Written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell
Directed by: David Grossman

Angel teaches Cordelia about sword fighting so that she can defend herself if Angel isn't there to protect her. He doesn't realize what a fast study she is but soon learns his lesson as she pins him against a wall with a sword to his throat. Lilah rushes to her office to find Billy (the man Angel rescued from Hell) talking with Gavin Park. Billy has been gone for three days, worrying his family, and more than likely, causing trouble. Congressman Blim, Billy's uncle, arrives to pick up the young man and take him back home. As Billy and the congressman leaves, Lilah tells Gavin to leave and stay away from her clients. Gavin isn't interested in her suggestions and suddenly attacks her, smashing her head into a glass case and strangling her.
While Angel and Gunn play a video game, Cordy and Wesley get coffee and discuss Cordelia's training with Angel. Wesley suggests he work with Fred to train her as well and Cordelia notices that his feelings for Fred are romantic and suggests that he try his luck with her. A vision informs Cordelia about a woman being beaten by her husband in a convenience store, but strangely, the event occurred a week ago and the woman is now dead. Wesley later provides information on the case, which he bought from a source, and from the surveillance photos, the guys are able to recognize a familiar face in one of the pictures: Billy.
After learning who Billy is, Cordelia feels guilty for the beaten woman's death, but Angel assures her she had nothing to do with it, and feels the blame belongs on Lilah. He visits her at her apartment and is shocked to see her badly beaten condition. She doesn't provide him with much information but says that Billy is untouchable and not something Angel can just kill. Along with Wesley and Gunn, Angel then visits the home of Congressman Blim and enters the house (without an invitation) to have a chat with Billy. However, the police arrive to take a willing Billy into custody for a murder Billy told them about. Before he's taken away by the cops, Billy touches one of the officers, Sanchez, on the arm which leaves a temporary glow on the flesh.
In the squad car, a female cop is driving and Sanchez is beside her. She doesn't take the route he told her to and he gets angry and hits her repeatedly. Wesley finds out information about the victim Billy confessed to murdering, a woman killed three days before, and Angel is ready to get to the police station before Lilah, but Fred relays information from a police scanner, saying that Billy got away before arriving at the station. It is later discovered that after being hit by her partner, the female cop shot him and she now rests in the hospital. At the scene of the crime, Angel realizes that some of the blood is from Billy and Wesley takes a sample from a bloody hand print on a wall to examine at the hotel.
Cordelia packs up some weapons and leaves the hotel to pay a visit to Lilah. Wesley returns to the hotel and Fred helps him examine the blood found on the scene. Cordelia demands information from Lilah, hoping to convince her with guilt and Lilah actually provides some information. She says that Billy's touch turns men into vicious killers against women and the effects of his touch vary from male to male. Angel questions a man in charge of a cab company about one of the drivers attacking a female passenger and demands information about the last stop the cab made before the incident.
Billy arrives as an unwanted guest at a party his cousin is throwing. Fred examines the blood cells through the microscope and observes that if his power is in his blood, it's in his saliva and sweat as well. Wesley begins to ask her questions about Cordelia, acting ever-so hostile, threatening and scaring Fred. He forces her to stay in the office and lectures her about flaunting her body around in front of him. After he hits her and she runs from the office, he catches her and tosses her face first into the stairs.
Angel later shows up to kill him and Billy's cousin, Dylan eagerly invites him inside. Angel discovers that Billy's whole family is aware of his situation and have all learned to adjust to it. Dylan informs Angel that Billy came by for money and another brunette (who Angel realizes is Cordelia) also came by for information on Billy's destination. Wesley stalks Fred through the hotel with an ax in his hand, breaking into one of the bedrooms and finding her hiding under the bed. He starts to assault her again, but Fred fights back this time.
Cordelia finds Billy waiting for a private plane at the airport. He's not interested in talking with her, and she isn't either as she debilitates him with a stun gun to his groin. Fred runs away from Wesley again, but he remains hot on her trail. As she runs, she is caught by Gunn and taken into one of the bedrooms. Cordelia prepares to kill Billy with a crossbow, but Angel arrives and stops her. Before he can do the job for her, Billy touches Angel's face.
Gunn pulls Fred with him as they try to escape Wesley and hide. Before Gunn can get out of the room and take Wesley down, Wesley starts to break into the room. Suddenly, Gunn threatens Fred, but realizes that he too has been infected after touching the bloody paper down in the lobby. Meanwhile, at the airport, Angel turns on Billy and hits him, explaining that his power doesn't affect him. Gunn breaks a chair and hands one of the legs to Fred so she can knock him out with it. His anger grows as she hesitates, but soon she hits him and he's out cold.
Angel and Billy fight and Cordelia tries to get a clear shot to shoot the crossbow, but her opportunity is taken away by Lilah, who uses a gun to kill Billy. Wesley finally breaks into the room and persists with insulting remarks towards Fred. She appears behind him She pulls a rope which sends a fire extinguisher flying down to hit Wesley in the face and send him falling through a hole in the floor.
Days later, Cordelia and Angel continue with their training while discussing Billy and the reasons Angel wasn't affected by him. Wesley, who has kept to himself since the incident, receives a visit from Fred. She doesn't blame him for what happened, but he most certainly does. Concerned that that violence is a part of him, he doesn't know who he is or how to return to life as it was before. Fred says he's needed at the office and insists that he realize he had no control over what happened to him. As Wesley agrees to return to the office, Fred leaves, but as the door closes, she can hear him crying on the other side.
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