06 Jun 2006
Episode eight is now up!
No new episode next week, then hopefully two weeks of new episodes, then skip a week, and two more and so on.
Hopefully it will go that way until the end of this season.
- Nick 30 May 2006
Edit Episode Seven is up! Promos for Nine and Ten are up! Writing has started on episode Eight! /Edit
After a much needed, and scheduled break, I have restarted production. Finished the season outline, started work on a new episode and all that fun stuff.
Now what I'm asking, is if any of you would like to help me write? 'Cause like Kayla dissapeared from the writing world and now it's just me. If you wanna help, e-mail me at nick@just-nick.net . If not, that's fine too. It'll just take a little longer to produce episodes
- Nick 26 Apr 2006
Willow the series is officially on hiatus until further notice. I hope there will be a time when it comes back, but I dunno.
Until it does, it will stay up in it's current state but no updates will come. If you'd like to persuade me to keep writing, I'm sure you can find my e-mail or use the tagboard. Same goes for if you'd like to help write (sorry, had to say it. lol.)
Anyways, have a happy Beltaine, and enjoy the twenty-eight episodes that are up.
- Nick 17 Mar 2006
A new semi-series has come out of my insanely bored brain! DPSS! (Dawn and Patwin Supershow) It's under the episodes section (why?) It features guests, in a talkshow like format. Episode one is done! More episodes to come (hopefully one for every week an actual episode doesn't show up.) If you'd like to see a guest, tag on the tagboard and I'll do it ('cause I do get bored)
- Nick 04 Mar 2006
I don't really know why... But there is a new game.
Slot machines!
OOOOH, AHHH! Amazing!
Boredome does weird things to me. But go play!
- Nick << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next >>