Written by: Jeffrey Bell, Sarah Fain & Elizabeth Craft
Directed by: Michael Grossman

The gang revels in the shock of Cordelia's very sudden pregnancy. She tries to explain what happened and why she kept it from them, but no one is quite sure how to take the news. Connor reveals that it's his child, but he walks off when the others don't show much support and question what's growing inside of Cordelia. Whatever kind of baby Cordy's carrying begins to visibly kick inside of her and she calmly tells them that they'll understand when the baby arrives. Gwen meets with a nervous man by a fountain for a trade. She gives him money in exchange for the information she needs for one of her thefts. After the exchange, they talk about his obvious appearance, but then a bolt of lightning strikes her from above and the man runs.
Wesley, Gunn, Lorne, and Fred talk about the Cordelia's pregnancy, Connor's demon qualities and their reaction to the news of the baby. Angel emerges from the office, having heard the whole conversation so far. He breaks the news that Lilah was already dead before Angelus got there and after apologizing to Wesley for his loss, tells the others that not only do they have to figure out about Cordy's pregnancy, but they have to find the Beast's Master and deal with it as well. He assigns Lorne to the job of looking for info with his contacts and has Fred and Wesley begin research on the baby. Gwen interrupts their planning and asks for Gunn to help her deal with a problem. Cordelia checks on Connor, who's sitting alone in a dark room. He questions why seemed to lie to him and told him to kill Angelus, but she explains that it was her instincts that lead her to the conclusion that Angelus was a threat. She continues to explain that she may ask him to do other things before the baby arrives, but there's a good reason for them all.
While he admires her collection of figurines from around the world, Gwen explains to Gunn her predicament: a young girl has been kidnapped as a result of a bad deal between companies and she needs help to rescue the girl. She shows him a blueprint of the compound where the girl, Lisa, is supposedly held and explains her plans of entering. The two later arrive by limo at the compound, dressed in formal wear for a dinner party. They make it through security, but as Gwen hands her invitation over, an alarm goes off. Security officials try to escort the couple off to the side and Gwen begins to remove her gloves, but Gunn has a better idea. Speaking in Japanese, Gunn introduces himself to the man in charge and the kidnapper, Takeshi Morimoto. Gunn creates a story of the past to try and provide himself and Gwen credibility then offers Mr. Morimoto a gift: a stone figurine he stole from Gwen's collection at her home. Before security can continue with their efforts, Mr. Morimoto invites the two to remain at the party.
Fred and Wesley research and talk about the strange relationship between Cordelia and Connor. Wesley explains how he understands the situation and Fred realizes he's talking about his relationship with Lilah. Gwen and Gunn walk around the party room and talk about their luck at getting in. She shows that she stole the figurine back and then they spot the girl guarded across the room. Gwen walks off to investigate, leaving Gunn to mingle with the crowd. Cordelia visits Angel in his room and questions whether he's figured anything out about the beast's master. He notes the actions that he knows the Beast's master was responsible for, not the Beast. Cordelia mocks Angel's idea that the Beast's Master could do such things as kill Lilah, but Angel's certain and believes the delusional creature that is the Beast's Master will eventually make a wrong move they can prey on.
Gwen finds Gunn at the party and informs them they have to act now because the girl is schedule to be killed that night. She explains that her plan is to create a distraction while he gets the young girl out. As she knocks a cart over, Gunn grabs the young girl and runs, but Gwen turns to a guard and points out Gunn's departure. In a back room, Gunn tries to reassure the young girl, but she just cowers away and then Gunn is knocked out by a guard. Gunn wakes up and begins to fight with several guards. After quickly and easily knocking them all out, he resumes his attempt to get the girl to safety. The little girl tells him that she's Mr. Morimoto's daughter, not kidnapped, and Gunn realizes that Gwen used him for her own private mission. He finds her breaking into a safe for a special military tool, L.I.S.A., and yells at her for taking advantage of him. Gwen explains that the tool is a prototype that regulates components of the body for the purpose of stealth. She convinces him to stay and help her finish, but once they have the item, they find themselves trapped by Morimoto and his men.
At the office, Angel tries to remember an ancient code from Lilah's book that may tell them something about the Master. Cordelia tries to disguise her displeasure that they could be getting crucial information about her and tries to spill coffee on the paper, but Angel's not-so-accurate memory of the text save her the trouble. Lorne returns with news that he has information on a ritual that can be performed to restore his empathic powers and that he has to go off on his own to do it. Meanwhile, Gwen is determined not to give up L.I.S.A., and looses control over her power, sending a constant electrical bolt through Mr. Morimoto and his men. Gunn knocks Gwen down and breaks the electric current, realizing that she wanted L.I.S.A. for herself to deal with her "shocking" power and they leave together. In an empty building, Lorne prepares the ritual to restore his empathic powers, while unknown to him, Cordelia watches from a hidden spot above.
At Gwen's place, Gunn and Gwen talk in the aftermath of their robbery then Gunn suggests they test out the tool to see if it actually works. Gwen lies down on her bed and exposes her back. Gunn carefully puts the tool on Gwen's back and it works into her system. As a test, he touches her back and finds that he's not electrocuted and she's been fixed. She's relieved and in the moment, the two kiss. Without much human contact in all her years and knowing that L.I.S.A. is only a prototype, Gwen's reluctant to let things continue, but Gunn convinces her otherwise and they continue to kiss. Lorne begins the ritual and starts to sing as Cordelia slowly descends some stairs and approaches with a raised knife. Before she can strike, the lights suddenly turn on, exposing Cordelia and Angel standing behind her. Cordy turns and finds Fred and Wesley are also there, both with guns pointed at her and Lorne refers to a magic eight ball to find out of Cordy's been bad.
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