"Five By Five"
Written by: Jim Kouf
Directed By: James A. Contner

A guy runs into several very ugly demons on the street and they chase after him. Angel beheads a couple of the demons and rescues the guy who turns out to be a gangbanger needed to testify in court. Faith, the second Slayer, gets off a bus in L.A. then robs a guy of his coat, money, and keys. In Borsa, Romania, 1898, Darla leads a blindfolded Angelus to a young gypsy woman bound on the floor. With Darla watching, he morphs and bites her inner thigh. Angel talks some sense into gang member he saved from the streets.
At a club, Faith dances the night away with every guy within reach. A fight breaks out when Faith attaches herself to another girl's boyfriend. She continues her dancing, knocking down anyone that tries to stop her or get in her way. In a courtroom, Wolfram and Hart is just about to close a case, but Angel shows up at the last minute with the guy who is to testify against the demonic law firm's client. A couple of lawyers from Wolfram and Hart confront Faith about taking care of their problem, Angel.
Back in 1898, Darla returns to the house to find her Angelus is no longer the demon she made him. He's been cursed with a soul, and she is ready to kill him because of it. Faith works out a deal with the lawyers, and beating on one of them that dares to challenge her. While they're waiting for lunch with a prospective client, Faith shows up behind Angel and tries to shoot him with a crossbow. Angel catches the bolt and Faith runs off.
After checking with Giles in Sunnydale, Angel plans to go after Faith while Wesley and Cordelia are to lay low. That night, he checks out weapons, when he senses Faith's presence up in the office. She gives him the opportunity to shoot her, but the bullet is a blank. After she explains her plans to destroy him, she shoots him with a real bullet and leaves. Angel poses as a lawyer at Wolfram and Hart and sneaks into the office of Lindsey McDonald. Lindsey later arrives in the office and informs Angel that their high-tech security system has documented Angel's every move on tape.
Cordelia tries to get into her apartment, but Phantom Dennis won't let them in at first because she's with a Wesley. They encounter Faith in the apartment who refuses to listen to reason and hits Cordelia. Wesley punches Faith in return, and Faith ends it by kicking Wesley across the room. In the past, Angel and his new soul try to find a meal on the streets. He knocks out several guys and then drinks from the woman they were with. His soul keeps him from killing her.
Angel finds Cordelia at her apartment, and Wesley gone. Faith has him tied up and is torturing him. Angel and Cordelia try to locate Faith before it's too late. Angel charges into the apartment, stopping Faith from continuing her torture on Wesley. A spectacular fight breaks out between Angel and faith, successfully destroying the nicely decorated apartment. The two go flying out of a window and land on the streets, Faith somehow managing the upper hand on Angel. The rain starts to pour down outside as Wesley breaks loose and goes downstairs armed with a knife.
With Wesley watching on, Faith suddenly breaks down into tears, declaring that she is evil, and deserves to be killed.
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