"Over the Rainbow"
Written by: Mere Smith
Directed by: Fred Keller

It is determined that Cordelia has been sucked into the Host's home dimension, but with the Host providing little information, it's difficult to determine just where she is and how to get her out. Eager to save Cordelia, Angel tries reading from the book to open the portal again, but it doesn't work. Cordelia finds herself in this new and mostly normal looking dimension, but she's certainly not alone. A creature chases her until the creature's owner catches her and declared a "cow", or human slave, to be sold.
The Host explains to Angel that he wanted more than anything to leave his home dimension, Pylea, and when a portal appeared and offered him the opportunity, he took it. The place now known as Caritas was once the abandoned building where he landed. Meanwhile, Wesley's researching discovers that the portal can only open in psychic hot spots and Caritas is currently cold. It's also discovered that individuals will land in different locations once passing through the portal, so they must find a way to prevent that separation.
After hearing about Cordelia from Wesley, Gunn shows up at the hotel, but only to tell his co-workers that he won't go with them. The loss of George made him realize that he's needed in this dimension. Everyone seems to understand that and no one puts up a fight. In Pylea, Cordelia is sold to a woman for a pig and some liquor then forced to wear a collar that her new "owner" can shock her with when she doesn't obey. The Host seeks help from a psychic friend, Aggie, in order to find a hot spot. The woman gives the Host the information he needs but only after he agrees to go with the others to finish his business in Pylea.
A couple of lawyers from Wolfram and Hart appear at Angel's hotel, informing Angel that Wolfram and Hart plan to buy the hotel when the current lease expires. Angel minds the intrusion and the lawyer's leave, threatening to make Angel's life even more difficult. Cordelia works on cleaning out stables, talking to herself and questioning whether she can remove the collar. A woman talks to Cordelia through a hole in a wall, but Cordelia is unable to see that the woman is Fred from her vision. Fred is quite a bit crazy after all her years in Pylea, but she tells Cordelia not to fight the situations or her life will be taken in one way or another. Before any more information can be exchanged, Fred is caught and taken away.
Angel leaves a message on an answering machine with information about saving the hotel in case they don't make it back. After a lot of searching, Wesley discovers that if they are all surrounded by metal, they won't scatter when they cross the portal. Cordelia follows her owner around, carrying purchases from the market. A vision causes her to fall and drop everything. As she reveals what she saw in her vision--a villager being attacked by a Drokken--a crowd draws declaring her cursed.
Outside a movie studio lot, Angel pulls his car up to the gate following the Host's suggestion that it is a psychic hot spot. Gunn shows up last minute persuaded by Angel's depressing phone message and the Host makes one more unsuccessful attempt to get out. After Wesley reads from the book, and with final good-byes to L.A., Angel drives his car through the portal. Arriving in Pylea, during the day, Angel rushes to cover himself only to find that the two suns don't cause him to burn. Happy and amazed, Angel goes off to gather branches to hide the car while enjoying the rare opportunity to be in sunlight.
Cordelia is brought before Constable Narwek and offers an explanation about her visions. Tests are ordered to determine if she really does have the sight. The tests prove positive and Cordelia is taken away. After covering the car, the guys realize that the book is gone and that they'll have to find another way to get back home, if possible. In town, the Host advises that they stay to the shadows, anything that looks human in his world is to be treated as the lowest of beings. The Host tries to get help from an old friend but is met with bad reception. Chased by villagers, the gang is eventually caught and tied up in the middle of town.
After the Constable arrives, the Host is taken away for questioning while the rest are put away and chained in a dungeon until they can be sentenced. In the dungeon, the guys brainstorm for escape plans and then with his vampire hearing, Angel overhears a conversation about Cordelia and her "sight." Guards bring Angel, Gunn, and Wesley to a hallway where the Host is already waiting. The Constable announces that they will all be killed and then displayed in town for all to see. They all try to put up a fight but are stopped before they have a chance to start. For their death sentence, the four males have been brought before the Princess of Pylea...Cordelia.
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