Written by: Howard Gordon
Directed By: Dave Semel

Cordelia gets ready to go out for the night, and then Wesley arrives, looking to help them fight evil. Cordelia's friends show up to take her out to meet a famous photographer named Wilson, whom she's been seeing. Suddenly, Cordelia gets a vision and Angel and Wesley distract her friends, Serena and Emily. Giving Angel the necessary information, about the evil that he's supposed to fight, Cordelia leaves for her date. Angel and Wesley locate and slay the demon that was just hatching from its egg.
At the club, Cordelia and Wilson talk, and seem to get along very well. Wilson takes her home, but after a brief kiss, she invites him to stay. Phantom Dennis makes it difficult for Cordy as he messes with the lights and her choice of music. Wilson doesn't seem to mind though, as Cordelia and him end up spending the night together. When Cordelia wakes the next morning to an empty bed, she finds herself incredibly pregnant.
After not being able to reach her on the phone for several hours, Angel and Wesley break into Cordelia's apartment. They are both shocked at her appearance, but Angel calmly handles the situation. In tears, Cordelia tells Angel everything that happened the night before and Angel promises to figure things out. After discovering that Wilson can't be reached, he instructs Wesley to take Cordelia to the doctor while he goes looking for Wilson.
Angel gets information that sends him to Serena, the friend who set Cordelia up with Wilson in the first place. Angel discovers that Serena is also a victim, and just as pregnant as Cordelia. At the doctor's office, it is eventually determined that Cordelia is eight and a half months pregnant with seven demon babies. Wesley makes Cordelia comfortable, and she gets upset when she realizes he's scared of what's inside of her. She can hear the babies trying to communicate with her, but can't understand anything they're saying.
Angel tries to track down Wilson and his buddies, who have been impregnating women all over town. They walk in on Cordelia drinking Angel's stash of blood from the refrigerator and are both disgusted by it. Angel beats the information out of Wilson, until his friends show up. Wesley discovers what kind of demon is growing inside of her, but Cordelia knocks him out, defending the lives of her demon children. She is communicating telepathically with the demon.
Angel finds out that a demon is using these human men to impregnate women and spread his kind. He beats up the guys and finds out where the demon is located. Cordelia gathers with several other pregnant women at a building where the demon resides. Angel calls Wesley and they determine that if the demon is killed, the babies will be killed as well, without harming the mothers. They then set up their plan of attack on this incredibly large demon that will not be easy to kill.
The women dress in white gowns and go into a large pool to deliver their children. Angel throws a large tank of liquid nitrogen at the demon and Wesley shoots a bullet into it. The demon is killed as well as the babies. Only two days later, Cordelia returns to work. Angel and Wesley are both incredibly happy to see her and do a poor job of hiding it. She reveals how much she trusts Angel and Wesley.
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