"The Trial"
Teleplay by: Douglas Petrie and Tim Minear
Story by: David Greenwalt
Directed by: Bruce Seth Green

Cordelia and Wesley talk about Angel while Angel is down in the basement, doing his laundry. Gunn has located Darla at the Royal Viking Motel, but Lindsey has gotten to her first. Lindsey and Holland confront Darla with information about her health. Angel and Gunn check out the motel room, but find little information.
In France, 1765, Angelus and Darla run from a vampire hunter and hide in a barn. As the mob closes in, Darla knocks Angelus down and leaves on the only horse. In present time, Darla tries to talk a young male vampire into making her a vampire. Outside, in an alley, Angel stakes the vampire before he can bite Darla. They talk and Darla reveals that she is terminally ill and only has a few months left to live. Angel brings Darla to the hotel and expresses that he doubts the truth of the records Wolfram and Hart showed her.
Angel visits Lindsey and finds that Darla really is dying. Lindsey reveals that Darla is dying from the same diseases she was dying from when she was first human. Angel takes Darla to the demon karaoke bar where she sings beautifully while the Host talks to Angel. He tells Angel of the only way to save Darla, but it may mean Angel's death. Angel dives into an empty pool and into an underground location where he must survive three trials to save Darla's life.
Angel is advised by a valet before being left in a room to fight unarmed against a large demon that has weapons. Angel eventually slices the demon in two, and chains the pieces to opposite sides of the room. From the safety of another room, Darla watches. Angel moves onto another room that consists of crosses covering the walls and floors. After crossing the burning ground, Angel must fish a key out of a bowl filled with holy water. Chained spread-eagle before a wall of wooden stakes, Angel finds that the third trial requires him to die in order for Darla to live.
The valet presents Angel with his options, but Angel is willing to give his life, and that enough to pass the test. The valet gives Angel and Darla bad news though as it's revealed that Darla is already living her second chance at life. Furious, Angel violently attacks the room that surrounds them, truly distraught that after everything he went through, he couldn't save Darla. Upon returning to the surface, Darla is accepting of her fate and Angel is there to support her. Lindsey and several large men break into the room and restrain Angel and Darla. Drusilla makes a shocking return and while Angel watches, she makes Darla a vampire, again.
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