Angel the storyteller
from Through The Looking Glass (Season 2)
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ANGEL: (to a gang of awestruck children) ...and the scroll is just tipping from his fingertips, and his eyes lighting with fierce determination, and then whack! (Angel makes a chopping motion and some of the kids jump) I chopped off the evil lawyer-beast's hand and he screamed and he screamed and then I left.

(Gasps from the children. Angel leaves them and goes to join Lorne.)

LORNE: Well, you're just a regular Hans Christian Tarantino, aren't you? We should probably be getting back to the palace.

ANGEL: I hate to disappoint the kids. They really seem to be enjoying this.

LORNE: Nice to be seen as a hero without all the pesky moral ambiguities you get back home, isn't it?

ANGEL: Yeah. Maybe it is a little.

LORNE: They see you a certain way. You start to see yourself that way. You become that image. I get it. I do. Because I know how they see me! Can we go?

LANDOK: Angel. You must again tell the tale of the sorcerer who could remove his limbs and reassemble at will!

LORNE: Right! Right. Because that's a good one.

LANDOK: Ah! It is time for the Bach-nal. (Grabs Angel by the front of his cape and shakes him) Angel, you shall swing the Crebbil!

ANGEL: Yeah? Okay.

LORNE: (choking on his drink) The Crebbil? The creb... Angel. Angel, Angel!

(But Angel is already halfway across the square, Landok's arm draped around his shoulders.)

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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