Written by: David Fury & Steven S. Deknight
Directed by: James A. Contner

Local panic begins in the aftermath of the sun's blockage while Fred tries to continue research. The gang worries and struggles in research since Wesley left without a word and their only workable solution is a seemingly impossible return of Angelus. Angel sings to Lorne in his office to try and get something new on the situation with the Beast and Angel's strange loss of memory. Lorne doesn't pick up much and figures it's a buried memory of Angelus's. Elsewhere, a shaman works on a ritual while a struggle is heard outside the room. Wesley barges into the room and requests assistance in removing a soul. Without any new knowledge about defeating the beast, the gang gets restless and Connor takes his bitterness out verbally on Angel, blaming his dad for their Beast problems and his rotten teenage life.
Wesley arrives with the shaman, Wo-Pang, who can restore Angelus, as well as bring Angel back in the end. Wesley and Angel talk privately in Angel's office and despite Wesley's cautious explanation and knowledge of the risks, Angel refuses to allow Angelus to be brought back. Cordelia catches Angel out on the patio after he storms out and lets him know that she agrees with his decision. Her knowledge of Angelus makes her understand Angel's point of view, but her pep talk ultimately changes his mind on the situation. Angel goes back inside and instructs the others to build a cage so the ritual can be performed in safety. Once the cage is complete in the basement, Angel pauses to talk to Connor. He reminds Connor that Angelus is not his father and puts Connor in charge of killing Angelus should anything go sour.
The shaman prepares the container for Angel's soul while Angel is secured to a metal table. Angel is then locked in the cage with the shaman while Wesley, Connor, Cordy and Gunn watch from the safety of the exterior. The shaman begins the ritual, but at the last second, the shaman raises a blade and tries to kill Angel. Angel reacts quickly and the gang interfere before the shaman can destroy Angel. The man reveals that he's a follower of the Beast and stabs himself with his own dagger before any information can be discovered. Investigation of the dead body leads to the discovery that the man is covered in scripture about the Beast. Wesley reads about a special tool that could destroy the Beast, but can find no information on what it is or its whereabouts.
Cordy's eyes glow white as she gets a vision of the tool, the Sword of Bosh M'ad and where it can be found. Angel casually mentions Wesley's mistake with finding the shaman and it leads to an apology from Wesley. Angel's pleasantly surprised to receive Wesley's apology and the two seem to renew a part of their friendship. Cordelia leads the way through the sewers of LA until they find an entrance to an underground cave. It's booby trapped with leather straps and bells that if struck, send wooden stakes flying from the walls of the narrow passageway. Towards the end of their journey, Wesley strikes one of the bells and Angel narrowly manages to push them both out of the way of danger. They become trapped between the wooden stakes and a wall with Hebrew markings on it. Wesley deciphers the markings on the wall and with the correct series of rock pushing, the wall finally lifts high for Angel and Connor to grab it and let them all sneak under before it falls again.
When the four split up, Angel and Cordelia go in a direction that allows them to find the room that appears to hold the sword. Angel finds a dimensional hub above a stone platform and reaches into a glowing ball to pull out the sword. The joy of success is short-lived as the ball turns red and the room around them begins to shake and collapse. A collapsed pillar separates them, but Angel leaps over the fire to rescue her. Frightened by the experience, she breaks down and hugs him, apologizing for what she did with Connor. Both of them confess to not caring what the other has done in their past and they kiss. Connor and Wesley catch up with them in time to see and Connor runs off in anger. Connor stumbles into another booby trapped room, but he ignores Angel's warning not to move. The two begin to fight, dodging each other's blows as well as flying metal stakes that fly from the rock walls. Cordelia interrupts the battle to remind Connor that she does not belong to him and he storms off into the tunnels.
Angel, Wesley and Cordelia return to the hotel without Connor, but with the sword. While Gunn plays with the special weapon, the rest of the gang talk about finding the Beast. Fred reveals she's discovered that the Beast can be destroyed and the sun restored by piercing it's skull with the sword, but it will release a great deal of energy that should kill all humans at close range and possibly Angel. Cordelia tries to stop him from going off to what could be certain death before she even had a chance to be with him. Angel promises he'll return to her, but before he can leave, the Beast breaks through the front doors. Angel orders the others out, despite Cordelia's determination to stay and help. The Beast questions Angel's motivations as the two fight and Angel repeatedly tries to stab the demon. Eventually the Beast catches the sword and breaks the blade then grabs Angel and tries to strangle him. Connor interferes and fights with the Beast while Angel reaches for the broken blade. Angel finally stabs the demon through the head, turning it into a bright mass of fire that burns into a pile of ash as the sun is restored to it's natural brightness.
Connor and Angel make up and Connor reveals his newfound realization that Cordelia always has and always will have her heart set on Angel and that she wasn't the right person for the young teen. The rest of the gang return and they all rejoice in light of the fact that the Beast has finally been destroyed. Angel watches over the city from his room for a minute, then turns his full attention to Cordelia and kissing her. She persuades him to ignore his worries and concerns and the two make love. As he reaches a moment of perfect happiness, Angel gasps in pain and fear and pulls away. Back in the cage, the shaman completes the ritual, making Angel's dream enough of a reality to take away his soul. While the others look on, Angelus turns to face them and laughs maniacally on the table while his soul glows in the glass container.
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