Written by: Tim Minear
Directed by: Thomas J. Wright

Angel pulls on some clothes and struggles to the balcony, falling to his knees in pain as Darla watches on, waiting for him to become Angelus. Angel apologizes for not being able to save her, revealing that he never lost his soul. Darla is eager to get rid of his soul, but the sex has reawakened the good in Angel, making him realizes the mistakes he's made recently. Angel advises Darla to leave and then rushes over to Kate's place and revives her of her drug and alcohol educed unconsciousness.
Lindsey returns to his apartment to find Darla who tells him of her night with Angel. Angel shows up at the bar after hours and wakes the host for advice. He's confused about his future and the Host warns him that his friends may not be around for much longer as their lives are all in danger. Cordelia arrives at the Sharp home, finding all of the family dead. She receives a vision about a demon attacking her, only to have it actually occur moments later.
Cordelia realizes that the demons have an eye on the back of their heads and they want all of her friends destroyed in retaliation for destroying their spawn in Stephanie Sharp. Wesley hears noises and just before one of the Skilosh demons attacks, Angel arrives. Wesley invites him inside and the two manage to destroy the demons. He tries to hide his excitement to see Angel and Angel tries to explain his return to helping his friends. Wesley tells everything he knows about the demons, their reproduction through human hosts, and the destruction of the demon in Stephanie.
The Skilosh demons are upset about loosing two more of their kind so they use Cordelia as a host to bring for more. Wesley lectures Angel about how little he knows about his friends or about helping people. Gunn shows up at the office and after some detective work, the three head for the Sharp's to save Cordelia. After being attacked while driving, Angel leaves the car for Gunn and Wesley and volunteers to take care of the demons. As Angel's about to start fighting with the demons, Lindsey drives a truck drives full-speed down the street, repeatedly running Angel over.
Angel is beat down with a sledgehammer by Lindsey who wants to know what happened with Darla. Angel turns the tables on Lindsey, smashing his prosthetic hand and stealing his truck to rescue Cordelia and the others. Gunn and Wesley try to sneak into the Sharp home, but are caught. Angel crashes Lindsey's truck through the Sharp house, rescuing his friends but he's hurt emotionally when they aren't willing to accept his returned presence. After finding his damaged truck returned by Angel, Lindsey finds that Darla has moved out of his apartment.
Angel talks with Kate about his new look on life and Kate mentions how a higher power must be watching over them because she never invited him into her home. Angel appears at the Angel Investigations office and apologizes to his friends. He offers to work for them earn their trust back. A vision from Cordelia puts their doubts on the back burner and sends them all out to help someone.
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