Anya to Spike: scaring people into giving you money?
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(Dark alley, Anya walks alone. Suddenly, Spike leaps out in front of her, vamped.)


(Anya jumps back with a yell. Spike looks annoyed.)

SPIKE: Oh, it's you.

ANYA: Spike! (petulantly) What are you doing? You made me yell really high.

SPIKE: Hey! Yeah, I did. I scared you. Gimme money.

ANYA: I'm not paying you for scaring me.

SPIKE: You're not paying me. I'm robbing you.

ANYA: Oh, well now that's just ludicrous. You can't hurt me because you've got that chip in your brain. Also, I like my money the way it is... when it's mine. Oh, now come on. You're not even bumpy any more.

SPIKE: Oh. I was just a minute ago. Hang on. (Steps back, preparing) Get me mad again.

ANYA: (sighs) Does this really work? Scaring people into giving you their money?

SPIKE: Yeah, it works. Keeps me in blood and beers. (Grins) Plus, you know, funny. Watching those little humans quail.

ANYA: I'm beginning to understand why you're so friendless.

SPIKE: Look who's talking! I don't see droopy boy on your arm. (Softly) Did he have better things to do?

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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