Clem: Poker's weird without the kittens
from Older and Far Away (Season 6)
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XANDER: (to Buffy) You wanna try poker?

CLEM: Still say it's weird without the kittens.

BUFFY: No kittens. (to Richard) He's quirky.

RICHARD: Look, we've already been playing for like three hours, it's, you know, it's like two-something in the morning. You can't bail now.

ANYA: Yeah, come on, Buffy, stay. I wanna bankrupt somebody.

DAWN: Oh! We should totally have a slumber party.

BUFFY: Oh, I don't know... I guess, as long as everyone's staying up anyway.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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