Written by: Howard Gordon and Tim Minear
Directed By: Tucker Gates

Cordelia proposes the idea of a commercial to advertise their services, but Angel isn't interested. She then tries to get Doyle to act in the commercial. Doyle nervously works his way through saying his lines. After one failed attempt, Doyle goes to talk to Angel and finds that he's still upset over Buffy. Angel tells Doyle about the day that was erased to everyone but himself and then says that he's worried about the End of Days that is going to take place soon.
Doyle talks to Cordelia about secrets and then he has a vision about a bunch of demons. Outside that night, two demons run away and hide as a large army of unknown creatures walks the streets. Angel and Doyle check out the place that Doyle saw in his vision and find a large group of demons hidden under the floor. Doyle tells Angel about a time many years ago when another demon comes to Doyle for help. Doyle has his first vision then, and when he goes to the place he sees in his vision, he finds a bunch of Bracken demons like himself, dead. He reveals that the Scourge is a virtually invincible group of purebred demons out to kill any half-breeds.
Cordelia arrives to help them transfer the demons out of the country so they can hide from the Scourge. Angel uses his threatening ways to make sure the demons will be taken by boat and nothing will stop them from getting to their destination. A young Lister demon, Reef runs away just before they are to leave and Doyle goes to find him. Doyle manages to convince him to go back and as they're reaching the building the Scourge comes down the street. Doyle and Reef hide as the Scourge look everywhere, breaking windows and setting fire to cars in the process. Doyle runs out to distract them and ends up meeting up with Angel. When confronting the leader of the Scourge, Angel pretends to snap Doyle's neck and then asks to join them.
Reef finds Doyle and sees that he's alive. Doyle just snaps his neck back in place and reveals that he's stronger in demon form. After getting everyone onto the ship safely, Cordelia makes them wait for Reef, Doyle and Angel to arrive. While talking to one of the Lister demons, Cordelia discovers that Doyle is half-demon. Meanwhile, Angel stands among the demons, listening to their plan to eliminate anything with human blood. Using a large light that will do just that--kill anything with human blood, they demonstrate its power on a human man.
When Doyle finally arrives, Cordelia tells him they were worried, and then slaps him for not telling her he was half-demon. He starts to ask her out to dinner, but Angel shows up, closely followed by the Scourge. Angel tries to fight them all alone, and when he starts to fight their leader, the fight gets taken inside of the ship. Meanwhile, the other Scourge demons are lowering the light into the ship. Angel kills their leader, but the Lister demons are trapped inside and the light is going to detonate and kill them all. The only way to stop it is by disconnecting the cable, but that also means death for whoever does it.
Doyle won't let Angel do it, and he knocks him off the platform and to the ground. Doyle kisses Cordelia, and a small purple haze travels from him to her, then he jumps out onto the light. The light burns him as he struggles to break the cable, but he finally does and then the light destroys him. In the end, Angel and Cordelia sit in the office and watch the commercial with Doyle in it.
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