Written by: Mere Smith
Directed by: Michael Grossman

Cordelia, Fred and Gunn work to clean the hotel, all at their own pace. As Angel comes downstairs with his son, Cordelia rushes to hold the baby, but Angel refuses to let her near his child until she has cleaned up. Cordelia retreats to the bathroom to clean up while her friends initiate their secret plans. Unknown to the gang, Cordelia takes a painkiller before returning to the lobby. When she returns to the lobby, Cordelia's met with the surprise of her friends throwing her a birthday party, complete with the traditional music, cake and presents.
Angel gives Cordelia Connor to hold and offers a small box for her to open. The whole group gathers with presents for Cordelia and she debates over which one to open first. Before she can decide, she hands Connor to Angel just before a violent vision hits. She mentions a girl in need of help before her vision sends her backward into a glass cabinet. Cordelia recovers from fall only to find that she hasn't really recovered. Her friends are gathered around her body as it lies in an unconscious state on the ground where she fell and she's been knocked into an astral state.
In her unique condition, Cordelia tries to communicate with her friends, but they are all oblivious to her astral body and hear nothing she says. Cordelia's body is moved to the couch and Astral Cordelia desperately considers as many options as possible as to what's wrong with her. Lorne comes downstairs and walks through Astral Cordelia on his way to investigate the visible body everyone's crowded around. The gang finds Cordelia's prescription pills and realizes that she's been hiding the severity of her visions from them.
Angel takes Cordelia's body upstairs while research is started by books and at Cordelia's apartment. Astral Cordelia hears odd whispers, but she can't make sense of them or communicate with the source. At Cordy's apartment, Fred and Gunn stumble upon Dennis's birthday celebration for Cordelia then search the apartment for signs of Cordelia's health struggle or any other potential cause for her comatose state. Wesley researches the mystical options of Cordelia's condition through a book on astral projections. Astral Cordelia tries to read along since her attempts to be noticed so far have been pointless.
Back at Cordelia's place, Gunn and Fred discover a box of prescriptions, thanks to Dennis that reveal Cordelia's severe pain has existed for a long time. Angel talks to Cordelia's unconscious body and although her body doesn't respond, Astral Cordelia does. Lorne tries to communicate with the Cordy's body, but is unsuccessful. Determined, Angel demands that Lorne arrange a meeting with the Powers that Be, regardless of the consequences. As Lorne leaves, Astral Cordelia takes advantage of some recently acquired knowledge and sits down on the chair where Angel is, taking over his body.
Later, Cordelia manages to use Angel's sleeping body to write a message on the wall that contains the address to the girl seen in her vision before she's thrown out of Angel's body. Cordelia's attempt to get a message through to Angel proves to be a waste of time, as Angel remembers nothing. Wesley informs Angel that after looking at Cordelia's CAT scans, Fred determined that the damage was very severe and Cordelia is dying. As Wesley watches over Cordelia's body, the mystical energies and dark clouds that have been surrounding Cordelia materialize into...Skip! He introduces himself as a guide who will show Cordelia something very important that will determine if she lives or dies. Lorne returns in a badly beaten state truly unable to speak about what happened, but he hands Angel a paper with the address of the Powers.
At an empty mall, Skip informs Cordelia that she wasn't meant to get the visions in the first place. The Powers were blind to Doyle's love for Cordelia that allowed the half-demon to pass them on to her and that's why they didn't stop it when they could. Skip introduces Cordelia to a human woman, Tammy, who also possessed the visions and was killed by them in the 1600's. It's stressed that humans aren't meant for the visions and they will kill Cordelia.
Angel falls to a room where he encounters the unseen Conduit. The Powers are annoyed with Angel and ignore his demands to take Cordelia's powers away. Skip shows Cordelia the party where she first ran into Angel in Los Angeles and offers another scenario involving her true purpose to be a major actress. He offers her a deal to live her dream life as an actress, but that would involve rewriting her history with Angel and friends, erasing them from her life in LA. Her only other option is to return to her body and die at the strike of her next vision.
Cordelia is then shown Angel as he speaks to the Powers, pleading with them that his friend is too weak to handle the visions. Cordelia is hurt by his lack of confidence in her and demands that they leave. Motivated by Angel's comments, Cordelia decides to be a famous actress and forget her life with Angel Cordelia's is transported to a luxurious life. Cordelia lives in her superstar life as an Emmy winner and star of her own television show. After a show wraps, Cordy talks with her assistant about wanting to be somewhere else and remembers the name of the Hyperion hotel, indicating that she wants to go there immediately.
At the hotel, Cordelia is led up to the luxury suite, but is distracted by another room and asks that it be opened. Inside, she recognizes the room as Angel's and proceeds to rip the wallpaper away from the wall to find the address of the girl in her vision. Inside, Cordelia encounters the young girl, Cynthia, who is a big fan. Before Cordelia can leave, Cynthia shows her of some magic she was trying to bring her father back to her. A demon materializes and Cordelia uses her limited Sunnydale experience to protect Cynthia and fight the demon off.
A one-armed Wesley and Gunn arrive in time to slay the demon and drag it away. Cordelia informs Wesley of everything that's happened to her recently and Wesley says that he'll research it. After some reminiscing, Wesley and Gunn take Cordelia to see Angel, who is nothing like the Angel she knew in Sunnydale. The death of Doyle forced him into a horribly repressed condition complete with the visions that once plagued Doyle. In a nearly empty room, Angel blabbers repeatedly and shies away from Cordelia as she tries to approach him. Horrified and saddened by the sight of Angel in such a terrible state, Cordelia kisses him and takes the visions back.
With the rest of the gang frozen in time, Skip shows up and reminds her of the deal. Cordelia demands that a loophole be found because she's too valuable to the Powers. Skip states that the only loophole involves Cordelia being made part-demon, but the physical and mental effects of that choice would be unpredictable. Without little consideration and a look to Angel, Cordelia accepts. Cordelia wakes up screaming and her friends are confused by her odd comments regarding her non-demonic appearance and solid body. She rambles on and calmly reports to the gang about a vision she's currently experiencing. The rest of the gang notices that Cordelia's levitating above the floor.
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