Written by: David H. Goodman
Directed by: Fred Keller

The gang returns with the baby and some supplies to find the hotel a mess. Lorne arrives at the hotel, announcing that he'll be moving in on account of his place being destroyed...again. Although everyone wants to hold the baby, Angel holds his son protectively and keeps everyone at bay. Angel struggles with the father role when he cleans a cut on his son's face while the rest of the gang plan to keep the baby safe from the inevitable attackers looking to steal and probably kill him. A demon barges into the hotel, but is quickly killed by Gunn and Wesley.
Angel realizes his son is crying because he needs to be changed and attempts to change the diaper on Wesley's desk. The gang plan against their likely enemies, but Angel is distracted by his crying child. Even offering a bottle doesn't help quite the young boy and Angel still denies everyone's offer to help. Back at the underground lair, Sahjhan complains about Holtz's refusal to kill Angel, but Holtz is content with his behavior. They discuss Darla's pregnancy and suicide, and Holtz goes on about his plans despite Sahjhan's insistence that Angel just be staked quickly to stick with the prophecies. Sahjhan's temper rises as he discovers that Holtz poisoned all of the minions. They then use a computer to search for new minions by means of obituaries.
Angel continues to care for his fussy child while Cordelia and Fred investigate the demons after them and the websites with bounties for the baby. Thanks to Lorne, the Furies leave the hotel protected from any entry or exit from the building except for a password protected exit through the sewers. Cordelia informs Angel that the newborn needs to see a doctor, but Angel doesn't quite understand the need and is more concerned with protecting his child from monsters out to kill the supposed innocent. Gunn leaves to get weapons from some of his contacts so that they can properly defend themselves in the case that the barrier is broken.
Angel is eager for a solution to their major problem and alienates his co-workers further when he refuses to accept any delay from them. While watching over the hotel on the video feed, the lawyers at Wolfram and Hart ponder the birth of the baby, despite the prophecy's translation stating it would not happen. Meanwhile, Angel still can't get his son to stop crying in spite of everything he tries. Not even Lorne's singing can calm the unhappy child. Finally, Angel tries making faces and when he changes to his vampire visage, the baby stops crying. In attempts to discover the identity of Holtz, Lilah goes to retrieve all of the files that exist on Angel, but is surprised to find that there are 35 filling cabinets full of that particular information.
Holtz tracks a young woman from a listing in the obituaries. They exchange blows and words and then Holtz offers to help her. With her twin sister recently killed by a vampire, Justine and her rampage against the undead makes her perfect for Holtz's plans. Angel returns downstairs and Cordelia tries to convince him that he can't do everything for his child. She brings him outside to emphasize that he can't go out everywhere, like in the sun, but Angel won't let that fact deter him from trying to be there for everything in his son's life.
Gunn returns with weapons and news of the crowd forming outside waiting to break the barrier and claim the child. After many hours searching through records, Lilah finds her work was in vain as the woman working in files and records, Gwen, has all of the information stored away inside of her. Gwen provides Lilah with the known information about Holtz and what started his need to destroy Angelus and Darla. Holtz watches Justine fight a vampire and stakes the demon before it can kill her. He sells her on the idea of training her to really destroy vampires.
The Lillia demons outside chant and break down the barrier around the hotel while inside, the gang prepares to defend themselves and retreat if necessary. Much to the dismay of his friends, Angel decides to leave with the baby. Wolfram and Hart watch on television screens as Angel leaves and send their teams out to get the baby from him. The gang ready themselves for the attack as the barrier is broken down and various teams of demons, humans and Wolfram and Hart warriors are free to enter. Angel escapes through the sewers and drives away in his car but is spotted by the Wolfram and Hart team and some of the fighting demons who realize they were set up.
Meanwhile, the gang disposes of the demons and vampires who enter the hotel with a very useful flame-thrower. With the surviving attackers on his tail, Angel drives with his child in his arms to an abandoned mine shaft. His pursuers fight with each other on their way to cornering Angel inside. They demand the child and surprisingly Angel throws it to them as he escapes to the surface. The demons unwrap the child to find that it's actually a teddy bear with a bomb strapped to it, but they realize that too late as the bomb destroys them and the mine shaft.
Cordelia, Wesley and Fred take the baby to the hospital for care. At Wolfram and Hart, Linwood examines footage from the hotel and discovers a moment when the Host slipped Angel a note into his coat and in the conversation, identifies a location where Angel could read the note without being seen by the cameras. Earlier, Lorne heard a humming noise and finally concluded that the gang was being watched. The lawyers discuss Angel, the new information on Holtz, and their plans to deal with both. The vampire alarm goes off and Angel barges in and attacks Linwood with a knife, giving him a cut equal to the one on his child's cheek.
Angel promises that any harm that comes to his son will be equally repaid to Linwood. As appointed "godfather," Linwood is given the job of keeping everyone and everything away from the vampire's child unless he looks forward to revenge at Angel's hands. At the hospital, the doctors report that the baby is healthy and then Angel shows up in time to announce the name of his son, Connor. Gunn arrives with a brand new stroller and the gang head home where they hope to be safe for a while.
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