Darla & Thomas: not going anywhere until we've fed
from Welcome to the Hellmouth (Season 1)
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WILLOW: Sure is dark.

Thomas: It's night.

WILLOW: Well, that's a dark time, night. Traditionally. I still can't believe I've never seen you at school. Do you have Mr. Chomsky for history? Uh, the ice cream bar is this way. It's past Hamilton Street?

Thomas: I know a shortcut. (...)

WILLOW: Oh, okay, th-this is nice... and scary. Are you sure this is faster?

Thomas: (approaching mausoleum) Hey! Ever been in one of these?

WILLOW: No. Thank you.

Thomas: Come on. What are you afraid of?

(he pushes her in)

WILLOW: That wasn't funny! I think I'm gonna go.

Thomas: Is that what you think?

DARLA: Is this the best you could do?

Thomas: She's fresh!

DARLA: Hardly enough to share.

Thomas: Why didn't you bring your own?

DARLA: I did.

Jesse: Hey! Wait up!

WILLOW: Oh, my God, Jesse!

Jesse: Y'know, you gave me a hickey.

DARLA: (shrugs) I got hungry on the way.

WILLOW: Jesse, let's get outta here!

DARLA: Oh, you're not going anywhere.

WILLOW: (confronts her) Leave us alone!

DARLA: You're not going anywhere until we've (vamps out) *fed*!

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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