"Sense and Sensitivity"

Written by: Tim Minear
Directed By: James Contner
Kate chases after and apprehends a suspect. She interrogates him, asking him the whereabouts of a Little Tony. He won't talk and then she looses it. In the sewers, Angel tries to defend himself against a giant demon with lots of tentacles. Doyle brings an enchanted sword to slay it and then leaves the clean-up work to Doyle and Cordelia. Kate shows up at the office and asks Angel for help in finding Little Tony. With Doyle and Cordelia researching, Angel is able to find Little Tony at the docks.
Kate talks to her father, also a police officer about his upcoming retirement and then is interrupted by a call from Angel telling her where she can find Little Tony. Angel discovers that Kate may not get there in time and dresses up as a tourist and distracting them until backup can arrive. His cover is quickly blown, but help arrives in time to apprehend Little Tony. Little Tony's lawyer, from Wolfram and Hart is fully prepared to take care of things and proves to be incredibly difficult for the officers to deal with. While celebrating the capture of Little Tony, Kate finds out that the entire precinct has been ordered to take sensitivity training, and none of them want to be there.
A "talking stick" is passed around allowing the officers to talk freely and share their feelings. Angel and Doyle talk to a guy and find that plans have been made to kill Kate. Angel goes to warn her, and she invites him to her dad's retirement party. Kate's behavior is changed, as she's acting much more sensitive than normal. The lawyer talks to the Sensitivity trainer who promises dramatic changes. At the party, Kate gives a speech about her Dad, and honestly explains that after her mother's death, her Dad forgot how to be anything but an officer. All the officers start sharing their feelings and talking about emotions. While the officers let it out with words and their fists, Angel gets Kate out of there and back to the office.
Cordelia and Doyle watch an incredibly sensitive Kate while Angel goes to find the guy responsible for the change in behavior--the sensitivity trainer, Allen. Threatening with a gun, Kate gets away from Cordelia and Doyle and goes looking for her Dad. Allen tries to talk to Angel then Angel vamps out and starts asking the questions. One of the officers lets all the inmates out. The station is a mess of overly emotional officers, and now has convicted criminals armed with weapons on the loose inside. Angel, Cordelia and Doyle all arrive at the station at the same time, an instead of offering a plan of attack, Angel grabs them both in a hug.
Angel explains that the talking stick is cursed. He touched it when attacking Allen and trying to get information. After Angel refuses to help, Doyle tries to get inside of the station, but an officer inside says that they're closed. Instead, they break through a window. As the other officers leave, Little Tony comes out and points a gun at Kate. Angel arrives and tries to talk their way through it, but instead has to resort to violence. He and Kate then hug. The next day, the station is cleaned up, while Angel and Kate exchange a few words. As Angel watches from the shadows, Kate's father approaches and says that as far as he's concerned, everything that happened the night before, didn't.
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