"The Prodigal"
Written by: Tim Minear
Directed By: Bruce Seth Green

In Galway, Ireland 1753, a human Angel--then named Liam--hits on a servant girl. His father arrives, explaining how ashamed he is of his son and hits him. In present time, Angel fights with and kills a demon. Kate shows up at the scene of a hostage situation in a subway only to find that the suspect is gone and Angel got to him first. Kate's father, Trevor Lockley, arrives at the scene as well after hearing about the incident on a police scanner. Back in Angel's past, Darla watches as a drunk Liam fights with several men.
Wesley looks up information on the demon and believes it to be a Kwaini demon. This demon however, is not a violent demon, and they're not sure why it would have attacked the people on the train. Angel tries to talk to Kate about this, but she wants to forget the whole thing and move on. Wesley and Cordelia locate the demon's body and are going to perform a test on it. Angel follows a deliveryman who was on the train to the apartment of Kate's father. Mr. Lockley gives the man a package.
Angel questions Kate's father and tries to get information from him, but Trevor tells him nothing and shuts the door in Angel's face. Again in Angel's past, Liam says goodbye to his family and fights with his father before walking out of the house forever. After quite a bit of partying, it's again seen how Darla makes Angel a vampire. Kate goes out to lunch with her father and they talk a lot about Angel. Wesley dissects organs from the demon and determines that it is in fact a Kwaini demon. He also finds that the demon was on a special kind of drug and attacked the train because someone one board possibly had more of the drug.
Cordelia returns after following the deliveryman and has pictures of him at a place called Kel's Exotic Auto. Mr. Lockley speaks with a couple of men in suits about the job he has been doing for them. He is paid for his cooperation and silence. A large demon speaks to the men in suits, telling them to kill Angel and Mr. Lockley. In a flashback to the 18th century, Liam's family mourns at his funeral. That night, after the burial Angel rises and is greeted by Darla. She watches as he morphs and kills his first human. It's later seen that the new vampire Angel visits his home and kills the members of his family.
In the present, Cordelia and Wesley work on the new security system while Kate arrives with information on the train's passengers for Angel. Hoping he can prevent something bad from happening, Angel leaves to warn Trevor about the danger he's involved in. Cordelia and Wesley are attacked by a couple of Kwaini demons, but Angel returns in time to save them. The security system they recently got turns out to be more annoying and troublesome than helpful. Angel quickly leaves for Trevor Lockley's place in hopes of saving him.
The men in suits visit Trevor Lockley to make sure he hasn't said anything to his daughter. Angel arrives but before he can be invited inside, the men in suits reveal themselves as vampires and kill Trevor. Angel kills one of them, while the other escapes. Kate then arrives, finding her father dead and tells Angel to leave. Covering himself with weapons, Angel gets ready to go out and kill all those involved in Mr. Lockley's death.
Arriving at Kel's Exotic Auto, Kate shoots several of the vampires and stakes the one that killed her father. The demon they are all working for shows up and manages to survive several gunshots. Angel shows up and helps her fight and kill the remaining vampires and finally chops off the head of the lead demon. Kate walks away, saying that Angel doesn't know anything about loosing a human father. Back in Angel's past, Darla finds that Angel has killed all of his family. She reminds him that even though his father is dead, his memory will always haunt him. Kate visits her father's grave while Angel watches from the safety of the shadows.
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