Anya: Okay, all in favor of Stopping Glory *BEFORE* the ritual! Suggestions? Ideas?
from The Gift (Season 5)
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ANYA: Okay, all in favor of Stopping Glory *BEFORE* the ritual! Suggestions? Ideas? Time's a-wastin' ...

SPIKE: (to Buffy) When you say you love us all--

XANDER:: Shut up.

ANYA: Willow! I bet you've got some dark spell a'brewin'. You make her a toad, little hoppy toad, we hit her with a hammer...

TARA: (laughing) Hoppy toad ...

XANDER: What about Ben? He can be killed, right? I mean, I know he's an innocent, but, you know, not, like "Dawn" innocent. We could kill a ... a regular guy... God.

GILES: It's doubtful he'll surface again this close to the ritual. We can expect it's Glory we're dealing with.

WILLOW: But we don't have to kill her, just stop her from performing the ritual. I mean, there's just the one time she can do it, right?

SPIKE: Yeah, we get her on the ropes, we just gotta keep her occupied till it's too late!

ANYA: Okay, but I'm still not hearing enough ideas, she's a god, let's think *outside* the box!

SPIKE: Why don't you go think outside the bleedin' box?

GILES: Yes, Anya, apart from your incredibly uninfectious enthusiasm, have you anything to contribute?

ANYA: The Dagon's Sphere!

GILES: Sorry?

ANYA: When Buffy first met Glory she found that magical glowy sphere that was meant to repel Glory. We've got it in the basement. It might drive her back, or hurt her... oh! And -- --Olaf the Trollgod's enchanted hammer! You wanna fight a god, use the weapon of a god.

SPIKE: Nah, that thing's too heavy to -- (Buffy hoists it easily) Yeah. Good.

BUFFY: I like this. (to Anya) Thanks.

ANYA: Here to help. Want to live.

XANDER: (looking at Anya) Smart chicks are so hot.

WILLOW: You couldn't have figured that out in tenth grade...?

GILES: Well. We have some ideas that could actually get Glory on the run, but...

BUFFY: But we still have no idea how to find her.

TARA: Big day... it calls me... I have to be there. Big day ...

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written by: Joss Whedon; I modified text from Rayne's shooting script to match televised version & my formatting.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 42

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