even lift your arm, for cryin' out loud.
Angel: Hey, you want food, I can be food. Pretty tasty here. C'mon, where are you? Here, kitty, kitty.
Landok: To defeat the Drokken, you must be a great and noble warrior.
Angel: Well... you know... I try.
Host: Tell my mother that I... Tell her I threw myself into the Sacrificial Canyons of Trelinsk.
Landok: I feel we will meet again some day.
Host: Oh, God, I hope not.
Cordelia: Oh crap.

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