"Peace Out"
Written by: David Fury
Directed by: Jefferson Kibbee

In the sewers, the fight between the Fang Gang and Connor and his military followers continues and the good guys are quickly overpowered. In the other world, Angel scares off the demons with the blue orb in his hand and proceeds towards a castle in the distance. Connor waves a sword about as he lectures the captives about their undesirable future. Connor prepares to kill Wesley, but Jasmine speaks through one of the soldiers and asks Connor to bring the others to her. Meanwhile, Angel climbs a very steep rock wall on his way to the castle at the top. Jasmine dismisses a group of her followers as Connor returns to the hotel with the captives. Wesley and the others are uncooperative, but try to gain information from her about the insect demons. Jasmine explains that she helped that world progress,
Jasmine sends Wesley and the others off to a confined room then assigns Connor the job of looking over the group while she feeds and builds her strength. Angel enters a temple and finds a high priest, who doubts Angel's ability to succeed in his mission. The priest realizes Angel's purpose to find Jasmine's real name and without having to explain himself, Angel grabs the priest and demands the answer he seeks. Connor locks the gang up in the basement cage that previously held Angelus. They all realize that Connor knows Jasmine's true appearance, but still doesn't care. Wesley questions Connor about Jasmine, but ultimately figures out the answer to his own question: that Jasmine eats people.
Angel strangles the priest, but finds the priest is merely the protector of the one who truly protects Jasmine's real name. The keeper is identified behind Angel as a large demon that will only say Jasmine's name if it's killed and the demon has it's mouth sewn shut. Jasmine talks with her followers as they disrobe, but Connor interrupts her discussion to ask her about Cordelia. Jasmine realizes Connor's doubts about Cordelia's whereabouts, but Connor continues to pry and she informs him that Cordelia is safe and not in another dimension. Angel fights with the demon while the priest distracts Angel with words. The priest informs Angel that he's already lost Cordelia, but Connor's the one he's fighting for and he's not going to win. Connor walks through the crowd of followers and isolates two guys that he senses moved Cordelia for Jasmine. He threatens violence to persuade them to tell him where Cordelia is.
The priest continues to taunt Angel with the fact that Connor wasn't meant to exist while Angel continues the fight. Angel moves out of the way as the demon strikes and sends the priest flying to be impaled on a spike in the wall. The gang talks about Cordelia and why Jasmine seems to be protecting her. Wesley suspects that Jasmine can't hurt Cordelia without in turn hurting herself, but that Cordelia may be the only one who can hurt Jasmine. Connor enters a church where he finds two police officers guarding the entrance. The officers refuse to let Connor through, but he throws the two of them through the boarded door and finds Cordelia resting on the church's altar inside. In her room, Jasmine "feeds" and restores herself to full strength.
Connor talks with a still comatose Cordelia about Jasmine, the new peaceful world and Angel's supposed need for violence. Connor confesses his knowledge of the truth about Jasmine and the fact that he's no longer able to keep up the act. The follower informs Jasmine that Connor forced him to tell Cordelia's whereabouts. Patience reminds Jasmine about her press conference and for the moment, Jasmine puts aside the issue of Connor's investigating and proceeds to her followers and the cameras in the lobby. Jasmine starts to take questions and she requests that everyone love each other and that they build her a giant temple. Downstairs, Gunn continues to kick at the door of the cage while the gang listens to the sound of cheering upstairs, signally the start of the press conference. Suddenly, in the middle of the crowd, a portal begins to open. Angel emerges from the portal with the head of the demon in his hand. Jasmine begs him not to, but Angel pulls out a knife, cuts the stitching on the demon's mouth and allow it to speak her name. People run for their lives as Jasmine's appearance switches between her beautiful self and the grotesque version, finally stopping on not-so-pleasant mix of the two.
As the cheering turns to screaming upstairs, the caged group begin to worry, but Gunn continues to kick at the door until finally, it snaps open and they're free. Jasmine walks through the streets as people around her run and yell, no longer her followers. Desperate, Jasmine reaches out to Connor with her mine. Later, Angel confronts Jasmine as she walks down the middle of a street. She explains that she would have saved this world, but Angel doesn't believe the benefits would have outweighed the consequences and tries to rationalize the need for their world to exist the way it used to. Still in possession of her strength, Jasmine sends Angel flying over the bridge into the front windshield of a car, then throws a car after him. Angel moves out of the way before the cars connect, then Jasmine flies down to take the job into her own hands. Angel electrocutes her with some fallen power lines, but they hardly have an impact. Jasmine and Angel struggle with each other and she pulls him in for a punishing kiss, just as Connor arrives to see them.
In the lobby, Wesley, Gunn, Lorne and Fred examine the damage and the complete lack of others around them. Finding the head of the demon on the ground, Wesley realizes there's big trouble and they need to find Cordelia and Angel and fast. On the way out the door though, they stop as something stunning greets them. Jasmine cozies up to Connor and asks him if he's still on her side. He says he is just before he punches his fist into the back of her head and through her face. Angel tries to reach out to Connor, but the teen is silent and walks off, emotionally broken. Angel returns to the hotel and is pleased to find that the others are alive. He explains how Jasmine died and recalls the scene, but the others have something bigger to tell him. Angel expresses his concern that Connor's attitude could lead to him doing something terrible. Lilah emerges from the office, congratulating Angel on ending world peace.
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