Episode written by: Tim Minear and Joss Whedon
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Wesley: Bitch. Not you, obviously.
Wesley: I can't tell you how sorry I am that I allowed this to happen.
Cordelia: I believe it was Faith who allowed her elbow to collide with my face.
Wesley: At least you only got the elbow.
Cordelia: Well, if it's any consolation, it looks like you were tortured by a much larger woman.
Angel: Donuts?
Wesley: Developed a sweet fang, have you?
Wesley: Won't she find it difficult enjoying delicious jelly-filled donuts if she is, one assumes, bound and gagged?
Wesley: Yes, you are right. The police would be ill-equipped to hold a Slayer against her will. I understand why you chose not to turn her over to them. I do not, however, understand why the woman who brutally tortured me last night, this morning, gets pastries.
Angel: It wasn't too long ago that you were the one making a case for her rehabilitation.
Wesley: It wasn't too long ago I had full feeling in my right arm!
Angel: He'll come around.
Cordelia: Wesley? Sure. People always get a little funny right after they've been sadistically tortured. Well, you'd know.
Cordelia: I need you to sign these.
Angel: You understand why we have to help Faith, don't you?
Cordelia: Totally. And here.
Angel: We can't just arbitrarily decide whose soul is worth saving and whose isn't.
Cordelia: Oh, I know. And this one. Thanks!
Angel: Those were all made out to you.
Cordelia: Yeah!
Angel: Paid vacation.
Cordelia: Like I'm gonna stick around here while a psycho case is roaming loose downstairs with 3 tons of medieval weaponry? Not! Oh, and I'm thinking -- sugar high? Maybe not a good idea.
Kendrick: Kate. What are you doing here?
Kate: I'm a detective, Kendrick. See? I'm detecting.
Kendrick: This girl supposedly has supernatural powers.
Kate: Really.
Kendrick: Come on, Kate. Everybody knows you've gone all Scully. Anytime one of these weird cases crosses anyone's desk, you're always there. What's goin' on with you?
Kate: Scully's the skeptic.
Kendrick: Huh?
Kate: Mulder's the believer; Scully's the skeptic.
Kendrick: Scully's the chick, right?
Angel: You should be resting.
Faith: I've been asleep for eight months. You rest.
Lindsey: Is he dead?
Lilah: Well, he is a vampire, so technically yes, he is dead. But not by her hand. She is his house guest.
Lindsey: What?
Lilah: That's right. The reason our little assassin hasn't made good on her contract is because she's rooming with the mark.
Lindsey: We hired her to kill him.
Lilah: I believe I covered that with the assassin part.
Angel: You go out that door, you'll be running for the rest of your life. My bet is, it'd be a pretty short run.
Collins: So, Los Angeles.
Wesley: California.
Collins: Who would have predicted this is where you'd end up.
Wesley: Well, it seemed as good a place as any to re-evaluate my situation after being asked to resign my position with the Council. And the weather...I find it...dry.
Weatherby: Wouldn't cough up a dosh for the airfare home, would they?
Wesley: No. They wouldn't.
Smithee: All those alchemists on the board of directors, and they still make us fly coach. Miserly bastards.
Collins: That was a nasty business back in Sunnydale. But nobody blames you.
Wesley: Really? Because I rather got the impression they did, when they sacked me.
Wesley: Why come to me? You know where she is. Why not take her yourselves? You three are the best -- the Council's elite...she cleaned your clocks, didn't she?
Faith: So, how does this work?
Angel: There's no real simple answer to that. I won't lie to you and tell you it'll be easy. Because it won't be. Just because you've decided to change doesn't mean the world's ready for you to. Truth is, no matter how much you suffer, no matter how many good deeds you do to try to make up for the past, you may never balance out the cosmic scale. The only thing I can promise you is that you'll probably be haunted, and maybe for the rest of your life.
Faith: (indicating microwave) So, how does this work?
Faith: Are you saying I gotta apologize?
Angel: Think you can?
Faith: I dunno. How do you say "Gee, I'm really sorry I tortured you nearly to death"?
Faith: I gotta be the first Slayer in history to be sponsored by a vampire.
Angel: Yeah, well I got some experience in that area, too.
Faith: God, B. How'm I ever gonna make things right with her?
Angel: Faith, this isn't about Buffy.
Faith: All my life, there was only one person who tried to be my friend. Went out of their way when I had no right or reason to expect her to, and...I screwed her. Not to mention her boyfriend. Only him literally.
Angel: Faith, you and I never...
Faith: No, not you. The new one. (pause) Oh my God. Angel, I'm so sorry.
Angel: No, there. You can say it. That's good.
Lindsey: Here's the target.
Lee: (mumbling through wired jaw) Don't let the picture fool you. She's tougher than she looks.
Lindsey: We're not talking about anything elaborate. No slow or painful death.
Lee: Well, some pain would be good.
Lindsey: The point is, we want her dead.
Lee: Yes, dead. A lot.
Lilah: This is strictly a handshake deal.
Lindsey: Not that it's necessary for you to have hands in order for us to do business with you.
Lilah: That was species-ist of me, I apologize.
Collins: We have no quarrel with the vampire.
Weatherby: Unless you count that he *is* a vampire...
Angel: Everything okay in there?
Faith: It was touch and go for those four minutes you left me alone, but somehow I got through it.
Angel: It's not what you think.
Buffy: You actually think I could form a thought right now?
Buffy: Giles heard that...that she tried to kill you.
Angel: That's true.
Buffy: So you decided to punish her with a severe cuddling.
Angel: Is that why you're here? To punish her?
Buffy: I was worried about you.
Faith: Buffy. I'm so--
Buffy: You apologize to me, I will beat you to death.
Lee: Well?
Lilah: Strike two.
Lee: This is getting ridiculous. The first assassin kills the second assassin -- sent to kill the first assassin, who didn't assassinate anyone until we hired the second assassin to assassinate her.
Angel: She's not gonna run, Buffy.
Buffy: Why would she, when she has her brave knight to protect her? Got you. Did she cry? Pouty lips? Heaving bosom?
Buffy: You hit me.
Angel: Not to go all schoolyard on you, but you hit me first. In case you've forgotten, you're a little bit stronger than I am.
Buffy: She's playing you. She tried to kill you.
Angel: That was just. . . That was just a cry for help.
Buffy: A cry for help is when you say "Help" in a loud voice.
Angel: I know Faith did some bad things to you.
Buffy: You can't possibly know.
Angel: You can't possibly know what she's going through.
Buffy: But of course you do. I'm sorry. I can't be in your club. I've never murdered anyone.
Wesley: We need a plan. Buffy can protect Faith.
Angel: I'm not sure that's her agenda.
Wesley: Angel, it wasn't for her. It's because I trust you. Well, more than three gun-toting maniacs at any rate.
Lindsey: While it is true we do differ on a great many issues, we do have one thing in common.
Kate: Uh, our bodies are both 80 percent water?
Buffy: You're not gonna run, Faith.
Faith: Whaddya wanna do? Throw me off the roof? Again?
Faith: Angel said there was no way you were gonna give me a chance.
Buffy: I gave you every chance. I tried so hard to help you. And you spat on me. My life was just something for you to play with. Angel. Riley. Anything that you could take from me, you took. I've lost battles before. But nobody else has *ever* made me a victim.
Faith: And you can't stand that. You're all about control. You have no idea what it's like on the other side. Nothing's in control. Nothing makes sense. There's just pain and hate and nothing you do means anything.
Kate: I think you're gonna like the cell we have for you, Angel. It faces east. Give you a great view of the sunrise in about four hours.
Buffy: You know what he is?
Kate: Who are you?
Angel: She's nobody.
Faith: I'd like to make a confession.
Buffy: Do you have any idea what it was like for me to see you with her? That you went behind my back...
Angel: Buffy, this wasn't about you. This was about saving somebody's soul. That's what I do here, and you're not a part of it. That was your idea, remember? We stay away from each other.
Buffy: I came here because you were in danger.
Angel: I'm in danger every day. You came here because of Faith. You were looking for vengeance.
Buffy: I have a right to it.
Angel: Not in my city.
Buffy: I have someone in my life now. That I love. It's not what you and I had. It's very new. You know what makes it new? I trust him. I know him.
Angel: That's great. It's nice. You moved on. I can't. You found someone new. I'm not allowed to, remember? I see you again, it cuts me up inside. And the person I share that with is me. You don't know me anymore, so don't come down here with your great new life and expect me to do things your way. Go home.
Buffy: See? Faith wins again.
Angel: Go.
Angel: For a taciturn shadowy guy, I have a big mouth.
Wesley: Do you want to go after her?
Angel: Yes.
Wesley: I don't know how much my opinion counts for, but I think you did the right thing.
Angel: Yelling at Buffy?
Wesley: No. The other thing.
Angel: I didn't do it. Faith did.
Wesley: Perhaps she's strong enough to make it. Peace is not an easy thing to find.
Angel: She has a chance.

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