Man 2: the driver snapped. Woman probably was trying to tell him how to drive
from Billy (Season 3)
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MAN 1: He seemed like such a levelheaded guy, you know? Always polite, with the 'yes, sir' and the 'thank you, sirs.' And to lose it like that, I didn't see it coming, did you?

MAN 2: I got to say, I understand why he did it. I mean, there is a point, am I right? How many times do you feel like talking a fist to a customer?

ANGEL: One of your drivers finally snapped, huh?

MAN 2: Yeah, he beat the hell out of his fare.

ANGEL: A woman?

MAN 2: That surprise you? Probably sitting in the back, nagging, telling him how to drive. You know the type.

ANGEL: Yeah. Probably had it coming to her, huh?

MAN 2: I'm just saying...

(Angel grabs him by the shirt and pulls him close. )

ANGEL: (to Man 1) Get out of here. (to Man 2) This driver who snapped? You're gonna tell me what his last stop was, right before he beat up that woman. - I'm just saying.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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