Fred: Maybe we should call Angel, check in?
from Soul Purpose (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

FRED: Oh! Hey! Did you talk to Spike?

WESLEY: We did.

FRED: What'd he say?

GUNN: Oh, you know...stuff.

FRED: Like what?

WESLEY: Apparently we're not good enough for him.

GUNN: Thinks we sold out.

FRED: We didn't sell out. We're changing the system from the inside.

GUNN: You know, when you say it out loud, it sounds really naive.

FRED: Well, shouldn't we tell Angel about this?

GUNN: Tell him what? That Spike's hung out his shingle and is open for business in Angel's town? I don't think he needs to hear it right now.

FRED: It's not like we need to protect him. I mean, has anyone even heard from him today?


FRED: Hey, Harmony, um... any word from Angel?

HARMONY: Oh. Haven't heard a peep.

FRED: Maybe we should call him, check in?

HARMONY: Act like we care? Good plan! (picks up the phone and dials) It's ringing.

(the phone rings, but doesn't break Angel out of his feverish dreams)


HARMONY: I just got his voice mail! You wanna leave a message?

FRED: No, I think I'll check in. (walks toward the elevator)

EVE: (cuts Fred off) Any luck with those tests?

FRED: Tests?

EVE: The stone, yea big, lots of carving. Answers to the name of relic.

FRED: Yeah, I'm on it.

EVE: Good. 'Cause I'm getting a lot of heat on this. And when I say heat, I mean actual flames under my feet. The senior partners are a tad impatient.

FRED: Oh! Y-you want me to...

EVE: Now would be good.


EVE: Unless you've got something important...

FRED: No. I was just gonna... (laughs nervously) It can wait. (walks toward her lab)

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written by: Brent Fletcher; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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