NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 03/2003 ~As soon as I saw that cocky half-grinning shot of Faith in the mayor's office, I knew that was going to be the star of this collage. I also wanted to include the mayor since this is the first episode we really start to see his working relationship with Faith. I would have liked to have fit in a shot of Buffy with Faith, but after 3 completely different re-arrangments of the caps, I had to admit it wasn't going to work, so I substituted the Buffy-looks-horrified-Angelus-vamps-out shot instead. And may I say how much I love the mansion? The floors, the walls, the fireplace, all full of textury goodness to add interest in between bodies and faces....
Caps used in this collage are courtesy of &
Jessica's Captures. Many thanks!