Written & Directed by: David Greenwalt

Groo offers a special calming Pylean drink to Cordy and she forces down a sip of the substance. They talk about having sex, but Cordy doesn't feel right about doing it at the hotel. Angel returns to the hotel and Cordy talks with him about his meeting with Holtz and how Holtz decided Connor belonged at home with Angel. A tearful Connor cradles Holtz while Justine tells him how Angelus viciously killed the old man. Connor vows to seek revenge, but not to kill Angel.
At the hotel, Angel checks out a potential room for Connor to live in. He rambles on about all of the things he needs to get for Connor while Cordy tries to insert a bit of reality into his thinking. Lorne comes in the room and explains that he's leaving for Vegas to run a club. Angel realizes part of Lorne's motivation lies in the fact that Connor doesn't like demons or Lorne. Lorne warns them that Connor is not someone they can turn their backs on.
Justine and Connor check out a field for Holtz's burial grounds and talk about the beautiful places Holtz told them both about. Lacking knowledge of the truth, Connor suspects that Holtz may rise again. He says his goodbyes to Holtz then chops off his head and burns the body. Lilah meets Wesley at a bar and they talk about Connor's existence on Earth. Lilah continues to pester him with guilt-inspiring thoughts and really gets on his nerves. Cordy and Angel talk about how Connor will need to be told about the facts of life and Angel lets it slip that he was eavesdropping on her conversation with Groo earlier, leading to a playful exchange between the two.
Fred and Gunn inform Angel that they lost Connor and as the gang debate plans to look for him, Connor shows up. Angel hands over the letter from Holtz and Connor agrees to give living at the hotel a chance. Angel drops in on Connor's room as the teen sits in the sunlight and reads over the letter from Holtz. Angel wants to do something fun with Connor, but Connor's interest lies in learning more about fighting from his vampire father.
Later in the hotel lobby, Angel spars with Connor as Gunn and Fred pretend to be vampires and innocent bystanders for various fight scenarios. Angel invites Cordy to join them all at the movies, but she has plans with Groo. Cordelia returns to her apartment to find Groo waiting for her and dressed to leave. He recognizes that Cordelia loves Angel, not him, and has to leave because of that. Lorne says a final goodbye to Angel and offers him a parting gift: the knowledge that Cordelia returns his feelings. Angel is a bit stunned that Cordelia could actually love him in return, but Lorne advises him to give it a chance. Groo wishes Cordy could love him, but she is unable to admit to solely loving him and Groo leaves, sadly.
Angel, Connor, Gunn and Fred sit in Angel's car and watch a graphic action movie. As a scene with helicopters plays on the screen, a helicopter flies over the screen and pinpoints Angel's car with a spotlight. Linwood and Gavin watch on surveillance cameras as Angel and Connor take on several black-clad attackers that repelled down from the helicopter. The Wolfram and Hart plan is foiled because Connor is quick to defend his father and they abort the mission. Angel spots the van Linwood and Gavin are in before it can get away though, and threatens to kill Linwood for trying to hurt Connor. Connor steps in and warns the men to stay away from Angel then denies their offer to help him, declaring for the first time that his name is Connor, not Steven.
At her apartment, Cordelia questions her love for Angel and then sees and apparition of herself appear on the opposite wall. The vision confirms that she does love Angel. Cordy calls Angel and asks him to meet with her so they can talk about their feelings...for each other. Connor overhears the conversation and when Angel announces he needs to go out to meet Cordelia, Connor wishes him well. Fred realizes Angel is really happy after the latest revelations with Connor and then the phone conversation with Cordelia and warns the vampire not to get perfectly happy.
Wesley regrets having sex with Lilah quickly after it happens and kicks her out of his place. She leaves without protest, but doesn't let him forget who she is or what they did together. Angel arrives at the spot he agreed to meet Cordelia at and looks out at the ocean while he waits. Cordelia battles traffic as she tries not to be late. While driving, she starts to glow and then everything around her stops moving. Angel gets ready to go back when Connor shows up to express his feelings to his father. Connor attacks Angel and the two start a vicious fight.
Cordelia gets out of her car and finds Skip waiting for her. He tells her she's not dying, she's grown into something better than the dimension she's currently living in. Because she used her powers well and done good, she needs to move onto another dimension better suited for her. Meanwhile, Connor continues his attack on Angel, and refuses to talk about it. As Connor knocks Angel out, a boat approaches the coast with Justine on it. Angel awakes to find himself strapped into a steel box that Connor is sealing. While talking to Skip, Cordy confesses her love for Angel and admits she doesn't want to leave without telling Angel her true feelings. It takes a minute, but she realizes that her choosing her future as a higher being over Angel is her final test. Finally, she agrees and a bright light engulfs her as she's lifted up into the sky.
Angel tries to talk some sense into Connor and tries to make sure Connor knows that he loves him and doesn't blame him for what he's doing. Connor doesn't want to listen though and continues with his actions. He's convinced Angel killed Holtz and wants Angel to get what he deserves, to live forever and not die. Justine welds the box's lid shut as Angel and Connor look at each other through the small window. The box is then pushed over the edge of the boat and it sinks to the depths of the ocean as the boat sails off. While, at the hotel, Fred and Gunn wonder where their friends are, Angel continues to sink to the bottom of the ocean as the bright light in the sky consumes Cordelia.
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