Written by: Mere Smith
Directed by: Joss Whedon

Lilah sneaks into Lindsey's office and searches through some of his papers, but Darla is there and the two talk about dreams. Angel wakes to find Cordelia and Wesley bickering. Angel and Wesley begin to talk about Angel's sleeping habits, but Cordelia suddenly gets a vision that sends Angel out to save a young girl from two potential rapists. As two men are about to get to the girl, a large dumpster slides across the alleyway and smashes the men against a wall.
At the crime scene, Angel pretends to be a detective in order to get information about the crime from an officer. He wanders inside an old building and finds the young girl from the alley. She's scared and she sends a rebar through Angel's chest. The girl returns to the apartment she's staying at, revealing her roommate to be Lilah. Gunn arrives to offer his help and Angel sends him out to find information on the men Bethany hurt.
As Bethany drifts to sleep, she dreams of her abusive childhood and unintentionally sends a bedside lamp flying into Lilah who was wondering in her room. Bethany seeks Angel's help and they talk about her power of telekinesis and her lack of control over it. Holland recommends that Lilah continue her work with Bethany but it is necessary for her to be successful as it could damage their other projects if she is not. After doing some reading, Wesley brings up the subject of Bethany's father to her and she looses control, sending both him and Angel flying through the air. Wesley had a good reason for bringing up Bethany's father, but Angel still insists he leave as so not to upset Bethany any more.
That night, Bethany finds Angel in his bed and she offers herself to him. All the abuse she has suffered has led her to believe that she is just an object for use. He's not interested and after they talk, he sends her back to her own bed. After Angel helps Bethany work to control her power, he meets Gunn at the apartment of one of the potential rapists. They find that Wolfram and Hart was behind the attack on Bethany.
Cordelia talks to Bethany talk over lattes until several men working for Wolfram and Hart kidnap Bethany. Angel and Gunn go after then men and Angel is able to get Bethany back from them. At the hotel, Bethany's father is used as a weapon to set her off and as her control breaks, she causes serious structural damage to the hotel. Eventually, Bethany is able to control her power and keep from hurting anyone seriously. Later, she packs up her things and leaves Lilah and Wolfram and Hart.
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