Written by: Tim Minear
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

Angel arrives at an apartment building and finds one of the rooms filled with goats. Two men are performing a sacrificial ritual and Angel demands information on the ritual and their bosses, Wolfram and Hart. He then destroys the materials in the room, preventing the ritual from taking place. The Angel Investigations team completes the removal of the third eye from a young girl, Stephanie Sharp, but the Mrs. Sharp refuses to pay for it. Gunn returns to his old neighborhood while events at the office are slow.
Wolfram and Hart's 75 year review is coming soon and everyone is nervous for their life. Lindsey calms Lilah, telling her they can't do anything to save their lives during the review. Angel asks for Kate's help but she's being investigated for continuous problems and involvement with odd cases, so she tells him off. Lindsey returns to his home and finds Darla waiting for him. They talk about how Lindsey saved her from the sewers and Drusilla's departure. He gives her a container of blood then leaves to shower. When he leaves the room, Darla searches through paperwork in Lindsey's bag.
The Host reveals to Angel that a senior partner of Wolfram and Hart is coming to earth for the review. He reveals that the Band of Blacknil and "home office" are two bits of information he picked up through his mind reading. Angel shows up at the office of his former employees, needing one of the books that they took when they left. Cordelia puts up a fight, but Angel is cold and Wesley encourages her to give him the book so he can leave. Cordelia rants about Angel until Wesley catches her attention to show her that he's torn his stitches and needs medical help.
Kate faces a review board that dredges up every detail of her career before they fire her. Angel returns to the bookstore he visited fifty years ago in search of information on the senior partner. An older Denver that it will take the form of a Kleynach demon and a glove will be needed to remove a ring that allows passage to Hell. Denver shows that he has the glove, but before he can give it to Angel, Darla stabs him with a sword. Angel is also impaled on the sword while Darla takes the glove and leaves.
Virginia talks with Wesley about how much danger he always is. Wesley mentions how difficult it is for her, to break up with him. Kate returns home and deals with being fired in her own self-destructive way. Angel grabs Lilah on her way to the office and uses her to get inside the building. Wesley and Cordelia talk on the phone, both depressed about their lives and lack of work. Cordelia gets a call from Mrs. Sharp offering to pay for the Angel Investigations services they previously refused. A demon is with Mrs. Sharp and kills her after she reveals that Cordelia is on her way.
Angel enters the room where the senior partner is being called forth. Angel spots Darla in the crowd and the two fight while the Kleynach demon materializes. Security guards attack Darla while Angel gets the glove. Placing the glove on his hand, Angel flies at the demon's throat, killing it, but also sending himself through a window with the force of his jump to land on the pavement below with the ring. Outside the office building where Angel fell, elevator doors open to reveal Holland and offering Angel a one-way trip to the "home office." Ring on his finger, Angel enters and talks with Holland about his purpose then the doors open to reveal that the "home office" is on earth, in L.A.
Angel returns to the hotel to hear a message from Kate, drunk and taking drugs, blaming him for her problems. Angel finds Darla waiting for him and realizes that he wants to feel something and kisses her. At first, she pushes him away but soon the two are mutually involved on the bed. Later, as a storm brews outside, Angel awakes from sleep with a gasp.
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