<Episode 54: The Prom>

Season: Episode 20 of Season 3
Original Air Date: 05/11/1999
Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by: David Solomon

Hellhounds threaten the Prom; Angel breaks up with Buffy.

Plot Highlights:

Buffy talks Prom with Angel. Anya asks Xander to the Prom. Joyce lectures Angel. Angel breaks up with Buffy. Xander finds Cordelia working at April Fool's. Research mode. The gang mingles at the Prom while Buffy stops the hell hounds. Buffy receives the "Class Protector" award. Angel shows for one last dance.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.studiesinwords.de/54prom.html

(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 21 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Angel |Anya |Buffy |Cordelia |Giles |Jonathan |Joyce |Oz |Wesley |Willow |Xander |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:

NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 03/2003 ~It was tough work reminding myself that "less is more" while working on this one. There were so many purty b/a images to play with, Angel's dream wedding, dancing at the prom, etc, that the temptation to cram them all in was quite strong. But at its core, this episode was about letting go, and so in the end, I managed to convince myself to stick with the 2 "post-break-up brooding" images the show gave us... then I filled in the center with the lovely shot of that church aisle leading out towards the daylight/future Angel fears in his dream and various other bits and pieces of scenery around the edges. Caps used in this collage are courtesy of buffyverse.info & Jessica's Captures. Many thanks!

Graduation Part 1

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