Charisma Carpenter
Charisma has a total of four tattoos. Her first is of a sun that she copied from her husband. She says it represents life and happiness and can be found in the middle of her lower back.

Her second tattoo is of a rosary. She says it represents her spiritual side and is there to remind her of what counts. It can be found on her left wrist.


Her third tattoo is a 'D2' (D squared) and it stands for Damian (her husband) and Donovan (her son). This tattoo can be found on the inside of her right wrist.

She recently got a fourth tattoo which is the symbol for infinity. This tattoo can be found on her ring finger, right underneath her wedding band.

Cordelia Chase
In the episode 'To Shanshu in LA' of season one of angel, Vocah, a demon working for Wolfram and Hart cursed Cordelia with non-stop visions of all the people in pain and suffering by leaving his mark in the form of a tattoo on her left hand. Once the curse was removed the tattoo disappeared with it.